Ravenclaw Common Room



  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Oh, BTW, I *LOVE* the bar code thing. I know it's been on the phone app forever, but I just discovered it. No more searching! Just a quick zap! and I'm there. :)
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Oh, BTW, I *LOVE* the bar code thing. I know it's been on the phone app forever, but I just discovered it. No more searching! Just a quick zap! and I'm there. :)

    Isn't it wonderful? I love using it!

    As for the rest, sorry I haven't been around as much lately! Been a bit of a busy week for me at work and at home, so haven't been on as much as I would have liked. Next week I'll be on a different schedule, though, so hopefully I'll time in the evenings to get myself back. :)

    Thanks for all the challenge info and announcements, Lottee! :) And congrats to our prefects! Great job!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Happy Sunday, Ravenclaws! back to work tomorrow though, boo....

    I have decided to reset my activity level etc, because I've taken to walking a lot so I've changed it from 'sedentary' to 'lightly active'. I'm now going to stop logging walking as exercise, unless it's fast walking as part of C25K. However, changing my activity level hasn't changed my calorie allowance at all!! Gutted, thought it'd go up from 1200, but no, still stuck with that as my target...

    Don't forget to weigh-in Ravenclaws!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Sunday! Weighing in today, after a bingey week (if that's even a word :ohwell: ) - up 1.5 pounds to 155.5. Only earned 6 OWLs and 55 house points. I'm definitely going to have try harder than that! Anyway - just a quick check-in and now its off to a busy Sunday. Have a good one everybody!
  • blackhawkgirl91
    blackhawkgirl91 Posts: 223 Member
    Love the dumbledore quote!!

    Checking in...lost NOTHING! Stuck at 267 :grumble: well, we'll just have to see how it goes this week!!
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    hey guys! :)
    last three days were awful... i failed... ate about 3 000 cals per day :O disaster!
    i'm getting back on road :)
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    Hello All

    This has been a tough week for me it. Between my wife's accident, homework piling up, and the possibility of starting a new job I am exhausted. I hope this one is a little better, at least less disorganized. I was week on the sugar challenge and the interval one and I only managed a pound loss. I should probably be thankful that it is gone but its the least I've lost in a week since I started. I'm still positive though I have to keep pushing onward. I have a 5k to run in may and I have to get ready. I could use some suggestions from you guys about food. I am trying to eat more vegetables but I haven't eaten them very often my whole life. Since starting my new lifestyle I have found I like broccoli, carrots, spinach, hummus, and I don't hate asparagus. I dislike beans and peas except fresh sauteed green beans. What are some of your favorite vegetables and how do you prepare them to make them extra good. I bought an eggplant this week just to try it because I have never had one that wasn't deep fried. I live in the south and here if your vegetables aren't deep fried they are boiled to death. I really prefer steamed and sauteed vegetables they are just better.
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Hi guys, checking in - I finally broke my plateau! :smile: I'm down to 130.7lb this week. I didn't do too great on my house challenges this week, I need to exercise more, as usual. However I have some good news, next week I am starting full-time work (this will allow me to save and go backpacking mid-end of next year :happy:) and now that I'm earning a little extra money I can afford to see a personal trainer, who will hopefully whip me in to shape. Also I think the routine - up early for breakfast, set lunch etc. will do me good. At the moment I often only have lunch and dinner, and either eat too much (if I'm bored) or too little (if I'm distracted).

    Hope my fellow Ravenclaws are doing well :wink:

    Hello All

    This has been a tough week for me it. Between my wife's accident, homework piling up, and the possibility of starting a new job I am exhausted. I hope this one is a little better, at least less disorganized. I was week on the sugar challenge and the interval one and I only managed a pound loss. I should probably be thankful that it is gone but its the least I've lost in a week since I started. I'm still positive though I have to keep pushing onward. I have a 5k to run in may and I have to get ready. I could use some suggestions from you guys about food. I am trying to eat more vegetables but I haven't eaten them very often my whole life. Since starting my new lifestyle I have found I like broccoli, carrots, spinach, hummus, and I don't hate asparagus. I dislike beans and peas except fresh sauteed green beans. What are some of your favorite vegetables and how do you prepare them to make them extra good. I bought an eggplant this week just to try it because I have never had one that wasn't deep fried. I live in the south and here if your vegetables aren't deep fried they are boiled to death. I really prefer steamed and sauteed vegetables they are just better.

    Hi jazzgnat, I hope this week is easier and less stressful for you.

    As for vegetables, here's some suggestions:

    Salad - I found some dressings (not creamy, but they don't have to be light either) I really like the taste of, and tend to make one big tupperware container with as many different veg as possible to last me a few days for lunch. I sometimes put little slices of plum, peach or pear in as well to make them more interesting.

    Sauteed veg - I don't know if you like Asian food, but I've recently been having Korean style sauteed grated carrot and thinly sliced zucchinni - sauteed in sesame oil with toasted sesame seeds on top. It's really good! I also like sauteed veg with garlic and/or oyster sauce.

    Someone recently recommended to me a vegetable lasagne - using sliced eggplant and/or zucchinni instead of the pasta sheets. Personally I'm lactose intolerant and can't be bothered finding soy alternatives to bechamel sauce, cheese etc. but I think that sounds like it could be really tasty.

    Also roast vegetables - like sweet potato, pumpkin, potato etc. I always see recipes with oil/butter on roast veg, but that's really not necessary for flavour, you can leave them plain or sprinkle rosemary instead. Oh and stews and soups - I'm guessing you're in the US and the weather is cold at the moment so those are nice options.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws, am checking in at 102.5 Ibs (no gain but no loss), have managed to rack up roughly 750 House points and no OWLS, have been pretty sick the past couple of weeks and busy working so have not been logging my calories. Hope that everybody has a fantastic week.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    I LOVE THIS WEEK'S EXERCISE CHALLENGE!!! Ha ha ha- was stressing out because I had a pile of marking to do (am a secondary school teacher), hadn't been to the gym, was over on calories, and it was already 8 pm. STRESSED!
    However, the challenge inspired me... I took the tests to the gym, and ploughed away on the stationary bike with them propped up on the display screen so I could mark them as I pedalled! That is definitely my least favourite everyday activity (for me, anyway) made fun!!

    as for veggie suggestions- I love salad veg, with loads of tasty crunchy bits like cabbage, pepper, cucumber, and carrot. also try roasting veg which are normally boiled- roast carrots, roast courgettes etc. You fully don't need oil either, just chuck some herbs on for flavour...
    And try and sneak vegetables into meals where you don't really notice them- grate soft veg into a pasta sauce for example, which will help you get your five servings, bulk up your meal and make it lower calorie, if you eat the same amount as before!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I am trying to eat more vegetables but I haven't eaten them very often my whole life. Since starting my new lifestyle I have found I like broccoli, carrots, spinach, hummus, and I don't hate asparagus. I dislike beans and peas except fresh sauteed green beans. What are some of your favorite vegetables and how do you prepare them to make them extra good. I bought an eggplant this week just to try it because I have never had one that wasn't deep fried. I live in the south and here if your vegetables aren't deep fried they are boiled to death. I really prefer steamed and sauteed vegetables they are just better.
    @jazzgnat - I know what you mean about Southern foods - I grew up on them too. My mom used to (and still does) boil the veggies until they're nearly mush. I bought a rice steamer and use it to steam everything.

    I particularly like steamed broccoli, squash, spinach or asparagus and it only takes 15 minutes to steam them - that's a bonus with a busy lifestyle. Try steaming zucchini and/or yellow squash with some chunks of onion. Really yummy.

    A good substitute for spaghetti noodles is spaghetti squash. Poke holes in the skin of the squash and microwave for about 10 minutes (more or less depending on the size - it should be slightly soft to the touch). Let cool a bit, then cut in half, remove the seeds and membrane. Using a fork, gently remove the "spaghetti" from the skin. It will pull apart in strings that look like noodles! Cover with spaghetti sauce and you've got a great, low-cal, low-fat meal!

    I also like roast veggies - that's my favorite way to prepare eggplant. I cut up chunks of eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, broccoli and onion, spray lightly with cooking spray, season and roast for about 20 - 30 minutes - stirring occasionally. You can throw in anything - potatoes, carrots, sweet potato, acorn squash, green beans... But if you're using the zucchini or yellow squash with denser veggies like carrots or potatoes, you may want to add the squash later so they don't over cook.

    OH - and another one that i never thought I would like but actually LOVE - sauteed kale! We cut three or four cloves of fresh garlic and about a cup or two of broccoli, saute in a bit of butter until the broccoli starts to get tender. Thaw a couple of servings of pre-cooked shrimp and set aside. Cut a nice-size bunch of fresh kale discarding stalks (prepare WAY more than you think you'll need - it really cooks down!). Add the kale to the garlic and broccoli and saute until just tender. Add the shrimp, squeeze in the juice of one lemon (more or less to taste), season with lemon pepper, stir and serve. We've had it by itself and with rice or quinoa - either way - it is YUMMY!!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Ugh Terrible last few days eating. I wont able to use my bathroom since my dad is sealing the tile as well so I have to weigh in tomorrow since I can't get into my bathroom to get to my scale. Thisnext couple of days though once it's done are going to be all about reorganizing my room and deep cleaning.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Stuck at 131 this week, 330 house points though (that's up from last week). I started 30 Day Shred again so hopefully the being stuck is my body converting muscle to fat . . . hopefully.
    The challenges this week will kill me and are completely up my alley both at the same time. I can almost guarantee I won't get much protein from anything but meat. . . I don't know why but I get kind of stuck on what I eat and don't really change it much- I'll try though.
    The everyday cardio is easy enough- dancing around with a preschooler and toddler will get that heart rate going!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Morning all!

    This 3-day weekend I get to enjoy being... sick. I got sick on Friday, and have been finding the "needs to breathe" in all the activities I like to do. It's just a cold, but I would have enjoyed the weekend a lot more without struggling for air. :(

    We went on a hike yesterday to Iron Mountain. That was hard core. My fitbit logged that we did 5.79 miles, and I felt every bit of it. I think I would have preferred an easier route (wasn't quite ready for it), but I'm glad I struggled through. I won't be hitting it again any time soon but it gives me a goal to look forward to- climbing it again without wanting to die at the top.

    Maybe I can sneak another (gentle) walk in today. Need to finish my work first.

    Have a good one!
  • alohashley
    alohashley Posts: 78 Member
    Another no loss weigh in for me. I was actually down the last two days and feeling soooo happy about it but it must have been a fluke because I went straight back up to where I have been today. I feel discouraged because I having been doing so much interval work and yesterday I ran 5 whole miles without stopping or slowing down. I just feel like if I can do that shouldn't I be thinner?
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Whew. This week has been harder on me than I expected. I'm okay with dayshift as it is, but it's just messing with my sleep schedule and my eating schedule, and so far, weigh-ins each day have *not* been favorable since this weekend.

    Other than that, though, things are fine.

    Haven't had a chance to read everything to catch up, but I'm hoping to do that tonight!

    On a different note, by some miracle, did anyone save the January spreadsheet information before we cleared it for February?
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    hello everyone. I have been feeling very sick as of late but I am doing much better and am excited to get back on this.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi all! Hope you're all having a good week, mine was a really bad yesterday but back on track today... Hopefully!

    Kelly- Azsuzi and I even discussed it to see whether it was worth saving a copy of the spreadsheet somewhere, but she said she'd never once had to look back at old data, so we decided not to bother! Is there anything you need that one of us might remember?!

    Alohashley- if you're running that far (am VERY impressed!!) I'm sure the weight will start shifting soon.

    Korkster- sounds intense, good effort!

    How's everyone doing on the plant protein? I've had baked beans where I would normally have egg or tuna twice, but am struggling to build in much more...
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I spent all of yesterday with a stomach virus ugghhh. Needless to say, I got nothing done at all. Today however is much better so hopefully I can get my workouts in. Also in my hysteria I failed to actually post the post I had written yesterday. Basically just wanted to thank you guys for the veggie suggestions. I tried roasted eggplant the other night but I didn't care for it. The texture was off putting and the flavor didn't wow me. So on to the next veggie I guess. I also put a link to http://www.nerdfitness.com which is an excellent website. The articles are inspiring and targeted towards video gamers of which I am one. They have lots of free workout information and some diet stuff. Just a warning they advocate the paleo-diet which is basically a low carb thing based on what "cave people" ate. As a creationist I find it hard to buy into considering the primary reason for the school of thought is that our bodies aren't evolved enough to eat grain. I do however like the workouts and the idea of progressing through life by leveling up like a character in a video game would. I confess I am a geek not just at heart but on the outside too.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Haven't gone grocery shopping yet. Still sick, and noticed that I crave more food being sick. I have a feeling I won't lose much (might even gain) this week if my clothes are any suggestion. :p

    I'm staring at a pummelo right now. Never had one before, but my body said crack it open as if it knows it holds large amounts of vitamin C in it. I hope it's good.