Introduction - Start Weight and Measurements

Hi my name is Cindy 27 years old and 5"3 (1.63m). I've been on Myfitnesspal almost 80 days.

Weight 153.66 lbs (69.7kg)

My measurements are:

Neck 36cm
Chest above breasts 83.5cm
Breast 88cm
Under Breasts 78cm
Upper arm 29cm
Lower arm 23.5cm
Wrists 15cm
Middle 82cm
Hips 87.5cm
Bum 98cm
Thighs 53cm
Knees 33cm
Calf 36.5cm
Ankles 20.5cm


  • stefbrowne07
    stefbrowne07 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Cindy!

    My name is Stefanie. I am 28 years old, 5'3", and weigh 151 lbs. I'm hoping to lose about 35 lbs. I have not had the chance to get any other measurements as of yet. I look forward to completing this challenge and to continue on in my goals of weight loss and a healthier lifestyle.
  • CindyCountingCalories
    Welcome Stefanie, and thank you for joining, good luck on with your goals, I want to weigh 120 but if I loose inches I'm happy, my goal for this challenge is to be your current weight ;)
  • eternalflame30
    Hello I'm Lisa,

    I love ZUMBA! Even at the weight I'm at which is 275 so lets just say I need to loose alot! First goal to get to 250

  • CindyCountingCalories
    CindyCountingCalories Posts: 321 Member
    Welcome Lisa! And thank you for joining!
    ARJATL Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm Angela..I will be 50 years old in December and I am currently at at 204lbs....I am trying to get to 150lbs by my wedding date which is November 24th, I bought the Zumba Collection of 9 DVD's. I started today with the Step by Step and Activate DVD and feel every bit of I guess it is working. My goal is to do 30-40 minutes a day. Wish me luck!
  • QueenTK
    QueenTK Posts: 6
    HI I am Tanya. Weight 246lbs and hoping to be 180 lbs by November - I want to turn 27 being healthy :) and yes I know that 180 is not the healthiest weight either but that's my goal
  • CindyCountingCalories
    CindyCountingCalories Posts: 321 Member
    Welcome Angela and Tanya and thank you for joining!

    Congrats on getting Married Angela!

    Good Luck to you both!
  • Dewdrop24
    Dewdrop24 Posts: 32 Member
    My name is Debbie, I'm 55 years old and weight 152lbs. My goal is to loose another 22 but will be happy at 135. I've already lost 18lbs since I started watching what I eat and using Visalus shakes. I get a lot of exercise at work but on my days off I need something more, so I looked in Zumba. I started today, finding a couple of 15 minute routines on youtube. Holy cow it is so much fun I will be doing it even on the days I work! I'm going to buy a DVD or two and look into joining a class.
    So, I think I'm ready to do this challenge! Not sure if I can make an hour every day, only did 1/2 an hour this morning, but maybe if I do it twice a day...
  • CindyCountingCalories
    CindyCountingCalories Posts: 321 Member
    Welcome Debbie, well done with your 18 Lbs loss so far! That's excellent!