Hi! Introduce yourself



  • Hi im Lexy~~~

    I need to lose about 55-60 lbs... ive been working out 3-5 times a week and a personal trainer twice a week... its so damn hard... im so exhausted everyday after working then going to workout... i get up at 6am then dont get home until 8pm most nights... some nights its later depending on what im doing at the gym :/ i am trying so hard and it is very hard... especially eating!!! im such a junk foos junky and i miss pizzza and mcdonalds and burger king... but i keep looking at old pictures of myself and thats my inspiration... i used to weigh 145 and my starting wieght was 195! so looking at my old skinny pics i see that i wanna be there and i look at pictures of my now... and how big ive gotten... I am just in this mode where i dont feel like working out anymore even though i am not at my goal weight yet.... I am that type too .. where i am going good for a little while then i start falling off the end... starting with eating bad and stopping exercising .. and im in that funk right now.. im tryin really hard to stay on track but its really hard...
  • LeannSz
    LeannSz Posts: 68 Member
    Hi I'm Leann from PA. I have managed to lose 60 lbs on my own but I have 40 more to go and I find the more positive motivation I have the better I do so here I am.
  • Hey there! I am Sam. I'm a 30 year old stay home mother and wife to 3 very active kids. I started my weight loss program when I weighed in at my heaviest 193. I'm 5'2 (on a good day) and so I have alot of weight to lose. Since I started in January I have already lost 10lbs. I would love to lose atleast 40lbs. I am currently going to the gym 4-5 times a week and MOST days am eating less then my allowance. My biggest problems are SWEETS and a lack of motivation (sometimes).
  • Hi everyone i'm 25 years old trying to lose 25lbs. I hd my son 5 years ago and is still trying to loose the weight it is hard because i love food!!!! I'm sick of being fat now and it is time to start doing something about!! Since i started this website i've lost pounds isn't alot but its a start. All I need is a little motivation and i think i could do it so if anyone has any advise or tips please let me know thank you so much
  • that is the same with me! I do good for a while then I stop everything it sucks but just gotta keep pushing yourself!!
  • Hi guys. I just started tonight here. Looking for some motivation. I'm Katie, i'm 21. I am looking to lose 30 or so pounds by August. I have always been a little bit bigger, but I am tall so I've always justified it. But I'm getting married and I want to look good for that, so I need help! I'm excited to be here!
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    Hey, I'm Alyssa, from Brooklyn, NY, and I'm 23, going on 24 this year. I've been on MFP forrr... well, I don't know how long actually lol, at least a year though!!! I think... Maybe 8 months? Anyway, I digress! I was doing really well for a long time, I had lost 50 lbs with the help of this site. Unfortunately, I have gained almost 20 lbs back over the last four months. I haven't been very motivated, and kind of stopped trying for a while. I've gotten back on the horse recently, but I still struggle with motivation, more than I'd like, so I will take any steps necessary to try and prevent future lapses. I'm excited to be here and look forward to being involved in this group!
  • jsenior1
    jsenior1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey. I'm Janette from Georgia. I am married with two young children. I have a desk job in an office with people who love to cook and who are good at it. I have been on MFP for a couple of months, but just started to really use it. I need to lose about 100 lbs. but would be happy with 70 lbs. My initial motivation came earlier in 2011 when my husband had two major surgeries. I decided I needed to be healthy for my girls...in case he didn't make it.
  • bewilder82
    bewilder82 Posts: 11 Member
    Over the last 5 years or so I've slowly added 35lbs to my normal weight... Well, I am finally ready to do something about it! I turn 30 in May and would like to lose as much by then. I'm really glad I heard about this site because I could really use motivation and support.
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Hi all - Welcome!!

    MFP is a great site. Get involved in some of the chats and make a few friends. It's great to help keep you encouraged and on the right track. Remember to take the advice on here and add your own touch of common sense.

    True motivation needs to come from within and you have to be committed to making a lifestyle change not just "dieting". Find your "why" and post it where you see it every day. Let the people on this site encourage you along the way.

    Let's make this a great journey!!
  • Hello, I am Celina. I am from Texas and have a great husband and 3 children 16,10 and 3. I am wanting to lose around 30 lbs. or more but that is a start. I plan on doing Tae Bo extreme that is a 50 min work out with cardio and weights. I am going low carb because I have been told I am borderline diabetic.Hopefully with weight loss it won't be an issue. I am giving my self a fresh start today.