Anyone else working hard and frustrated?



  • loulou0612
    loulou0612 Posts: 69 Member
    Actually Paleo is absolutely no dairy, But Primal does allow dairy, full fat cream,butters,yogurts,cheese.....I was actually totally against trying this but wanted to find out the best way for my body to burn energy and loose fat, and it was like a switch went on....
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Actually Paleo is absolutely no dairy, But Primal does allow dairy, full fat cream,butters,yogurts,cheese.....I was actually totally against trying this but wanted to find out the best way for my body to burn energy and loose fat, and it was like a switch went on....

    Oops.. I thought they were the same. Well, I definitely can't do primal - I can't have any dairy :frown:
  • aprildiamond42
    aprildiamond42 Posts: 19 Member
    So I tried another diet (didn't get the name) for 30 days that was no starch, no bread, no sugar, and at first I was happy, the first week lost 2-1/2 pounds. Then nothing for the next 3 weeks, even went up one pound. My friends lost 80 and 120 pounds in 8 months on this one. Since it didn't work, I'm now looking only into thyroid-focused eating plans (don't like to call them diets - eating plans or meal plans sound so much more friendly!)

    The primal diet mentioned here seems to be what might work for me. One weekend when I did a fruit-vegetable flush (ONLY juicy fruits and all non-starchy vegetables) I was able to lose two pounds, but it came back when I went back to my 1200-calorie-per-day plan. It seems like just small amounts of sugar really conflict with what I am trying to do!

    Thanks everyone for your feedback. It is comforting to know I'm not the only one in this boat!
  • geezalawheez
    geezalawheez Posts: 22 Member
    I switched from Levothyroxine to 30 mg Armour, cut out gluten and started taking Vitamin D & B6 (I've heard B12 is better for energy, but I found some B6 that I already had from a year or so ago when I was feeling nauseous every morning and couldn't figure out why). My new GP also has me on a 1200 calorie diet. The weight isn't dropping off by any means, but I've actually been able to slowly start losing a couple pounds over the last couple weeks, which I haven't been able to do at all for the past year or so.

    I also wake up at 6 am and take my Armour so that I am able to eat breakfast at a normal hour without having to worry about absorption issues instead of drinking a cup of coffee and waiting until noon to eat anything. I take my supplements around 9, when I'm leaving for work.