Level 1, Day 1...DONE

reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
and I'm still alive....goot get some lighter weights (all I had was 5 pound ones and I had to drop them and go on weightless :tongue: ) It was fun, but she kicked my *kitten*! Funny how it didn't look so bad when I preveiwed it (of course I was sitting on the couch when I did that :blushing: ) 1 down 29 to go!!!


  • GMC_81
    GMC_81 Posts: 139 Member
    Well done you :)

    Day 1 Level 1 complete for me too :)
  • CindyCountingCalories
    CindyCountingCalories Posts: 321 Member
    Day 1 Level 1 Done :drinker:
  • CNG223
    CNG223 Posts: 127 Member
    Day 1 Level 1 done as well! I think the cardio was harder than the strength exercises, can't wait to look back on level 1 and say whew that wasn't so bad...I wonder how long that will take.
  • th04
    th04 Posts: 32 Member
    Level 1 day 1 done for me too, I did it last night though so day 2 for me today and I was expecting to be aching a lot more, but I feel fine! Will have to push myself tonight! :)
  • momotivation
    momotivation Posts: 72 Member
    Well I completed Level 1 and Day 1. WOW! I really do hope it gets easier, cause I'm really struggling. On the plus side I love that Jillian is constantly reminding us how to do the steps properly so I'm not worried about doing them wrong and getting no results. She is very supportive that way.
    anxiously awaiting my second chance tomorrow.
  • Ashley3915
    Ashley3915 Posts: 48 Member
    Completed my second day of Level One!!! HOLY HARD!!!! The Squats and the raising of the weights is I would say is the hardest for me!! AND Then sit ups at the end!!!! Feeling great though! can not wait to see the results in 30 days! :)

    Good luck everyone! and Congrats on Day 1!!!
  • CindyCountingCalories
    CindyCountingCalories Posts: 321 Member
    Day 1 Level 1 done as well! I think the cardio was harder than the strength exercises, can't wait to look back on level 1 and say whew that wasn't so bad...I wonder how long that will take.

    It will get easier after day 5 :wink:
  • momotivation
    momotivation Posts: 72 Member
    Day 1 Level 1 done as well! I think the cardio was harder than the strength exercises, can't wait to look back on level 1 and say whew that wasn't so bad...I wonder how long that will take.

    I am wondering right along with you! :D
  • beez89
    beez89 Posts: 182 Member
    and I'm still alive....goot get some lighter weights (all I had was 5 pound ones and I had to drop them and go on weightless :tongue: ) It was fun, but she kicked my *kitten*! Funny how it didn't look so bad when I preveiwed it (of course I was sitting on the couch when I did that :blushing: ) 1 down 29 to go!!!

    haha, I am glad to hear your alive and well! :bigsmile:
    That's funny, I did the same thing last month when I bought the dvd. I thought, "psh, that's nothing I can do that"
    Then actually doing it about killed me :sick: lol

    As far as it getting better it really does. :flowerforyou:
    I guess how soon that happens depends on the person, but it gets surprising how fast you'll move up!

    Glad to see everyone is having a great first day!I usually do my workout when my daughter takes her 1st name, so only a couple hours to go! We gotta stick with it!!! 30 days isn't that long, and the results will be so worth it in the end!! :drinker:
  • beez89
    beez89 Posts: 182 Member

    I love how she tells you about proper form too! Other exercise Dvd's never tell you how to know if your doing things wrong. (atleast to my knowledge)

    I hate the squats, but wait till you get planks in lvl 2.. :noway: LOL They are killer, but at least you know your getting a good workout! lol

    It definitely get's easier though! great job today guys! :drinker:
  • NubianSpirit
    NubianSpirit Posts: 101 Member
    weights... i am also using a set of 5lb-ers and found myself dropping them on a couple of the exercises throughout the entire series. i pretty much grew up with a slew of exercise videos to choose from (mom's collection, apple doesn't fall far though) ... anywho... one of the videos that she had talked about isometric contractions, meaning that you provide your own resistance for the exercise rather than making use of a weight or a strap to do it. i dropped the weights and used that methodology on the L1 squats with the arm raise and L2 chair squat with a v-raise. this methodology also comes in super handy if you should find yourself having to travel via air and don't want to have to add weight to your bag by bringing along your hand weights!

    workout... i am a nighttime shredder myself. IF i manage to roll my @$$ out of bed prior to having to leave for work, i try to get a yoga video in. it's nice to start my day in a focused, zen-like place ... :flowerforyou: (of course then i drive into work in traffic and the zen slips away...hopefully i can regain the focus as i've got deadlines to meet!!) :huh:
  • stormy_eyez742
    stormy_eyez742 Posts: 37 Member
    Day 1 Level 1 - Complete! Thank goodness too! I think every muscle is my body is shaking, I'm sweating like a marathon runner, and I'm trying to calm my breathing as I type. Anyone else feel like they're going to throw up after working out like this or am I the only one?

    I am sooo out of shape! Sometimes I couldn't complete the exact exercise (jumping) but I kept moving and picked back up where I could in the set. After major back surgery the jarring is sometimes more than I can bear. However, I know if I don't push it, I'll never strengthen.

    Way to go ladies! We're doing it!
  • ItsMeGg
    ItsMeGg Posts: 22
    I stared the 30 DS last month after over a week ok not doing it, D1L1 was a struggle for me. But I'll keep telling myself I am the master of my body.
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    and I'm still alive....goot get some lighter weights (all I had was 5 pound ones and I had to drop them and go on weightless :tongue: ) It was fun, but she kicked my *kitten*! Funny how it didn't look so bad when I preveiwed it (of course I was sitting on the couch when I did that :blushing: ) 1 down 29 to go!!!
    I work out regularly and have gone upwards of 25 pound dumbells for shoulders and even 20 for bicep curls but doing that squat with arm fly is tough with even 5lb dumbells. I am on level 2 but even at level one I had to take a breather on some of the exercises using the 5lb weights. Keep at it.
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Just got my Level 1 Day 1 DONE, also!! I started last month, got a week into it...and stopped for any myriad of reasons. When I saw the opportunity to start again with this group, with a knot of "wonder if I can REALLY commit", I plunged and joined you all!! My cardio still needs work. I noticed I was stronger than the very first time, but still had to slow during Circuit two...and DID finish STRONG on the 3rd circuit. Funny, how I was thinking of the group when I first started telling myself I couldn't WAIT to report...then she made me start CONCENTRATING and all thoughts left the group for my OWN SURVIVIVAL :laugh: I'm just glad I CAN report, and APPLAUD :drinker: (with water), all my fellow JM30DS MFPers! WOW... See ya tomorrow!!

  • Day 1 is done. Those side lunges always kill me, and today was no different.
  • nmb92883
    nmb92883 Posts: 29 Member
    FInished lvl 1 day 1.... I made it threw better this time then i did 2 yrs ago. so that was a plus. it was still a bit of a struggle though. i have an issue w/ the side lunges & arm lifts as well...there was something else that i was struggling w/ but i forgot what it was. lol i'll have to post it tomorrow after i finish day 2 lol.

    Good Job everyone on ur 1st day!! (& 2nd for some)

    oh also from my experience last time: I was feeling extremely sore the first 3 days then day 4 it was all good. i wasn't struggling from soreness while doing the workout and by day 6 or 7 i was tired of doing level 1 but then come level 2 day 1 i was wishing i was still doing level one. lol
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    Day 1 Level 1 - Complete! Thank goodness too! I think every muscle is my body is shaking, I'm sweating like a marathon runner, and I'm trying to calm my breathing as I type. Anyone else feel like they're going to throw up after working out like this or am I the only one?

    I am sooo out of shape! Sometimes I couldn't complete the exact exercise (jumping) but I kept moving and picked back up where I could in the set. After major back surgery the jarring is sometimes more than I can bear. However, I know if I don't push it, I'll never strengthen.

    Way to go ladies! We're doing it!

    yes I thought I was going to throw up too...about halfway through circuit 2 cardio... :sick: I was coughing and wheezing, I just took a sip of water and a few deep breaths and was better, but I was glad for that abs section to come! Glad I'm not the only one! I felt just like some of those Biggest Loser people on their first day!!!
  • emilybeatrice1
    emilybeatrice1 Posts: 163 Member
    i have not worked out in a while.... this is aparent!! i think i'm never going to stop shaking!! but i made it thru the whole work out
  • diane68
    diane68 Posts: 43 Member
    Okay just done day one of level one. Really shocked at how tough it was! I watched it beforehand and though it looked okay - I mean how hard could it be - just 20mins!! Well very very hard! . The main thing for me was the speed of moving up from the floor to do the cardio- I just couldn't keep up. Aso the jumping jacks seemed to go on for ever. Anyway saying that I'm sort of looking forward to tomorrow to see if it's any easier. Hope I'm not too sore.......

    Good luck everyone.