New Here!

Hello Everyone,
I have been lurking on the Atkins website and this group for the past two weeks now. I started on MFP on January 31 and to date have only lost 5 pounds with a 1200 calories a day and exercise of 30 minutes at least 4 times a week. It's been going so slow and I don't know if my expectations are too high. Anyway if anyone is starting soon, or is a veteran of Atkins I would like to be friends. I will definitely need support and want to be able to ask questions in a pinch. I'm starting on Monday and will be grocery shopping over the weekend. I have the list for induction that I found on the Atkins website but please let me know if I should get the Atkins bars or protein shakes or should I just go strictly for the meats and veggies. Let me know any tricks or helpful tints. I currently weigh 170 and want to get down to 125. So about 45 pounds total. If I stick to this plan to a tee how much should I expect to lose in induction (first two weeks) and how long do you think it will take me to move through all four phases. I am going to continue my exercise at least 30 minutes or more but definitely 4 times a week. My birthday is in early May and I have a trip to the Carribbean planned in June. My goal is to be at my goal weight of 125 by my you think it's possible. Looking for all the help and advice I can get! Thanks in Advance


  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi! And Welcome! Your starting weight and goals are similar to mine - I started at about 170 and my goal is 130. I'm 145 right now.

    So you started low calorie on Jan 31 and lost 5 pounds by February 23? I think that is GREAT progress for a low calorie diet! I did low calorie to lose my first 20 pounds and I lost about a pound a week as long as I was really diligent with counting my calories. I started Atkins again about a week ago (I did it many many years ago when it was really popular) and have lost about 2.5 pounds so far. I have found that although I am not trying to watch my calories on my new low carb diet, I am eating FEWER calories on this diet than when I was watching my calories. I am averaging about 900 to 1000 calories a day and do not feel hungry at all. (I drink massive amounts of water ALL DAY LONG which probably helps kill the hunger, too.)

    I have been drinking one Atkins shake a day, and have also had a bar on occasion. I have read it is not recommended for induction (although both products say "all phases" on the back). If you really want to maximize your induction weight loss, I would probably skip the packaged foods and aim for veggies and protein. Do eggs for breakfast instead of a shake. The last time I did this diet I would make up a big batch of scrambled eggs at once, and then portion it out to 3 or 4 days worth of breakfasts in little tupperware containers. I'd toss on a slice of cheese and a pre-cooked turkey sausage patty and microwave it in the morning - delicious!

    I'm trying to get into the habit of cooking dinner, and making enough extra for lunch the next day. That is really helping me make it through the work day. Otherwise, I don't know what I would do for lunch! (No more Lean Cuisine for me on the Atkins plan!)

    Your birthday is in the start of May - so less than 3 months away. Personally, I do not think losing 45 pounds in less than three months is possible..... and even if you did, I do not think it would be a healthy weight loss! I think you would be at risk of quickly gaining it back if you lost it that quickly. But perhaps someone else with more experience can chime in here? I think I would try to aim for 2 pounds a week loss (Which is a lot) and hope to lose 20 before your birthday. It may not be all 45, but trust me, people will notice a 20 pound loss!! (I've lost 22 pounds and have gone from a size 10 to a 6 - and sometimes a 4!)

    Wow, this is getting long! I better get back to work! Feel free to "Friend" me! I'm new at this too! :)
  • Chood5
    Chood5 Posts: 259 Member
    In my experience, I stay away from the Atkins products. I'm losing a lot more weight by eating "real food". I treat those bars as a candy bar. You weren't eating a candy bar everyday prior to this diet were you? Neither was I. So I don't see why I would eat Atkins bars everyday. Maybe as a treat once in a while, but that's about it...

    Good luck with your journey!
  • sparkyn7
    sparkyn7 Posts: 8 Member
    I am new here too and started the beginning of February. I currently weigh 165 and want to get down to 135. I'm trying to keep my calories under 1200 AND my birthday is in May as well :) I've sent you a friend request.

    Personally, I leave the processed foods alone and stick with real food.
  • Giggles625
    Giggles625 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the comment. I will friend you.