Check in and intros



  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    Hi, I'm Bill(Ex-Texan),live in South Auckland for almost 8 years, I've struggled with my weight most of my life. I am 6ft 1 even though I haven't always been tall - in high school I was the shortest around 4ft something, looks to me I'm the only bloke on here but I could be wrong, anyway looks forward to sharing and fighting along with the rest of New Zealand. I will be honest I am a complete fool when it comes to reading Calories and etc rather its lbs or kilos. Anyway GO New Zealand!!
    Welcome Bill
    Good luck with your journey. You will find everyone is very supportive here.
    An easy conversion from kilojoules to calories is multiply kj x 0.239 = cal
  • annahrait
    annahrait Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All,
    Just joined up a couple hours ago. I am excited about this new journey I have embarked on. I am 40 with a one year old and a 14 year old. 10 -15 kilos to shed. So, who keen on an extra buddy? :)
  • heathernz
    heathernz Posts: 68 Member
    Hi there - Heather here from Hamilton. I was on here last year for a while, lost some weight, put it back on. SIGH!

    Early in January I completely changed my eating and went 'primal' - cut out all flour, wheat, grains, sugar. I'm pretty much living on meat, veges, a little fruit, nuts and seeds, and I feel great!!

    I'm not currently diarying my food or counting calories at all, just making sure I each plenty!

    Feel free to add me : ) Heather
  • hello hello!!

    My name is Lynette, I am a midwife in the waikato region. My goal is to lose about 30-35kg. Its already been a huge challenge for me - but now have the bribe of a wedding and a baby to keep my motivated!!

    Would love some kiwi friends on here, to share the ups and downs of the classic kiwi diet and lifestyle!!
  • Hi, I'm Zoe, 20yrs old living in Dunedin for uni (3rd year). I just joined MFP today! I put on 8kg over exam period and christmas so I'm looking to work that off and then a bit more =]

    Current weight is 68kg and my goal is to be at 50kg and lower if I can, but I'm not really sure what weight will be best I'm only 5ft 2. So I want to lose around 15-20kg by my birthday in August, don't really know if that's realistic or not but I'm gonna go for it anyway =]

    I'm a very shy person and avoid social situations so I'm hoping losing weight will help with that a bit by giving me more confidence, but mostly I just want to be healthy!

    I'm looking for friends and motivation =] so feel free to add me!
  • hailz840
    hailz840 Posts: 136 Member
    I am Hayley and live in the South Waikato. Have been a member since December. I have recently reached my goal weight but am still here, trying to tone up and still here to support and encourage others on there journey.
    Weightloss in journey not a destination :)
  • Hi everyone,im Sian,i live in Taranaki.I work on a dairy farm and love it =)
    Anyone from down these ways?
  • angenz
    angenz Posts: 51 Member

    Good to finally join a group close to home. I've been a member for a while now but keep flitting in and out of journal keeping. But have decided to finally loose the weight I've slowly gained over the last couple of years. Last year I kinda did the 21-day challenge by Damian Kristof and loved it! The diet is so healthy and I feel like I have so much energy, it has similarities to the paleo-diet and I have found that all my IBS symptoms have gone away since cutting out grains and most dairy products. I say-kinda though because I never completed the 21days, I think I made it up to about 15days and then it was my partners birthday so everything went up in the air.

    I'm 27 years old, 1.52cm and around 60kg, my BMR is 1200 cals so really needing to keep my diet in check and do quite a bit of exercise in order to loose the weight. I'm not at all religious, but enjoy observing lent as a challenge. So, yesterday was Ash Wednesday that was the start of lent, and for it I have given up alcohol, anything containing refined sugar, e.g. cakes, chocolate, lollies, biscuits, etc. And so I really hope to hit my goal weight of 55kg for Easter!!! It's a steady weight loss, under 1kg per week, but hope that it's not too unrealistic.

    Never been part of a group before, so hoping that I can make a few kiwi friends to keep me motivated and stay on track.
    I live in Dunedin so feel free to add me as a friend if you're close by or even if you're a little bit further.

  • Hi everyone, I am Dana, living in the chillaxed area of Henderson. Have to lose a massive amount of weight to get to my goal weight of 75kg. Looking forward to the newfound confidence that will come along with this journey :)
    Love to meet anyone in the area!
  • Hi All,

    My name is Yvette, I'm an aussie (please don't hold it against me!) living in West Auckland. I've just joined mfp this week and am feeling really positive about it. I am 175cm and currently weigh 79kg's and my goal weight is 70kg's.

    Look forward to getting to know some of you on here :)
  • How have I not noticed this group before?! Kels from Manawatu here, nice to see so many kiwis on MFP!

    All the best for this journey everyone :o)
  • drmikeashby
    drmikeashby Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, Mike from Auckland, 52yo 189cm, 93.3kg this morning. Had major surgery a couple of months ago and lost 8kg in 10 days (not a recommended weight loss strategy), and want to maintain at around 94kg as I rebuild my energy.

    So far I've kept the weight off by chucking out all processed foods, reducing my carbs (including grains), increasing protein.

    MFP has really opened my eyes as to how much sugar and sodium is in food, especially processed stuff. Even eating healthy, the first thing to go over the limit is the sugar.
  • heathernz
    heathernz Posts: 68 Member
    H Mike - have you read the Mark Sisson stuff about Primal eating? I've been eating this way for about eight weeks - no sugar, wheat, grains, rice, pasta, vegetable oils - and I feel great!! You're welcome to add me as a friend and have a look at my food diary to see what I eat :0)

    Oh, and I am Heather from Hamilton - 41yo, was 73kgs, have lost seven of those, now just under 66kgs.

    You might want to check out: - it's changed my life :)

    Anyone else can add me too if you are interested! Cheers, Heather
  • serangetti
    serangetti Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm Sue. Just started myf today. I'm 51, 160cm and 94kg so I have a long way to go! Glad to see a NZ group on here too. I'm originally from UK and been in Auckland NZ for almost 4 years. Best move we EVER made. Love it. Trouble is I've piled on the weight and with a bad back thats not good.....determined to lose it. Went to the gym for the first time in....years...with a neighbour and she recommended this site. Looks good so far. Great to see so many people in the same situation and read the inspirational stories and helping each other. I WILL get there!! Good luck out there. Its hard going but it will be SO worth it!:flowerforyou:
  • paxier
    paxier Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone, I signed up yesterday. Loving this app! Nice to find this NZ group too. :smile:
  • Yay a NZ group!

    Im Rachel, mum, student teacher and wife. Starting weight 127.8kg wanting to get to 80kg first then hopefully 60kg. Long road ahead of me but I know I will get there.
  • tanga_gurl
    tanga_gurl Posts: 66 Member
    Sooooooo glad I found this!! Im 21 from wanganui, need more mfp friends and motivators!

    Sw - 85kg
    Gw - 55kg but will be happy with 60kg!
  • ohtobe2
    ohtobe2 Posts: 43
    Finally, I found a group of NZers, Yay!
    My name is Kim, I live near Hanmer Springs.

    SW: 87kgs
    GW: 78kgs

    I was 78kgs before I had my son 10 years ago, and I have never been able to get back down to that weight. So thats my plan...
  • kiwilass
    kiwilass Posts: 49 Member
    Hi there. Im new to all this. Im Ruth. I live in Masterton and am a Kindergarten teacher with three kids. Would love some support and friends. Sounds a bit sad asking for friends doesnt it. This is day 1. Im trying out the 7 day cabbage soup diet hoping to kick start a good weight loss and then I'll be ready to loss more.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hi, my name is Kara and we're moving to New Zealand in a few weeks. I'm very excited, but would love to add some friends that live in New Zealand to help guide me :)
