Which class did you do today?

I thought that it would be fun to have a new sticky each week so we can talk about the workouts we did!

So... today I did Fire 45... my absolute FAVORITE! I know I had the biggest smile throughout the whole workout!! :):) I also did a ZWOW, a free workout on youtube from Zuzka Light. I only got through 5 mins though, my baby needed me. What did you do today??


  • isys5
    isys5 Posts: 213
    I did Lean Intervals yesterday forgot to post I think )

    Burned 285 calories doing 51 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Chalene Extreme - Push 1" & HIIT 15, can barely type, ouch! I know I keep saying it but man I love TF, what a life changer her workouts are!

    So not sure if I am at a plateau or just building muscle as I have not lost an ounce in at least 3 weeks I believe so going to try cal cycling, wish me luck :)
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    I did Turbo Fire 30 today and burned 270 cals!!!!!;)
  • Exna
    Exna Posts: 96 Member

    So not sure if I am at a plateau or just building muscle as I have not lost an ounce in at least 3 weeks I believe so going to try cal cycling, wish me luck :)

    You are not alone on this .. I haven't loose a thing since last month :S ... I have been eating less than I should from Monday to Friday and then weekends I will go super high ... don't know if that has something to do ....
    BUT I do see a huge difference in my arms and legs .. As soon I know how to post photos I will post my results from CLX :) ...
    This is last week of the Lean month ! .. it went super fast ...
  • Exna
    Exna Posts: 96 Member
    I have no clue how to "Quote" and then reply -.- sorry!!!!!!
  • Helen_Ch
    Helen_Ch Posts: 37 Member
    Finished Fire 45...also my fav!! And Core 20!
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Fire 55 EZ ! Really considered napping, but I pushed play anyway. Now I don't fee like napping!
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    Fire 45! Loved it :)
  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    I did Fire 55 EZ tonight. And boy am I tired now. Can't wait to get a good night's sleep.
  • jaszmyn
    jaszmyn Posts: 66 Member
    I did FIRE 45 tonight. It is GREAT. My fave, I love the "oh I got your boyfriend, I got your man!" oh! and the "Tina" makes me feel so liberated. It was fun and a great workout. I found a way to kinda modify things if I can't keep up. I figured out that I am losing her when she goes from one side to another, so I just stay foward, as to not loose momentum trying to keep up. YAY Me!! I think I did I much better job keeping up today, even though I am sure I was off. And I watched the second break down twice. Now, I can't wait to get to sleep.
  • sandymck413
    sandymck413 Posts: 29 Member
    I did TF 60 and got ready to go to work, but I love love turbo fire 60. Tomorrow I'm doing 45 with lower body workout.
  • Sweeterescape
    Just did HIIT 25, I think I am addicted to fire drills! Love how much energy I have after!!!

    I am starting to worry about how addicted I am to TF - back was hurting a lot yesterday and positively freaked out at the thought of not being able to do it! Feels better today, and rest day tomorrow :-)

    You're all doing so great!!
  • BrendaS78
    I did Fire 55 EZ this morning!! This is my week two so I should have done Fire 45 once already...but I misread my schedule last week and did Fire 30 + Stretch 10 by mistake! :( Can't wait to do Fire 45 this week--seems to be everyone's favorite!! :)
  • isys5
    isys5 Posts: 213
    Burned 361 calories doing 45 minutes of "TurboFire - FIRE 45" my fav too :)
  • isys5
    isys5 Posts: 213
    ooh no Exna, no weight loss from the lean month argh, hopefully you are losing inches. I have started the calorie cycling too to see if that helps but it is probably just because we are buidling so much muscle, right ;)

    Looking forward to seeing your photos as well I plan on posting mine as soon as I can pin my hubby down long enough to take the photos. I tried taking them myself and I am horrible at it ;)
  • jaszmyn
    jaszmyn Posts: 66 Member
    I did HIIT 20 today. It was good! So tired. Glad tomorrow is a rest day:)
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    I did Fire 45EZ!!! I love the "I'm a bad girl" song!
  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    I did Fire 30 and Sculpt 30 last night. So happy today is a rest day!
  • DelilahNguyen
    HIIT 15
    Sculpt 30!!

    Might add Fire 45 since im not doing much all day!
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Hi all, I have been slacking in my turbo fire, I haven't worked out since sunday and now it's already wed.:(

    I have had my kids home and we have been having a lot of family time. My kids went to the school in ohio where the shootings took place on Monday and we have just been trying to do things together. They go back to school on Friday, So, I am going to continue with this week off.

    Please say some prayers for our community and for the recovery of the 2 surviving victims of the school shooting. They are going to need it!
  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    I did a 1.5 mile run this morning before the baby woke up and then HIIT 15 (modified since she was walkign around under my feet!). Feeling great today!

    Kikx5 - oh my gosh, how scary!! I will be sending positive vibes to your community, what a scary thing to happen. :(