People Piss Me OFF!



  • SCUBAMomofTwo
    She thinks that I cheated because I had the surgery.

    My answer to that? Well, I MAY have cheated, but I DEFINITELY won.....I no longer struggle to lose weight nor do I lose/gain/lose/gain the same 20 pounds over and over before throwing in the towel. I AM A WINNER!!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    My answer is: there was a test? Nobody told me there was a test!

    Actually what I really do is just roll my eyes and change the subject.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,358 Member
    I am 28 and just had RNY surgery. You really find out who your friends are. Real friends admire your courage, and support you. Others make snide remarks, question everything that touch your lips, and proclaim that the 5lbs that they just lost is a bigger accomplishment then the 15 that you did.

    My mother-in-law is going to be my biggest naysayer in a under handed way. She calls me weekly for reports (and I'm only a month out) feigning to be supportive yet she says something negative to me every time she calls. Personally I don't want someone who hasn't had the surgery checking up on me every month. When you see me ask how its going or tell me I'm looking great. Don't call me every freaking week and ask how much I've lost and what I'm eating. Only to say "Your not eating any vegetables?! You need the nutrients from vegetables. That's not healthy" especially from someone that is in the medical field and knows better then to believe that some surgeon cut up my stomach rerouted my intestines and then just leaves me to figure things out on my own. Then say "well I haven't heard from you in a while". I wonder why?! You just called me last week. I'm out of work, nothing exciting is happening I don't have anything to say.

    phew...sorry had to get that off my chest. She really got to me this week. My father's sister is driving me up a wall too. I haven't talked to her more then 4 times this past year and she is constantly sending me text messages asking me how much I've lost so far. Believe me when I hit a big mile stone Ill make sure everyone knows.
    Is your Mother-n-law overweight? If so she really may be considering the surgery.
  • starrgazerlily
    starrgazerlily Posts: 23 Member
    I am 28 and just had RNY surgery. You really find out who your friends are. Real friends admire your courage, and support you. Others make snide remarks, question everything that touch your lips, and proclaim that the 5lbs that they just lost is a bigger accomplishment then the 15 that you did.

    My mother-in-law is going to be my biggest naysayer in a under handed way. She calls me weekly for reports (and I'm only a month out) feigning to be supportive yet she says something negative to me every time she calls. Personally I don't want someone who hasn't had the surgery checking up on me every month. When you see me ask how its going or tell me I'm looking great. Don't call me every freaking week and ask how much I've lost and what I'm eating. Only to say "Your not eating any vegetables?! You need the nutrients from vegetables. That's not healthy" especially from someone that is in the medical field and knows better then to believe that some surgeon cut up my stomach rerouted my intestines and then just leaves me to figure things out on my own. Then say "well I haven't heard from you in a while". I wonder why?! You just called me last week. I'm out of work, nothing exciting is happening I don't have anything to say.

    phew...sorry had to get that off my chest. She really got to me this week. My father's sister is driving me up a wall too. I haven't talked to her more then 4 times this past year and she is constantly sending me text messages asking me how much I've lost so far. Believe me when I hit a big mile stone Ill make sure everyone knows.
    Is your Mother-n-law overweight? If so she really may be considering the surgery.

    She is forever on a diet, but she is no where near qualifying for surgery. If I had to guess she is probably around a size 12, maybe a 14.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    She is forever on a diet, but she is no where near qualifying for surgery. If I had to guess she is probably around a size 12, maybe a 14.
    People who struggle with their weight but don't qualify or would never consider surgery often are the biggest naysayers and sabatours. My thin friends are excited that I did something to make myself healthier and my WLS friends know what I'm going through. It's the ones in between who cause problems.

    ETA with a mother or a MIL, you often have to set boundaries. They are often thinking of us as kids and doing things that are inappropriate to do to an adult. So calling every week to check on your progress is something a mom does to a kid who is young and can't be trusted to follow through so you need to help them. It's only okay to do to an adult if you have an understanding though so you need to tell her to back off (but politely, of course).
  • JeanineLaymon1970
    JeanineLaymon1970 Posts: 44 Member
    WLS was the best thing I have ever done (and it probably saved my life)! I had gastric bypass on 12/12/2011, have lost 69.2 pounds. I am feeling better everyday, my friends, family, and co-workers have noticed a difference in my personality and the way I treat my life. No one can put a damper on my decision! Don't care what they say!!!!!
  • starrgazerlily
    starrgazerlily Posts: 23 Member
    She is forever on a diet, but she is no where near qualifying for surgery. If I had to guess she is probably around a size 12, maybe a 14.
    People who struggle with their weight but don't qualify or would never consider surgery often are the biggest naysayers and sabatours. My thin friends are excited that I did something to make myself healthier and my WLS friends know what I'm going through. It's the ones in between who cause problems.

    ETA with a mother or a MIL, you often have to set boundaries. They are often thinking of us as kids and doing things that are inappropriate to do to an adult. So calling every week to check on your progress is something a mom does to a kid who is young and can't be trusted to follow through so you need to help them. It's only okay to do to an adult if you have an understanding though so you need to tell her to back off (but politely, of course).

    You hit it on the head with who is and isn't supportive!!
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    Regarding anti-WLS MFPers:

    I was so tired of MFPers in general and MFP friends saying stupid things, that I made my profile open to everyone and wrote in the "about me" section:

    "On Dec 15, 2011, I had roux-en-y gastric bypass surgery.

    I'm all for a respectful conversation between two people, but if you're just going to tell me that WLS is a bandaid or for people with no self control, keep it to yourself. My reasons for surgery are my own and it did not have anything to do with being lazy or having no self control"

    That way, people knew ahead of asking me to be their friend. No surprises.


    I still laugh when I think about my coworker, a nurse, talking about how WLS is bad and people shouldn't do it in front of me about a week before my surgery. Everyone else in the conversation knew I was having it done, but she didn't, and they all looked very uncomfortable until the subject changed.
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Pushing the "Like" button multiple times!!!