Ravenclaw Common Room



  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Hi all! Hope you're all having a good week, mine was a really bad yesterday but back on track today... Hopefully!

    Kelly- Azsuzi and I even discussed it to see whether it was worth saving a copy of the spreadsheet somewhere, but she said she'd never once had to look back at old data, so we decided not to bother! Is there anything you need that one of us might remember?!

    Unfortunately, I didn't keep any record of it either, and Bron was trying to get caught up and asked for January Head Girl/Boy information based on highest # of house points. Honestly, it didn't occur to me to keep track since it's been so long, so we might just have to skip January and move on to February for our next HB/HG. Is that okay with everyone? :/
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    As my own personal update, the scale has not been kind this week. I don't know if my body is just not adjusting to the new schedule well or if something else is at work, but even with a normal diet, I've been picking up pounds (like...3 at this point, I think). It's a little depressing, although I knew it would happen sooner or later. My run has been a bit too smooth, lol.

    I feel terrible that I haven't been reading all the other posts lately. I really need to go through and catch up!

    By the way, blackhawkgirl91, you had me worried! I looked at the spreadsheet and it said that you had gained 9 pounds...O.O And then I realized you had just entered your weight as 276 rather than 267. Whew. No gain/loss is way better than 9 pounds, yeah? Lol. I updated it, but thought I would share my fright moment with you.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Ravenclaw! Sorry I've been MIA the last few days. Work is busy. School is busy. Doesn't leave much time for life - LOL! I haven't even been tracking my food and exercise consistently.

    Kelly - sorry we didn't save January. Bron has really fallen behind in posting - she used to be very consistent so there was no need to save old data. I'll see if I can work on a solution for this month over the weekend.

    Hope you all are having a great week!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Friday Ravenclaw!! :drinker: So happy to have a day that I can stop in and say "hi" on my lunch break! This has been a crazy week - presentations, tests, quizzes, network changes at work, system upgrades... Next week may not be much better! But, you know what? Its really fun to stay busy like this. I kinda like it - just wish I had more time for exercise, but that will come...

    I can't beleive we're getting ready for our last weigh in for February. Where in the world did the month go? Good luck to everyone this weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everyone

    It's hectic here too I've got long hours, tons of homework and my brother's kids are staying over till tomorrow night. So five kids in my tiny house its too crowded. I have done squat this week as far as owls or housepoints. I'll do better next week.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Okay! New Saturday, new week, feeling like this one should be better than last. The actual work of last week was awesome, but the change in my schedule wasn't awesome for my body or weight loss. The only good news is that it finally managed to balance out on the last day of the week, leaving me with only a small gain.

    I need to get myself working on these challenges again soon. They're really good - I just haven't been reminding myself or focusing on it, and I think they're a really helpful way to pick up good habits. So hopefully for this week, I'll be ready to go and push myself. :)
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    As for HoH related items, we finally have our Inter-House Challenge information updated, so I can post the results for you! Sadly, we did not win either the House Cup or the Quidditch Cup : ( -- but we had some great progress in our house, too, so let's cheer for that anyway!
    Here's the (incredibly long awaited) JANUARY RESULTS!

    I'm just going to skip to the end, here, and give the totals:


    It looks like Slytherin takes the House Cup!
    And Gryffindor takes the Quidditch Cup!

    Great work in all the other Houses, too!

    Our Head Boy and Girl are as follows:
    Kelsue35 from Gryffindor with 5495 HPs
    Troy67 from Slytherin with 4751 HPs

    Also, I feel terrible about it, but we didn't save our info from January, so we didn't have any nominations for Head Boy/Girl for January. I promise I'll keep my eye on it for February, though! Good luck to everyone! Let's finish February strong and then stomp into March!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Morning all! This was a "bleh" week in the terms I've been sick. I knew last week was too good of a loss, and was prepared to see the scale rise a bit. Which is fine. I was ready for it. ;) However, it looks like it stayed the same, which I am estatic about!

    I plan on spreading the exercise love through the whole week, and not just in one day. With zumba offered on Sundays, I might be successful getting in... 2 days of workouts. ;)

    Have a great weekend!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Saturday! Finally, after a very busy week, I've been able to slow down and take it easy today. I've done a bit of work on the summary tab of our weigh in document. To the right of the summary, there is now an area to track each week's prefects and the monthly totals. Wish I had thought of it before. :ohwell: Enjoy your weekend everyone!
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    So today has been crazy I got up at six with my infant niece and hit the books, homework till 1, cooked everyone lunch, watched the kids while my wife napped, headed for work at 3:30 and I just got home at 12:30 did a half hour of strength training and just sat at the computer. I also just realized I haven't given lottee or kelly our challenge yet for the week. I got nutrition this week and I say the challenge will be an apple (or some other high fiber fruit a day). I eat an apple everyday because it seems to increase my weight loss. I'm sure its the fiber. None the less I hope it helps you guys too.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Challenges for this week folks...

    Food: Up your fibre- try eating an apple or other high fibre fruit every day to reach your fibre target. One OWL for every day you make it.
    Exercise: WALK- walk to the shops, walk home from work, walk up the stairs, anything. As fast a walk as is comfortable. One OWL for every day you replace a car journey or simiar with a walk instead.
    Spirit: POST!

    Sorry these are late, no excuse... Just got a wee concussion from smacking my head into a wall (was clowning around, am a fool!!)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Sorry these are late, no excuse... Just got a wee concussion from smacking my head into a wall (was clowning around, am a fool!!)
    Oh - Lottee! I hope you feel better soon!

    Weighing in today at 155 - lost a half pound of the weight I gained this month. Sadly, overall this month, I've gained 2 pounds. :cry: I know some of it is stress eating but a lot of it is that I'm reverting back to old habits of high-fat, high-cal snacks - and worse, binges. I'm also seeing some of my closet eating tendencies resurfacing - which means that I am not completing my diaries each day because I am so ashamed of myself and my choices. I realized today that I'm not logging because I don't want you all to see how bad I've been! So, in an effort to reclaim my honesty with myself, I locked my diary for now so that I can work on the underlying issues I am facing. Who would have thought that I'd be starting over after a year of healthy habits? At least I'm starting 49 pounds lighter than I was last year. That is the good news!:drinker:

    Great challenges - I'm going to work really hard at meeting them this week! And I guess its also time to set a goal for March - I'm going to put it at 153 - not huge, but I hope doable. I want to feel some accomplishment this month!

    Happy Sunday everyone - enjoy your day! :heart:
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    I realized today that I'm not logging because I don't want you all to see how bad I've been! So, in an effort to reclaim my honesty with myself, I locked my diary for now so that I can work on the underlying issues I am facing. Who would have thought that I'd be starting over after a year of healthy habits? At least I'm starting 49 pounds lighter than I was last year. That is the good news!:drinker:

    Great challenges - I'm going to work really hard at meeting them this week! And I guess its also time to set a goal for March - I'm going to put it at 153 - not huge, but I hope doable. I want to feel some accomplishment this month!

    Happy Sunday everyone - enjoy your day! :heart:

    Oh I know that temptation, Sue. That's actually the main reason I have my diary set on private. I want to be able to really own up to it without the worry of someone else looking at it and making comments, etc. I really hope it helps you!

    And I almost forgot - it *is* time for March goals! I think I'm gonna go with a 1 pound per week goal, and since March will have 5, that means...204.6. The nice thing about that number is that it would also be 70 pounds lost (and 25% of my body weight since the start). Sounds good to me!
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    Hey guys I just read that J.K. Rowling is writing a new book geared for adults. The article says its not Harry Potter related but I let you read for yourself. Link: http://www.themarysue.com/j-k-rowling-new-novel/
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi all, happy Monday!
    As said above, it's target time for the month.

    This month I set a low target, and failed to get there spectacularly! I think at least part of this was because I knew I'd set a low target, so my expectations weren't that high. I definitely remember thinking 'I'll just have another cookie, I can lose it next week...' And, not surprisingly at all, next week is here and I've lost 1.5lb. In a month! Rubbish.

    So, am thinking, this month, am going to go for it. I might not get there, but I'm pushing for big losses. Five weeks til the end of March, so I'm going for 10lb lost, or an end of month weight of 177lb. Fingers crossed!

    I am also going to try and post more, am getting a bit slack there. I've had my apple today though, although didn't get a chance to walk- busy day at school. My only opportunity for walking was too or from work, which is just over an hour, couldn't face that! Might try to do that home tomorrow though...

    Azsuzi- I think closing your diary is for the best if it means you're going to be more honest with yourself, fingers crossed it works out for you, I know you can do it!

    Have a good week Ravenclaws!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    I'm sorry I haven't been here or posted on the chart. I've been super sick for the last week or more and haven't done anything other than get up, go to work, come home and veg. I'm on the mend though so this week I might not be super active but I'll be logging at least. I'm sure I have gained and so this week is just about getting back on track for me. Goal again for next month is losing 5 lbs. But until I weigh myself I'll say that that is 229.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Monday Ravenclaw! I really got slack about logging so now my challenge is to get back in the habit. Walked up the stairs today instead of taking the elevator - my huge math book that I lug around certainly let me know how I felt when I was carrying that weight in my body! Its amazing how much difference that weight makes. I didn't have an apple today, but I did have blueberries, strawberries and flax seed - so I'm counting that as an extra fiber OWL for today! And - I'm posting - so that's my 3 for the day. Yay me! Have a great day!
  • the_accountinator
    Hello All!

    It's been WWAAYY too long since I've hung out in the common room with all of you awesome people. I'm hoping to change that. Today was the first day of logging ALL of my food in a while and pre-logging most of my week. Bron and I are trying to better support each other in making this change as we've both been disappointed in the scale recently.

    Anywho...I'm glad to see Ravenclaw is still kicking!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Cenedria- hope you're feeling better!
    Emmie_rene- welcome back!

    Had a good day today, ate healthily, ran in the park after school, ate my apple, walked home, and here I am posting, so three house points for me! I am going to succeed in March!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Cenedria- hope you're feeling better!
    Emmie_rene- welcome back!

    Ditto! ^ :)

    I just took a look at the spreadsheet, though, and we are missing many, many weigh-ins this week. I'm going to send out some last minute reminders in case some weighed in yesterday, but forgot to update the sheet, but right now, I'm seeing that we're missing the following (if I missed an update posted in here or elsewhere about a mini-break or anything like that, please let me know):

    cherubcrnp (x3 - last reminder)
    Loopholequeen (sent a message to see if she still wants to participate)
    mish3131 (x3 - last reminder)
    mommyoftwins08 (x3 - last reminder)
    tboothgenthe (x2 - last reminder)
    WhatsEatingYou (x2 - last reminder)

    Moving forward, I'm going to confirm with Lottee about a few things relating to remidners, so look for that in the future. But until then, hopefully we can all get back on the commitment-train, including weighing in regularly so that we don't need these updates. :)