Phase 1, Week 1 and 2



  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    I had planned on starting on Monday too.
  • danyeld619
    danyeld619 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello everyone! I got my package today and I will be starting Monday! Can't wait!
  • sdsmom
    sdsmom Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks, lelasutt. I made the chicken salad today and it used the yogurt to replace mayo and it was really delish. Felt good to eat a sandwich too. :) I will have to definitely pick up the cookbook.

    I used circuit training for the strength workouts and aerobics for the cardio. I coudn't think of something better to call it but you are pretty much going non-stop for 30 minutes on the cardio DVD.

    The kick-start book has a great shopping list in the front to help you get everything you need. I managed to find all of the kick start items at my grocery store but I had to hit the health food store when I started the fat burning diet.
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    Got my BR in the mail today! Did the first workout and the cardio, so good! I'm going to be going home mid-March for a few days that's going to screw with my 90 days. So I decided just to do the program not in order or start my 90 days today, I'm going to start it when I get back.
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Ok,I ended up starting today instead of Monday.I am not doing the kick start program.I did phase 1.Week 1/Day 1.I feel great :bigsmile:
  • ndbex
    ndbex Posts: 61 Member
    I finished Week 1 of Phase 1. I'm pretty tired out but am proud of myself for just getting through one week with a three month old and RA and Fibro. I only lost one pound but I only have about 10-20 lbs to lose so it's going to be stubborn coming off. I can already see definition in my arms and hips and my butt looks lifted. I've been logging my food and am actually having a hard time eating enough. Is everyone adding back the calories they "earn" by working out?
  • sholtz79
    sholtz79 Posts: 48 Member
    Getting ready to start my first day of the Kickstart program today!! I am not planning on following her diet right now, instead I will just continue to use MFP :) Can't wait... We are leaving for Disney in 40 days!! Hoping I will see some progress by then!
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I finished Week 1 of Phase 1. I'm pretty tired out but am proud of myself for just getting through one week with a three month old and RA and Fibro. I only lost one pound but I only have about 10-20 lbs to lose so it's going to be stubborn coming off. I can already see definition in my arms and hips and my butt looks lifted. I've been logging my food and am actually having a hard time eating enough. Is everyone adding back the calories they "earn" by working out?

    You aren't following her meal plan, are you? I'm still undecided whether to attempt to follow it or not. I want to go all or nothing and I'm afraid it will be difficult when traveling/visiting others/Spring Break! Ha ha. I usually use MFP to log my calories and I end up going over my recommended amount when I don't exercise, thus I end up eating back some of my workout cals. I think technically you are supposed to, but based on the meal plan, you're eating 1200 calories a day PLUS working out. I'm going to try to restrict myself to 1200 if I don't follow her meal plan exactly.
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    Whew. Workout 1... the only time I was wishing it would end soon was on the squats at the very beginning. They do them fast! I do feel great now, however, I am disappointed because I only burnt 254 calories in the 31 minutes of Workout 1. :( I've been doing JM workouts 5-6 days a week for the past year religiously, so maybe that's why this workout wasn't really challenging. Can't wait for the time when I yell at the TV for her to shut up :)
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Ok.I did phase 1 workout 2/Day 2 of Jillian Michaels Body revolution.I like workout 2 better.I'm dreading very much the cardio tommorrow.I'm not real good at cardio or don't like it as much.But I feel really good so far.:happy:
  • Kristin6608
    Kristin6608 Posts: 56 Member
    Week 1 Day 1 Complete! WoOhOo!!!!!
  • Ya ya ya! We're all doing great. I know we all started different days but we've all started close to the same time. So proud of us! I completed Day 5 today... some days I've added the cardio for extra but not today. I'm feeling good, a little sore but ok. I need to get some heavier weights though... and the resistance cable is awful! I can't seem to get it adjusted right, no matter what. I'll have to keep trying though because I only have one more week of barely using it lol
  • roander
    roander Posts: 191 Member
    The "suicide" on the Cardio - I only have like 4 feet of space to run back and forth! So, I'm going to have to move into the kitchen next time. I hate cardio but I'm stickin' with it!
  • a_ryder12
    a_ryder12 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey guys! I figured I would finally post :) I am on Week 1 and completed workouts 1 and 2. I burned 286 and 294 respectively. I work with a trainer 2 days a week so I have to adjust my schedule slightly so I don't have 2 strength training workout the same day.

    I have a 10K on 3/10 so also incorporating running and trying to find my rest day (although anyone that has a toddler know those are hard to do)

    I'm excited about this program. I love Jillian and her workouts and 30 minutes is the perfect length for me NOT to make an excuse to skip it. I am recruiting my husband and that will be fun.
  • megsasb
    megsasb Posts: 29 Member
    I started Phase 1, Week 1, Day 1 today! I like this so much more than the other DVD's of JM, although I love all of those too. She has a potty mouth in this one, as do I on a daily basis. For me, that is so motivating, ironically, lol. I know it sounds awful, but I'd rather have someone yelling and cusing than being nice and encouraging! Makes me fight harder.

    I had been doing Zumba and did 25 days of the shred. I'm not following the food plan, but doing my best to stay at my goal of 1200-1300cal a day with working nights!

    Look forward to seeing everyone's progress and results! :-)
  • ndbex
    ndbex Posts: 61 Member
    No I'm not doing her meal plan. I don't have the time to cook everything up like that, or the money to buy so much unprocessed and organics. However I am keeping to the amount of calories she's laid out, which is better than nothing I suppose :) I just don't know if I need to eat back those calories or not, so most of the time I haven't been. However I am very fatigued and am wondering if a little more food every day would help.
  • lauretta22
    lauretta22 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! I have used Jillian Michael's dvds in the past, and I just received my body revolution. I started today, and I am following the kickstart your metabolism food plan. I can't decide if I will follow her meal plan in the weeks following week one or if I will just log my calories. I didn't think the day one workout was too tough, but my mom who hasn't worked out in a while thought it was (we are doing this together to motivate each other). The first day of the diet was a bit rough, especially since I don't like greek yogurt and it's on the menu the entire week =(

    I joined MFP a while ago but haven't really used it. Feel free to add me and good luck to everyone!!
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    Hello everyone! I am currently about to start week 3 tomorrow which will be workouts 3 and 4. I have not been following the meal plan, but I have continued doing the "kickstart" workout wise which means I have been consistently doing two workouts per day. I will usually do strength and cardio back to back, but on cardio days I do cardio 1 in the am and cardio 2 in the pm. So far I love this program weeks 1 and 2 were fairly simple for me so I am looking forward to starting week 3 tomorrow :)
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    I started the kickstart on Monday and I have been very pleased so far. I got this to shock my body a bit. I have been doing Insanity, Turbo Fire, and Chalean Extreme. I think this is going to be a great change for me. I feel great so far! I am trying to stay close to the kickstart meal plan. Although, I travel for a living and only have a microwave and refrigerator. But, I am doing my best!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Ok,I did phase 1 cardio 1/Day 3 today.The cardio was not as bad as I thought it would be.I was afraid of the suicides.I had no problem with them.I hated the running one.I love how they all count down. All a group effort.I really enjoyed my workout today.:happy: