


  • AlysonBug
    AlysonBug Posts: 67 Member
    I'm Alyson, I'm looking to lose 100 pounds then see how I feel after that. I want to get pregnant so I'm getting healthy.

    I'm pagan, apart of a large pagan community that's very close knit and works together. I'm a co-priestess to a coven we are just now finding a strong footing by that I mean we finally decided to call ourselves a coven and give ourselves a name. I focus on a lot of different areas but when I do spellwork I lean towards folk magick/rootwork/hoodoo. I specialize in herbalism and runes with a few other trades in my back pocket. I read constantly and I love to teach (and learn). I'm happy there is two groups on MFP for us, its nice to get spiritual advice as well as mundane.

    Feel free to add me!
  • Hello Everyone. I'm Mystique and am a solitary kitchen witch/eclectic pagan that loves variety. I am glad to be amongst so many with the same interests/beliefs without judgement. I grew up Christian; however, once I found/accepted my true path, I have never been happier.

    My MFP goals is to lose about 10 - 15 pounds with a continued toning and getting fit and staying healthy. I know that I will achieve that goal as well as everyone here with continued motivation and support. I will be starting the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred tomorrow and am currently working out on the elliptical and belly dancing.
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    Hi, My given name is Steve, I also go by my pagan name, NitePagan. I have been pagan since 1992. This was a time when I had gotten divorced and started discovering who I truly am. I followed wicca for awhile, then moved on to native american spirituality, never had good contact with native peoples, so now I am connected with spirit or the Creator and don't claim it as an identifiable path. I am a sensitive, so can feel what is happening to others or those close to me. Sometimes when I feel something happening, I am not always aware of where the energy is coming from.

    I have a great interest in the Earth Changes and feel a strong attachment to Mother Gaia. I am eclectic in nature. Feel free to become a friend if you so desire.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hi, My given name is Steve, I also go by my pagan name, NitePagan. I have been pagan since 1992. This was a time when I had gotten divorced and started discovering who I truly am. I followed wicca for awhile, then moved on to native american spirituality, never had good contact with native peoples, so now I am connected with spirit or the Creator and don't claim it as an identifiable path. I am a sensitive, so can feel what is happening to others or those close to me. Sometimes when I feel something happening, I am not always aware of where the energy is coming from.

    I have a great interest in the Earth Changes and feel a strong attachment to Mother Gaia. I am eclectic in nature. Feel free to become a friend if you so desire.

    You sound like my parents mixed into one person :) My mother is very much attached to Gaia, even named her dog Gaia :) Her two balances are Gaia and Hecate. My father is very sensitive to energy and can see the auras of others.
  • Hi, my name is Valerie and I am a Hekatean witch. Pagan seeker for 33 years, practicing witch for 12. Have always push the BMI a little to high and celebrating Sabbats with friends and secular and Christian holidays with family can really push the waistline. Mid 40's and realizing that a real lifestyle change is in order. 5'9" and 230 lbs, would like to get to 175lbs. Haven't seen 140 since I went through basic training at 20 years LOL. I live in Alberta Canada and would love to hear from anyone, anywhere. I have reduced my gluten intake quite a bit in the last year or two and have found some relief in the gut and a better overall health. I am very interested in the diet prescribed by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. if anyone has an opinion, I welcome it gladly. Blessed be!
  • Merry Meet All,

    I am Alan, 52. I joined MFP shortly after my Wife (the enchanting Raevynn, introduced earlier). I decided i
    had to do something when I hit 300lbs again. my goal is to break the 200 mark by the end of the year.
    Spiritually I've latched on the the label "Pagan-Polytheist" as closest to my beliefs.
    I stand circle with a small group of friends on the wiccan holidays. I believe God is bigger than any
    one religion, and will show him/herself to you if you seek and in the form you are able to grasp.
    I believe our souls are eternal and part of (all of everything) god. I don't really believe in hell except
    when defined as 'separated from god' and that that is a choice we can make for our self while on this
    I believe everything you do comes back to you, eventually, both positive and negative.

    I could go on but that is the basics in a 'nutshell' (apt phrase)

    merry part, until later
  • virgomuse
    virgomuse Posts: 33 Member
    My name is Annie, Pagan name Mercury Boon. I'm a single mom of four children. I work full time in the alternative healthcare industry.

    I live North Carolina (the Crystal Coast), I love books, coffee and converse tennis shoes. My favorite number is 3 and I like all the blue hues. I am a fiber artist and a writer (in my spare time). I'm bit of a sci-fi/fantasy nut (Star Wars, super heros, Dr. Who, paranormal romance).

    I am very spiritual and a lover of nature. I follow a polytheistic faith and practice homeopathic remedies (Hedge Witch). I have been a solitary practitioner and ecclectic wiccan for almost a decade now. I also study astrology.

    My favorite kind of exercises are walking/hiking, yoga and tai chi. My current goal weight is 130. I began my mission of wieght loss in October 2010 when I weighed 198 pounds. I've plateaued at 177/171 and so I join MFP to gain support in reaching my goal weight. I'm mostly vegetarian/raw/whole foods, but not completey void of meat.

    I'm excited to meet like minded peeps and glad this group is here :O)
  • LexxyV
    LexxyV Posts: 60 Member
    Name is Lexxy. Eclectic pagan, artist, writer, and student. Army wife and small business owner.l love meeting new people in the pagan and wellness goals:

    Aiming to lose quite a bit if weight currently at 212 pounds goal is 130 pounds.
    Physical activity goal is to exercise for an hour five days a week
    I eat primal/ paleo due to intolerances to several grains

    That's pretty much it

    Blessed be
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Hi! I'm Liz. An eclectic neo-pagan with taoist tendencies. Yup, I usually just say I'm a witch. I am a graduate student in chemistry, a small time jewelry maker, the facilitator for a local pagan meetup group, a musician, and love doing a little bit of everything!
    I'm from Binghamton, NY.
    I'm working, for the third time, on losing my 60 pounds. I exercise, at least a little, every day. I'm on a medical weight loss plan to lose the weight. My doctor and the girls at the office are great support. My doctor wants me to invest more time on my spiritual life, so here I am! ;)
  • Hello everyone!

    My name is Tempest, I follow a Kemetic path, and I’m here to make some long term lifestyle changes.
  • cakeordeath
    cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
    Hi! I am an eclectic pagan. I just kind of take form everywhere and make it my own. I have been trying to lose weight for about a year, and kind of hit a wall of my own doing. My husband came home from deployment, and i gained back 10 lbs of what i lost. Im hoping that i can get my head and a** wried together and get started again.
  • smaugish
    smaugish Posts: 244 Member
    Hi, I'm Hannah. I'm an Asatruar, Heathen reconstructionist with a healthy interest in reviving the ways of the Völva and Nordic Shamanism =)
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hey everyone,

    My name's Clarise. My internet name is Poppies. My practice name is DragonFly.

    I'm a C.O.P.P. (child of pagan parents). My mom was eclectic, a Goddess worshiper. My dad was an Earth-loving Agnostic. I am a member of a Unitarian Universalist Church ( :heart: ), and I have a regular coven I practice with.

    searched you all after someone posted a thread on the forums about paganism. I loves my pagans, just all of them. :flowerforyou:
  • I'm Stephanie. I am 26 and an eclectic pagan. I am looking to be about 120 and am currently 144. I am usually a very active person and love talking to people.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hey everyone,

    My name's Clarise. My internet name is Poppies. My practice name is DragonFly.

    I'm a C.O.P.P. (child of pagan parents). My mom was eclectic, a Goddess worshiper. My dad was an Earth-loving Agnostic. I am a member of a Unitarian Universalist Church ( :heart: ), and I have a regular coven I practice with.

    searched you all after someone posted a thread on the forums about paganism. I loves my pagans, just all of them. :flowerforyou:

    Ha, C.O.P.P., I like that! I'll have to use that sometime, as I am as well :) We have quite a bit in common!
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hey everyone,

    My name's Clarise. My internet name is Poppies. My practice name is DragonFly.

    I'm a C.O.P.P. (child of pagan parents). My mom was eclectic, a Goddess worshiper. My dad was an Earth-loving Agnostic. I am a member of a Unitarian Universalist Church ( :heart: ), and I have a regular coven I practice with.

    searched you all after someone posted a thread on the forums about paganism. I loves my pagans, just all of them. :flowerforyou:

    Ha, C.O.P.P., I like that! I'll have to use that sometime, as I am as well :) We have quite a bit in common!

    Greetings and blessings and light!

    It's a special thing to be a copp!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hello All,

    I am Datenshi. A married mother of two and as for beliefs I am not sure if there really is a specific grouping for my beliefs. I believe that there is divinity in all things but that belief is based on science and in particular string theory, so a universal energy and vibration that connects everyone and everything. I feel that meditation and trying to connect with what many refer to as God is our search to try and connect with that energy and bring ourselves in tune with nature, each other and the universe.

    I have been on MFP for a number of years off and on, losing weight, putting it back on etc etc. So I am recommitted again and have learned more nutrition information that will hopefully help me along the way. I started at 272.4 and am hoping to get down to 140.

    Take care,
  • rowanfae
    rowanfae Posts: 1
    Hey, everyone!
    I'm Rowan. In terms of religion/spirituality, I am mostly eclectic/searching--I've been Pagan for nearly ten years, but lately I've been uncertain about my life path, including my religion. I started taking anti-depressants about a year ago, and started gaining tons of weight.
    So I'm trying to lose weight and figure out where I'm going in life, all at the same time. (Wish me luck.)
  • kfink426
    kfink426 Posts: 16
    Merry Meet everyone! My name is Keith. I'm a 32 year old Pagan / Wiccan from New York. I've been practicing for over 10 years now. My wife & I run an eclectic circle in Northern NJ that gathers on the holidays. We both underwent gastric-bypass surgery last year (1 week apart). So we've had a rather interesting weight loss journey together since. I'm always interested in meeting like minded people :)
  • tai3
    tai3 Posts: 17
    Hey everyone - I'm Tai (Kris mundanely). 41 year old married, mom, gamer, Recovered Catholic ;)

    Spiritually eclectic (celtic, norse, egyptian, native american *1/16th ish Apache by birth*, et cetera) hedge witch and tarot reader. I've been pretty much a solitary for the last 25 years or so. Yes, I work at a Renaissance Festival as well ;) (people keep asking when they see my picture).

    I respect all beliefs, just don't push 'em down my throat. The JWs and Mormans hate it when I can quote scripture better than they can ;) 12 years of Catholic School will do that to you!

    New to MFP but not weight loss. I lost over 100 lbs after my son (now 5 and a half) was born. I've gained 45 of it back... on my way back down and intending to keep it off this time. My mom is a Type II Diabetic and my sugar levels were high at last years physical.