filling and low cal breakfasts?

I eat breakfast at around 6:30 and I often find that I am ALWAYS starving by 10:15/11:00, sometimes even earlier!
I never know what to eat. If i eat a lot i'm filled up, but i've chowed down around 400 calories. I drink a glass of skim milk with breakfast and usually have oat bran pancakes with some syrup, but even after 2 or 3 small ones i'm still really hungry!

I would like a breakfast that will fill me up for hours and is fairly low calorie! Any ideas?


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,105 Member
    marielle, you might try incorporating protein into your breakfast: eggs, Cdn bacon, etc. I find that VERY filling. And, then I dig into some oat bran porridge at about 10-10:30 am, which gets me through my work-out and into lunch hour!
  • cazzaroona
    cazzaroona Posts: 2 Member
    If possible maybe try to have some fruit between breakfast and your next opportunity for something substantial. I find munching on a red apple keeps the hunger pangs away and gives you a natural sugar rush with not to much calories (80 at best I think).
  • super_star_27
    super_star_27 Posts: 99 Member
    how about weetabix??

    two with semi-skimmed milk is 170 calories (according to mfp) and normally keeps me going until lunch. and i agree with cazzaroona - it would be a good idea to have a piece of fruit between breakfast and lunch :)
  • HeaderAutumn
    HeaderAutumn Posts: 119 Member
    Maybe add some egg whites or instead of syrup top your oat cakes with some berries. Every day I have a serving of steel cut oats I portioned out earlier in the week and usually mix in 6 oz black berries or half cup strawberries. If you then add your skim milk to that you get even more protein and the calcium you need. I usually stay pretty full for hours after eating this.
  • HeaderAutumn
    HeaderAutumn Posts: 119 Member
    Maybe add some egg whites or instead of syrup top your oat cakes with some berries. Every day I have a serving of steel cut oats I portioned out earlier in the week and usually mix in 6 oz black berries or half cup strawberries. If you then add your skim milk to that you get even more protein and the calcium you need. I usually stay pretty full for hours after eating this.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I think no matter what you eat, that's just a really long time. I have breakfast at about 9.30 am most days and am hungry again by 1 pm. I always have 30g of 4 grain porridge with chia seed, which is high in protein, with semi-skimmed milk.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I, also, find myself feeling very hungry by mid morning. I have breakfast anywhere from 5:30 to 6:30. I have always eaten Special K with strawberries. Today I am eating oatmeal in the hopes of keeping myself full for a longer time.
  • tmandras
    tmandras Posts: 22 Member
    how many times a day are you eating? I eat breakfast at about 7:30 & have a snack around 11-11:30 ... usually a protein shake, almonds or greek yogurt w/ fruit.
    I eat between everytime meal! breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner & if I am hungry before bed I will have a spoonful of PB
  • natpalit
    natpalit Posts: 113 Member
    Unsweetened cereals
    Banana, or fruit salad
    Toast with PB
    Baked beans on toast
  • lexingtonjane
    lexingtonjane Posts: 11 Member
    I get up SUPER early because im in the Army so I have to eat 2 breakfasts to keep up my energy; Something lite at about 5 am when I get up before physical training and then something after that before work starts at 9. Usually a banana is good during those wee morning hourse when I need energy till that second breakfast. I also like to hard boil eggs and eat the whites with hot sauce to mix it up
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I agree with Beeps, you need more protein to keep you full. Try making an omelet with one-two whole eggs and a few egg whites, then load it up with a ton of fresh veggies like peppers, spinach, avocado, tomato, etc. The veggies take up a lot of space in your stomach making you feel fuller. That's why people always recommend eating a salad with a meal. It's also important to make sure your breakfast that has fats that will take a while to break-down, not simple sugars like in syrup. You burn through that 30-45 minutes after eating, which is why you're hungry shortly after. Avocados and olives are great sources of healthy fats. You could also eat a small handful of nuts with your breakfast.
  • anitsyrk
    anitsyrk Posts: 8 Member
    Protein supplemented milk (choco flavoured protein my fav) and a banana ! SO filling. :drinker:

    For snacking APPLES and ALMONDS! And/or Yogurt with fibre buds YUM
  • johloz
    johloz Posts: 176 Member
    I eat a bowl of regular, Quaker quick oats with some low-fat milk and cinnamon. Very low calorie, but low enough on the glycemic index that it will last you hours. That and some fruit makes a great breakfast. That being said, there's nothing wrong with having some fresh fruits and veggies for a pick-me-up snack. We active girls need to eat more frequently!