Level 3 the home stretch!



  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Today is day 7 of level 3! I didn't finish all 3 circuits today and only got to the end of circuit 2 :sad:

    At the beginning of todays workout (during walking planks) I noticed I was getting this pain on the lower left part of my abdomen, but I ignored it and pushed through the pain. However it progressively got worst and by the time the end of circuit 2 came I couldn't do one sit up. So I STOPPED :embarassed:

    I will give it my best try again tomorrow but dont know if I should actually count it as day 8 or not????

    Well hopefully tomorrow that pain is gone.....if not then off to the doc I will go!:cry:
  • woodmetal
    Hey be careful!! Don't want you to get hurt!! I am better and thank God cause I am terrified of the Doctor.. I do not believe in all the invasive test and they seem to think at my age they should do LOTS of them.LOL

    I like the Killer buns and thighs I have only done level one and there is some jumping but doesn't seem to radical. I had a hard time today with my shoulders. I still just don't seem to have the upper body strength of all the plank stuff!


    PS I am so impressed that you would even try all three workouts!!
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    I completed Level 3 Day 1 this morning. I must admit that I do enjoy Level 3 over Level 2. Nine more days to go! I also plan to start Ripped in 30 on March 1, 2012.
  • Charlieh16
    Charlieh16 Posts: 109 Member
    I think I am going to start P90x after i have finished 30DS. I have asked for it for my birthday as it's not the cheapest!:noway:
    If anyone is thinking of doing it, let me know :)
  • woodmetal
    Charlie I would love to but same thing there is no way I can currently afford it. I also looked at Chalean extreme! If I find a way then I will do with you!
  • woodmetal
    Charlie I would love to but same thing there is no way I can currently afford it. I also looked at Chalean extreme! If I find a way then I will do with you!
  • woodmetal
    Sorry about the double post!!! Did nt notice that there where now two pages and hit the button again!!

    Anyway.... I was struggling so much today I only did level one! Just felt weak and a trifle dizzy.... not sure what is happening but feel so off course :( I hope that tomorrow is better!
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Well today day 8 did not get done! I still have that pain in my lower abdomen:sick: . (Please dont be hernias) I called the doc today and they will see me on tuesday so we will see. If I get this pain to go away I will finish up although now it feels dumb just to finish those last 3 days:angry: ! Ugh so mad at my body right now:grumble:

    Anyway, I tried to do a plank today to see if I should call the doc or not and sure enough I still cant hold the plank without pain.....I wonder if I should go running in the mean time???:frown:

    I HATE RUNNING BY THE WAY LOL! But I have to burn calories somehow! Does Killer Buns and thighs have a lot of abdominal work? Maybe I should give that a try! This is driving me crazy....can you tell!???
  • woodmetal
    Killer does some ab work but not major!! More uses the core for stability and that is all. I do know that Killer does swimmers but that is I believe the hardest ab part.... and those are more back core muscles! You might try it!!
  • Charlieh16
    Charlieh16 Posts: 109 Member
    Well today day 8 did not get done! I still have that pain in my lower abdomen:sick: . (Please dont be hernias) I called the doc today and they will see me on tuesday so we will see. If I get this pain to go away I will finish up although now it feels dumb just to finish those last 3 days:angry: ! Ugh so mad at my body right now:grumble:

    Anyway, I tried to do a plank today to see if I should call the doc or not and sure enough I still cant hold the plank without pain.....I wonder if I should go running in the mean time???:frown:

    I HATE RUNNING BY THE WAY LOL! But I have to burn calories somehow! Does Killer Buns and thighs have a lot of abdominal work? Maybe I should give that a try! This is driving me crazy....can you tell!???

    I'd take it easy if I were you as you don't know the source of your pain and you don't want to add to it!
    I think if it were a hernia you'd probably be aware of it, it may be a bad muscle strain.
    My advice is wait to see the doctor and in the mean time stick to your healthy eating and maybe do a fair bit of walking as there really isn't too many exercises you can do without using your abs and the same time. :)
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Well today day 8 did not get done! I still have that pain in my lower abdomen:sick: . (Please dont be hernias) I called the doc today and they will see me on tuesday so we will see. If I get this pain to go away I will finish up although now it feels dumb just to finish those last 3 days:angry: ! Ugh so mad at my body right now:grumble:

    Anyway, I tried to do a plank today to see if I should call the doc or not and sure enough I still cant hold the plank without pain.....I wonder if I should go running in the mean time???:frown:

    I HATE RUNNING BY THE WAY LOL! But I have to burn calories somehow! Does Killer Buns and thighs have a lot of abdominal work? Maybe I should give that a try! This is driving me crazy....can you tell!???

    I'd take it easy if I were you as you don't know the source of your pain and you don't want to add to it!
    I think if it were a hernia you'd probably be aware of it, it may be a bad muscle strain.
    My advice is wait to see the doctor and in the mean time stick to your healthy eating and maybe do a fair bit of walking as there really isn't too many exercises you can do without using your abs and the same time. :)

    I know you are absolutely right. You know I never thought I would say this but I feel like I NEED to workout! I feel so sluggish without it! My husband told me the same last night. He said: "You should just relax, and stop working out for a few days." Those words felt like slaps accross the face! LOL!! Who would have thought I would miss working out...especially with Jillian LOL!
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Killer does some ab work but not major!! More uses the core for stability and that is all. I do know that Killer does swimmers but that is I believe the hardest ab part.... and those are more back core muscles! You might try it!!

    That is really good to know. I am probably going to wait till monday andsee how I feel. If I am better then I will start this up until March 5th when Ill start ripped in 30! (I Hope). Hope the doc doesnt think otherwise on tuesday!!
  • woodmetal
    Me Too!! I want you to be able to finish this with me!! I feel like you and I are the only ones here! :cry: I did lose a pound and a half in spite of upping the calories so... I feel a bit stronger! Now to see a few more inches disappear off the hips and thighs. Really I guess we should be amazed that I have lost six inches in 20 days! I have never done that before! I am being really unrealistic when I am disappointed and want more! We go home at the end of the week so ... I always want to look better than I do!

  • Charlieh16
    Charlieh16 Posts: 109 Member
    Me Too!! I want you to be able to finish this with me!! I feel like you and I are the only ones here! :cry:

    Im here and still going strong too! Along with quite a few others :smile:
  • woodmetal
    So glad you are here too!! You have been so quiet!! LOL I need encouragement! I am fighting for this health and fitness stuff as it is what I can control. The other battle in my life is through the courts and seems to have very little to do with fair, right, and totally annihilates my 14 almost 15 year old sons rights. I am so scared that I will lose on Tuesday! My son needs your prayers!
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    I'm here, but not on level 3 yet! I've been cheering you guys on! I'll be on level 3 before too long.

    I don't remember what day I'm on...how nuts is that?! I think I just finished level 2 day 9, but I need to go back and count. LOl

    Anyway, you guys are doing great!
  • woodmetal
    LOL I forgot too!! I had to mis a day here and there because i guess I was not eating enough and felt so weak that I was struggling with level one!! Feeling better though!! Did level three but... missed a few especially the jumping circuit- just had such cramps in my feet! But Love the fact that I am feeling it a bit about the middle and the stubborn love handles!!
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    actually, I did level 2 day 8 today, just like going from level 1 to 2, I'm a little afraid of level 3. I won't look at it until it's time to change over.
  • belester
    Me Too!! I want you to be able to finish this with me!! I feel like you and I are the only ones here! :cry:

    I'm still here too, Day 3 Level 3! I just don't have a lot of time to post lately.

    I just want to say I hate level 3. With a passion :grumble:

    Level 2 appeals to me a lot more i think. I've also just bought Banish fat, Boost Metabolism, and No More Trouble Zones so I think when finished i will alternate those with Level 2, as i really enjoyed it!
  • woodmetal

    Level 2 appeals to me a lot more i think. I've also just bought Banish fat, Boost Metabolism, and No More Trouble Zones so I think when finished i will alternate those with Level 2, as i really enjoyed it!

    H!! So when you do these new DVD's will you let me know which you like and why?? I want to get one of them but like you I prefer level two and some parts of level three! I just can't do all the jumping! Especially the one segment that she does those rockstar jumps?? I get cramps in my feet and the house sounds like it is falling down!! LOL

    I bought killer buns and thighs and I do really like it ! I have only done the first level because I do it after the shred but,.... It doesn't have to much jumping!
