What are your struggles?

Hey ladies and gents :)

What are your guy's struggles? What do you need motivation on? What are the things that you excel in? Let's write in all here, so we can all motivate and help each other properly :) I want everyone to be 100% successful! WE CAN DO IT!!! :)


  • shearcon1
    I am not very good at staying motivated by myself! I also like to snack late at night!
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 799 Member
    chocolates!!! :(
  • neesa11
    neesa11 Posts: 51 Member
    I read your post on late night snacking I have found that if I drink green tea with honey or stevia it helps keep me from snacking late plus it helps relax me for sleep time! I also chew sugar free gum when I have a craving to chew on something it really helps especially during study time
  • neesa11
    neesa11 Posts: 51 Member
    My biggest challenge will be portion control :(
  • Maraca
    My biggest struggle is finding the energy to get to the gym and once there have a decent workout. I am a full-time student and also have a part-time job :( working out falls third on the list of priorities.
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    Chocolate is my major weakness, so I have given it up for Lent! I've never done the whole Lent thing before (not being Christian) but decided it might be a good thing to try this year. Then I thought, well why not use this as the jumping point for getting rid of all that excess weight too?

    Other than that, I guess portion control is my sloppy area *blush* And I love starchy things like bread and potatoes, so I'm cutting right down on those. I'm starting off easy though - I figured if I make one major change each week, then I can make gradual progress.

    So, last week it was no chocolate. This week my focus is on increasing my water intake. Next week I'm cutting out bread altogether (I figure I can find an alternative like wholewheat crackers instead so I won't eat so much of the starchy stuff!

    Looking forward to kick-starting this healthy new me and cheering everyone else on too. :)

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  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    Exercising regularly, and getting in enough protein. I feel like I'm ALWAYS under in protein.
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    Seems like I'm only losing 1lb a week :/ I'm exercising daily and most days I am a few hundred calories under my goal. Any tips? I'd love to boost things up and lose 10lbs in March!

  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    Seems like I'm only losing 1lb a week :/ I'm exercising daily and most days I am a few hundred calories under my goal. Any tips? I'd love to boost things up and lose 10lbs in March!


    Try eating all your goal calories.

    And 1lb a week is a LOT. That's 52 lbs a year, nothing to sniff at.
  • MumOfGirlsOnly
    MumOfGirlsOnly Posts: 99 Member
    I'm under on protein and over on carbs trying to work on that in March.
    I eat when I'm bored which is usually when the baby is in bed but now I workout then to avoid food.
    Eating more fruit and vegetables.

    I'm good at working out during the week, I usually work out for an hour during the day and a 5k walk/C25k at night but on weekends I slack off because hubby is home and I feel stupid working out in front of him.

    My biggest hurdle is my mind, it's always my mind telling me I can't when I know my body can.
  • shearcon1
    Thanks for the tip on the green tea, I will try it tonight. I try to measure things to help with portion control seems to help a lot!
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 187 Member
    I cant get my sugars,protein and dietary fiber under control. I have been trying to eat what the "pyramid" says to regarding fruits,veggies and whole grains. But I found if I have 2 fruits a day I'm over. With today I had half a cup of strawberries and I was over in vitamin C. I also drink 2 cups of skim milk a day. I eat 3 meals and have a snack and a treat every day. The scale IS going down. 11 pounds in 5 weeks but Im also impatient. I want results faster. Those are my struggles.
  • alyseragauskas
    alyseragauskas Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a college student so you can say one of my biggest struggle is caffeine. But I don't like soda, I just like coffee and tea and sometimes the occasional energy drink. Also, snacking while studying......doesnt matter what it is I for some reason feel the need to snack if I have a book open or my laptop on.
  • twilightobession
    twilightobession Posts: 102 Member
    I struggle with the weekends. Well, I struggle with it all. But it seems that the weekends, I just blow it and blow it BIG!!!!!!!!
  • ready2rockk
    I struggle with eating all my calories..I'm starting to workout more. I went to 3 days a week to every day whether it be an hour orhalf hour. My weight loss progress is slow sometimes I lose a few pounds a week and sometimes none for a few weeks. As of right now I've lost 7 lbs since the beginning of jan. I have no one to do this with, my bf and mom joined MFP and both gave up after a few days. BUT I'm excited for this challenge !!
  • lisaf2
    lisaf2 Posts: 10
    Eating in the evening/at night out of boredom:(
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    I've never given anything up for Lent either, but am thinking strongly of trying my biggest weakness, Red Wine. Might as well sacrifice something that will be missed, and should help with losing the pounds too. Note: My profile pic is of me at a vineyard. lol :drinker:

    Good luck and I look forward to March!
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    Seems like I'm only losing 1lb a week :/ I'm exercising daily and most days I am a few hundred calories under my goal. Any tips? I'd love to boost things up and lose 10lbs in March!


    Try eating all your goal calories.

    And 1lb a week is a LOT. That's 52 lbs a year, nothing to sniff at.

    I'm grateful...but that makes it impossible to do 10lbs in March...lol :)
  • LinLud
    Chocolate and dessert. I find that while I am at work I can control myself and eat healthy, but the second I get home I feel like a bottomless pitt and eat everything in sight until dinner and then need dessert.
    Any suggestions on ways to control the urge to snack so much when I am home? Thanks :)
  • jqf2
    jqf2 Posts: 18
    My biggest struggle is eating out on the weekends. I always get in the mindset that if I'm paying for food I want to eat what I WANT. Hopefully I can get to the point where I WANT the healthier foods.