Massive challenge has popped up

and I just know its going to trigger a binge session or 12.
SO much so I dont think I can even leave the house bcause I know Im going to head straight for the shops.

Well, the plan is not to let it happen - perhaps I do need to stay in today, perhaps even tomorrow, and after that I need to only leave the house when I have something specific to do.

I cant let this happen


  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Good luck with your challenge. Try to remember that bingeing won't make it easier. It will only make it harder. Take care of yourself. I'm glad you're here. :)
  • apesid
    apesid Posts: 135 Member
    Did you overcome it? I hope you were able to withstand!
  • jenniferappleskye
    Best of luck - you can get through this. I read this the other day: 'when the food is gone, whatever you ate about will still be there'. I hope you can find a way of working through your challenge without binging - remember it's important to look after yourself!
  • jenfurmcmonkey
    jenfurmcmonkey Posts: 13 Member
    Urghh, I sort of resisted a binge - I've eaten crap, but spread over a couple of days, and mostly within my calorie goals for the days.

    Ive kind of swung the other way today and just didnt want to eat at all - I have though because I need to.

    I'm having such a hard time at the moment - its not something I can solve on my own, yet all I want to do is sleep and hope it all goes away.

    Had a bit of a night out with a friend and blew the cobwebs away but it was only a temporary fix
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    maybe try to be with a friend or family.. i think having someone there helps!!!