Member Bios

lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
Again, welcome to Lizard's Boot Camp Challenge!

Tell us a little about yourself and your motivations!

Name: (What you want to go by)
Age: (Even if it's 29, again this year)
Birthday: (month and day)
Family: (anything you'd like to share about it)

Motivations: (What brought you here, why do you stick with it?)
Goals: (Over all, or for the current 6 week challenge)

Favorite Healthy Snack:
Favorite Exercise:
Favorite Color:



  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Name: Liz
    Age: 33
    Birthday: Dec. 30
    Family: I live with my BF of nearly 11 years and our cat, Morrigan.

    Motivations: I started this challenge because I miss having the accountability I used to have when I did challenges elsewhere. I chose 6 weeks, because a lot of people give up within that time. It's long enough to be a challenge, but not so long to be miserable! Here's to a healthier, leaner me!
    Goals: I'm trying to get my weight down to 135. I want accountability when I go off the doctor's shake plan and begin eating by my own choices again. I'm ready to learn new health tips from others here!

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Carrots or celery with almond butter
    Favorite Exercise: Yoga
    Favorite Color: Right now, purple

    Thoughts/Comments: Looking forward to our journey together!
  • lizblizz28
    Name: Liz
    Age: 20
    Birthday: February 28
    Family: I miss them like crazy while I'm at school! I currently live with one of my best friends on campus.

    Motivations: I'm a very competitive person. I think having a challenge will make it fun for me to try and improve my overall health. It will be easier to stick with when I have accountability and others motivating me.
    Goals: My overall goal is to weigh 135 pounds and then tone up so I am strong! I want to be proud of the way I look again. As far as this challenge goes, I would like to stick with all of the weekly goals to the best of my ability. In six weeks I would like to be under 150 lbs (so ~5 lbs loss due in part to this challenge)

    Favorite Healthy Snack: fiber one Chocolate Caramel Pretzel 90 calorie bar
    Favorite Exercise: tennis (when I have the time & the weather is nice)
    Favorite Color: pink!
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    Name: Martine (feel free to call me what you like, I love nicknames!)
    Age: 18
    Birthday: March 08
    Family: I live with them. Nice in some aspects, pain in the butt in others.

    Motivations: I don't have a competitive bone in me, but I find that I make better choices when I'm accountable to someone other than myself.
    Goals: My end goal is 50-52 kg (110-115 lbs). However, that's still 10 kg away from where I am at the moment, so I'd just like to last through the challenge and lose up to 5 kg, but I'm not even expecting that much.

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Any fruit. I'm a fruit fiend.
    Favorite Exercise: Anything lower impact such as pilates or yoga. I'm also halfway through the 30 day shred and I like it.
    Favorite Color: Varies by the day. I dislike pink, every other is about fine.
  • gvswaim
    Name: Vickie
    Age: 52
    Family: Seven kiddos still am a stay at home mom - 1 child still at home.
    Motivations: Wanting to lose a little weight but mainly to track my eating habits
    Goals: losing inches

    Favorite Healthy Snack: i like it all :)
    Favorite Exercise: stationary bike
    Favorite Color: blue

    Thoughts/Comments: Thanks for this great challenge
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    Name: Laney
    Age: 35
    Birthday: Aug. 1st
    Family: I have the best most supportive husband!

    Motivations: I want a flat stomach. I want to be my best and healthiest self. I don't want food to be in control anymore.
    Goals: 6 week challenge goal -- to stick to my daily calories by choosing the best foods for my body.

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Kale Chips, Hummus, Jazz Apples with Almonds/Almond Butter
    Favorite Exercise: P90X Core Synergistics
    Favorite Color: depends on the day

    Thoughts/Comments: Just need a little more support to get over my last remaining hurdles in changing my mindset permanently and suffocating all the negative self talk I've got hanging around. I am changing and will achieve my end goals -- just can't do it without a little help.
  • leigh_chapman
    leigh_chapman Posts: 34 Member
    Name: Leigh
    Age: 41
    Birthday: November
    Family: I have a 2-year old....need I say more?

    Motivations: I want to feel better in my clothes. I look like a box right now.
    Goals: For 6 consecutive weekends, I want to meet or exceed my goals ON THE WEEKEND

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Wasa light crackers; they're awesome! Irresistable with light cream cheese. Is that healthy?
    Favorite Exercise: kayaking in warm weather

    Thoughts/Comments: This is my first discussion group in many many years, so stick with me as I relearn the ropes.
  • DownHillCrusg
    DownHillCrusg Posts: 45 Member
    Name: Dawn
    Age: 22
    Birthday: 6/17

    Motivations: 12 Week Challenge at my gym/Trip to Jamaica in 2013
    Goals: Lose 20lbs Learn something new

    Favorite Healthy Snack: String Cheese
    Favorite Exercise: Zumba/Boxing
    Favorite Color: Purple
  • sabrina32576
    sabrina32576 Posts: 364 Member
    Name: Sabrina
    Age: 35
    Birthday: 3/25
    Family: Husband - Gary (married 11 years)
    StepDaughter - Tori (almost 16)
    Long Hair Chihuahua - Bucky (prefers to go by Robert) - 11 years old
    Short Hair Chihuahua - Cassie - 10 years old
    Border Collie - Jaxx - 6 months

    Motivations: I used to be on Sparkpeople but the earning of daily points got to time consuming for me. I had heard of MFP so I thought I would give it a shot. It's much easier and quicker for me to keep track of everything

    Goals: My overall goal is to lose between 45-50 lbs.
    My goal for the 6 week challenge is to learn to love exercise and eat healthier foods.

    Favorite Healthy Snack: carrots

    Favorite Exercise: Walking or Yoga

    Favorite Color: Probably green

    Thoughts/Comments: I look forward to getting to know you all and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    Name: (What you want to go by) Amber
    Age: (Even if it's 29, again this year) 26
    Birthday: (month and day) July 9
    Family: (anything you'd like to share about it) Live with Daniel, boyfriend of three years, one cat that goes by the name of Leo, and a dog that goes by the name of Pretty (nope I didn't choose it. It was his ex that chose the name). She got two kids and he got the dog.

    Motivations: (What brought you here, why do you stick with it?) I've done WW, I've been on sparkpeople, I've been on Blogtolose but none of them felt like home to me. Here I can be myself and be accountable and I've met a lot of wonderful people who have been nothing but supportive.
    Goals: (Over all, or for the current 6 week challenge) To get into 100s. Tired of seeing the 2 at the beginning of the scale.

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Clementines
    Favorite Exercise: Don't have one.
    Favorite Color: Blues and purples

    Thoughts/Comments: Hi everyone!!
  • Staceydoodles
    Name: Stacey
    Age: 24
    Birthday: November 11th
    Family: I live with a girl from work. My parents live over an hour away.

    Motivations: A friend recommended mfp, and its helped me really think about the things I'm eating. Not got to the point where I don't eat the bad stuff yet but at least I now recognise how badly I can eat sometimes!!
    Goals: I keep my goals on my profile, most important to me at the moment is to be 170 by mid may (20lbs in 13 weeks) Overall I'd like to be 130.

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Fruit.
    Favorite exercise: Walking. Or Wii fit hula hooping!
    Favorite Color: Pink or purple or blue.

    Thoughts/Comments: I've just come out of a challenge that I struggled with because of a totally unrealistic calorie burn to achieve. Well unrealistic to someone who never really exercised before! And then there was the spreadsheet and the extra challenges... I wanted to participate and do it all but I'm not someone with all the time in the world for that stuff!!
    I love how this builds up. Even I can stay focused for a week on one thing in particular.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    Name: Alecta
    Age: 21
    Birthday: Sept 10
    Family: My parents live in California and I am currently in college in Atlanta. My bf lives an hour and a half away and I stay at *our* place on the weekends. My bf and I have known each other for 7 years and have been dating for 4 years. Our only pet is a super awesome hamster who is a total bada$$. I have a pic of her eating a slice of cucumber out of my hand on my profile =]

    Motivations: I want to look good and be healthy. My goal weight is around 130-125, I am not exactly sure yet. Right now I am focusing on losing weight, but as soon as my darned shoulder heals (chronic joint problem) I plan on starting a strength training program.
    Goals: My goals are to be healthy and feel better. Right now I am on medication for my pain which messed up my stomach which makes me miserable. Once I am feeling better, I want to start lifting and get super strong.

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Avocado and vinegar. Steamed broccoli. Carrots and hummus. I generally like healthy food =]
    Favorite Exercise: Right now, jogging on the treadmill, because it doesn't require the use of my arms.
    Favorite Color: Green =D

    Thoughts/Comments: I am warning you now, I am sick and I complain =P
  • josho655321
    josho655321 Posts: 110 Member
    Age: 28
    Birthday: 7/14

    At the moment my motivation is my goal: April brings the annual USMC Ultimate Challenge Mud Run, and I need to lead my team properly, I need to step up my game if I expect to lead others in a 5.2 mile muddy obstacle course

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Apples

    Favorite Excercise: Pullups

    Favorite Color: Green

    Thoughts/Comments: No matter how hard this may get, I hope everyone toughs it out. Morale is a fragile thing however myself and i'm sure others as well are willing to motivate those that need it, and when the day comes that I need to be motivated, I hope ya'll have my back.
  • kiki41
    kiki41 Posts: 80 Member
    Name: Kiki
    Age: 23
    Birthday: July
    Family: Husband - Daryl and 2 little ones under 5

    Motivations: I want my smokin' hot pre-baby body back! And I mostly wantto set a good example for my children to not be part of the generation of instant gratification. (cook your healthy meals, not buy bad ones). I also want to gain confidence again, as I have none.

    Goals: I have already lost 10 before being committed to MFP, so I have about 10 more to go. But I am not concerned about the scale. I measure too and just want a tighter body.
    My goal for the 6 week challenge is to continue along my path to success

    Favorite Healthy Snack: edamame

    Favorite Exercise: biking, jump rope

    Favorite Color: Pink and purple

    Thoughts/Comments: yay!
  • deniserenee_02
    deniserenee_02 Posts: 158 Member
    Name: Denise
    Age: 28
    Birthday: 7/3
    Family: I'm married with a beautiful Daughter :)
    Motivations: I'm here to get healthy for Me, my Daughter and Husband to keep our family together.
    Goals: To find affordable healthy foods for me and my family and motivational support.

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Fruit Smoothies
    Favorite Exercise: Eleptical
    Favorite Color: Purple

    Thoughts/Comments: Please message me with your affordable healthy recipes for the whole family :) Thanks!!!! Lets do this!!!
  • Kath444
    Kath444 Posts: 77 Member
    Name: Kathy
    Age: 55
    Birthday: 11/27
    Family: I am married I have two grown children, one son and one daughter, both married and two wonderful grandchildren
    Motivations: I am here to eat healthy for myself so I can be the best I can be
    Favorite Healthy Snack: Apples
    Favorite Exercise: Spinning
    Favorite color: Purple
    Thoughts: I am ready for a new challenge in my life
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    Name: Silver
    Age: 28
    Birthday: September 20
    Family: 2 gorgeous kids, and my wonderful boyfriend

    Motivations: I want to be healthy, and lose weight... I want to be the best possible version of myself.
    Goals: To learn how to lose weight the SMART way. I want to lose 25kgs overall. I want to be able to run like Justin Bieber is chasing me and Sean Bean is saying "catch me if you can!!"

    Favorite Healthy Snack: At the moment, fruit.
    Favorite Exercise: Walking
    Favorite Color: Purple

    Thoughts/Comments: I think it's a really good idea Liz!! Can't wait to get started :)
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Name: Becky
    Age: 29
    Birthday: November 3
    Family: My husband and I have been married for over 8 years and we have two girls ages 5 and 2:)

    Motivations: My kids. My husband. I'm over being the fat Mom and Wife.
    Goals: I'm *this* close to being at -30 lbs and I've got 12 more lbs to hit my first huge goal weight. Other than that I really need to buckle down and stop snacking so much. I'm a sahm so having access to my kitchen 24/7 is killer for me!

    Favorite Healthy Snack: jalapeno string cheese

    Favorite Exercise: Spinning

    Favorite Color: Red

    Thoughts/Comments: Can't wait to get this challenge started!
  • RedToyotaTruck
    Name: Ben
    Age: 35
    Birthday: April 16th
    Family: Married with two kids 7 & 9

    Motivations: I need motivation to exercise, so far all the weight I have lost has been due to cutting calories.
    Goals: Lose about 20 to 30 pounds and getting in good shape for GOBA. That is a week long bike ride in Ohio, ride 50 miles and camp then repeat the next day.

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Smoked Almonds
    Favorite Exercise: Riding my bike
    Favorite Color: Green

    Thoughts/Comments: Looking forward to the challenge, sounds like fun.
  • ztor
    ztor Posts: 43 Member
    Name: Zaria
    Age: 25
    Birthday: Dec. 31st
    Family: I live away from all of my family, but I have great "school" family! Also, even though my sister and I are states apart we still talk everyday and she gets to hear about my exercise/diet woes.

    Motivations: I brought myself here to get into a healthy state. As a full time grad student it's difficult to make time to workout, but this year is the year for change!
    Goals: I don't personally have a certain weight I want to get down to (if I did I guess it would be 135 lbs). However, I would like to go down a pair in my jean size and get toned up, not skinny nor too buff.

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Nature Valley Trail Mix Bars
    Favorite Exercise: Playing tennis
    Favorite Color: Purple

    Thoughts/Comments: Good luck to everyone doing this Challenge!!!
  • Linalaila
    Name: Laila
    Age: 32
    Birthday: Jan. 3
    Family: Iam single and I live close to my family. I work a lot and really enjoy my job.

    Motivations: I whant to get more healthy. I was very active at uni but after I started working I havent been as active as I used to be.
    Goals: Id like to get back to my happy weight 130 lbs. So I have about 20 lbs to lose.

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Cant think of any at the moment.
    Favorite Exercise: Runnig, weight training
    Favorite Color: Green.

    Thoughts/Comments: Looking forward to this challenge!!!