


  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member

    I'm DeDe (but everyone calls me Dizzy),


    Did TF for about a month last year, but rolled my ankle and stopped.

    I got put on cholesterol medicine in December and don't want to STAY on it!

    I am on my 6th week of TF and am starting to get bored with it, so I need some motivation and encouragement, as I've committed to the whole 20 weeks (am starting to add in some BBL workouts, but don't like the instructor).

    Nice to meet everyone!
  • monicacorona2
    Hello everyone, I'm Monica. I am a stay at home mom to a 3 year old boy. I bought Turbo Jam right after my son was born but I needed a little harder workout and was excited when Turbo Fire came out. I love how much of a sweat I work up with it. I've never done a complete round, I've just mixed them up. Prior to joining MFP I had lost about 20lbs and I'm wanting to lose another 15-20lbs before summer. I plan to start a whole round of TF and sticking with it, along with some running on easy days. I'm excited to see what kind of results I get with the schedule.

    I hope being in this group will help keep me motivated. :) Nice meeting everyone!
  • alindar
    I started turbo fire while back and was going to the gym a few times a week and eating pretty good but fell off the wagon. Now I've been going to the gym again for the last couple weeks and started turbo fire again last week the prep schedule but still threw in a hitt workout but doing the program every day since I've been doing the gym too and don't want to do both everyday. I want to get in better shape and feel healthier and have more energy also need to lose weight. I am 5'3 157lbs. I signed up for the survivor mud run in nor cal coming up in April so that gives me a lil more motivation to get in better shape. Glad to have found this topic!! Hope everyone does well with it.
  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    Hello1 I started TF on January 23rd and I am beginning week 4. So far on the program I have lost 6 lbs and I am pretty happy with that. I have been sticking to a 1500 calorie diet which I calculated based on the formula in the book that came with TF. I am 5'3 and started at 166 with a goal of 135. I am hoping to lose at least 20 lbs by the end of the 90 days. I am still on the fence as to whether to buy the advance dvd's since I did not get the total package when I bought it.
  • sandymck413
    sandymck413 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone, it's soooo encouraging to see the transformation on some of you and also to read how TF is helping everyone. I wish I could take a before picture like some of you have done, but I still see that fat girl when looking in the mirror even though my friends say that they see a huge difference, but who knows one day I'll be brave:happy:
  • TropicalSeaShell
    Hi, guys!! I'm Shannon and Im backkkk. Haha. Back again this year with Beachbody and Im kicking things into HIGH gear. After realizing that I was at the same weight this year as I was this time last year I have stopped making excuses for myself and just started reallllly changing my eating habits and pushing play EVERY DAY. Anyway, I'm about to win the Beachbody Challenge this year with Turbofire so you'll see me around :)~

  • phoenix1073
    Hi Everyone!

    I am so happy I found this group! I just started my third week of Turbo Fire and am absolutely loving it! Since starting TF and using MFP I have lost 4 lbs. My goal is to get to my goal weight of 135 before I turn 30. I spent most of my twenties over weight after having my son and I do not want my thirties to be the same. I will also be graduating from pharmacy school after I turn 30 and am ready for positive and happy change in my life!

    It is so inspiring to see all of your wonderful accomplishments! I hope we can all continue to motivate one another to eat healthy and feel good through exercise. :happy:
  • gobichick
    I did Insanity last year! I know what you mean by getting bored with it....I thought about doing it again but I really just couldn't motivate myself to do it. I chose TurboFire because it looked fun and so far I look forward to my workouts! Hoping that you all can keep me motivated!
  • natliii1
    natliii1 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Natalie and I started Turbo Fire just over two weeks ago, i'm already seeing great results!!! I started at 161 pounds and I hope to be down to 126 pounds by the time I finish. I must admit that the workouts are killing my body aches and pains every where but i'm sticking to it and I'm sticking to my diet too. So hopefully I will have some good results to report soon, good luck everyone...x
  • 2012x
    2012x Posts: 149 Member

    Thanks you inviting me to join.

    Im lei, 22, mum to 2 girls, 2 & 3.

    Im from uk, starting week 9 on monday after few weeks rest to ongoing injury.
  • BrendaS78
    Hi! My name is Brenda and I'm 33. I am a wife, mother of 2 girls, nurse, and college student!! Very busy! I've been doing a bunch of Jillian Michaels videos over the past month or so and am just not seeing the results as quickly as I would like and am looking for something new, exciting, and motivating!
    When the original Power 90 came out (9 or so years ago), I did it with great results! So I found my way back to Beach Body with Turbo Fire! My boss gave me her DVDs to use today so I am so pumped to start tomorrow!
    The only schedule I have been able to find though is a "prep schedule" and a "hybrid schedule"--are these the only two or is there another schedule to start once you complete the prep schedule?

    Thank you in advance to all! :)
  • remilucks
    Hi Brenda, here is the schedule :-) Once you go to the link, scroll to the bottom for the calendars.
  • BrendaS78
    Hi Brenda, here is the schedule :-) Once you go to the link, scroll to the bottom for the calendars.

    Thank you!! :)