Weight Loss while doing NROLFW

Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
I'm doing this regardless because I want a strong body but I do have questions on weight loss.

I've lost 28.5lg/62lbs in the past seven months. Due to time constraints I didn't do a lot of organised exercise. I walked for 30 minutes five days a week and played softball. I've just started my first week of NROLFW and am about to start my third week of C25K (the running is because 1. I enjoy it and 2. I need to have aerobic strength for sport)

I'm currently 108.5kg/239lbs. I clearly still have a lot of weight to lose. Will this stop my weight loss or will it keep going? I'd prefer answers from women who were bigger when starting this program. Not just the ones who had a smaller amount of weight to lose.

Thank you!


  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Im curious as well.
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    I've got about 30 lbs to lose and when I first started lifting I was dropping weight like crazy! After about the 3rd-4th week I stopped losing BUT I can tell my muscles are definitely bigger than when I first started so I'm ok with it (ok only kinda ok with it but whatever) because I'm hoping to lose fat while gaining muscle. I was orginally eating at a higher deficit than the book suggested but I think I'm going to go with the fat loss plan (-300/day) that the author recommends because I noticed this last week I wasn't getting any stronger when I allegedly should be......

    I think (and this is just coming from someone who started at 265 lbs and knows nothing about the scientifc facts) that you will continue to lose weight as long as you stay active and keep your heart rate up while maintaining a calorie deficit of some sort. I'm actually surprised at how much I sweat when I really lift heavy. And before I started doing free weights I lost weight doing cardio + barbie weights.

    Oh and eat as much protein as you can! I read lots of girls saying it helps with soreness and it definitely does! The first week I about died and now not so much!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Thanks that makes me feel a lot better. I'm SO close to getting under 100kg (8.5kg) and I want is so badly. I've not weighed that in ten years. But I know I need to lift heavy things because I want to strip fat, improve my strengths and look good in clothes AMD naked. I worry that I'll end up with saggy skin and gross arms but I'd rather that then still being fat and unhealthy. All I can do is give myself the best chance by eating well, drinking lots of water and lifting. I should start my skin care routine but meh. Too lazy!

    By using their formula and subtracting I got 1600. Which is what I eat now! I still run (not for weight loss but for health) so I eat those calories back.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Don't forget to take measurements, so that you are not going only by what the scale says in measuring your progress.

    You can do it!
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    After reading so many posts, I just ordered the book and am totally excited about getting started. I have FAT to lose and I really hope this helps in losing inches! Any feedback on how many inches (not necessarily weight) people have lost while doing this program...really looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts. Thanks so much in advance!
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    Lozze - One of the reasons I started lifting heavy instead of just the circuit machines is because after about 50 lbs lost I started to notice lots of flabby skin! I swear my underarms slap me in the face every morning when I'm putting on my makeup so I'm trying to fill some of that in with muscle. Also, I love cardio but a girl can only spend so much time doing it. Time to mix things up! It's really awesome that you love running. I WANT to love it, I really do, but I just can't seem to get into it. But I do love lifting! I'm almost done with Stage 1 so I will measure again and let y'all know what (if any) progress I've made.