[: Introductions :]



  • diane68
    diane68 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all

    My name is Diane and I live in the UK. Although I joined mfp ages ago I've only really be using it for the last 7 weeks and so far i've lost 17 pounds. My CW is 165 pds and my GW is 130. I do Zumba on my wii 3 or 4 times a week which is good but I really need to introduce some strength/ resistance type training. I bought shred ages ago but only took it out it's wrapper yesterday and will try out tonight. Hope I can do it!!

    My main goal over the next month is to lose some inches around my tummy area and maybe tone up my flabby arms a bit!!

    Good luck to everyone
  • ccraigbba
    ccraigbba Posts: 19
    Hi I am Charmaine. I am 44 and joined MFP in Jan after quitting smoking. I need to get in shape for a trip in April and have tried to workout in some way everyday. I saw big changes inch/weight wise in Jan but for Feb I have not seen much change in measurements (scale or tape) even though my endurance has improved and I have drastically cut out my pop. I am hoping to see more of a difference in March with the 30 day shred in addition to Turbo Sculpt and a lot of walking.
  • kerri247
    kerri247 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm Kerri and I am also in the UK. I havent tried 30DS before and I've had it a couple of weeks so this group is great motivation to start it, I dont have much to loose but am finding my current excercise regime is not getting me anywhere. Hopefully this will me the good results I have heard everyone else talking about!
    Good luck everyone
  • Hi! My name's Jess. I'm soon to be turning 26, and this will be second round of 30DS. I gained a good bit of weight in college and at the start of medical school, and now I'm trying to lose it before it gets out of hand. I didn't lose any weight with the first round of 30DS, but I did lose a pants size. I'm hoping to keep toning up a bit, and lose some more weight.

    Ah, I was lurking around til I saw this. We are in pretty much the same situation Jess :)

    I'm 25, I'm trying to shift all this university weight off! I used to row but it's all crept on since I stopped. All the activity I do at the moment is cycle commuting with longer rides on the weekend. I hope this kicks me into gear.

    It's nice to meet you all.
  • jettwalker
    jettwalker Posts: 7 Member
    My names LIsa and fairly new to MFP. Discovered it about 5 weeks ago and have been tracking what I have been eating ever since (which can be scary sometimes) I have started the 30 day shred already but wanted to jump on to a support group as I generally lose interest in things about the 1 week mark (currently about to do day 9 level 1). I have noticed a huge difference in my strength from day 1 to day 8 (had to stop constantly on day 1!!) but the first 3 days were hard!!!

    I am interested to know if anyone uses a HRM when they do the 30DS as I have been but the calories burnt have varied by up to 50 calories. I have read on the boards that some people are burning 300+ calories but I cannot burn more than 150....which is kind of annoying :sad:

  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Jessica and this will be my second round of 30DS. The first time I did it was about half a year ago and I loved it! After completing one round of 30DS, I do the workouts every now and then but I think it's about time for another round. Other forms of exercise that I love to do include running, spinning, and boxing! I am constantly trying (not always successfully) to live a healthy lifestyle that includes eating healthy and staying active. I'm so excited about doing 30DS again!
    My names LIsa and fairly new to MFP. Discovered it about 5 weeks ago and have been tracking what I have been eating ever since (which can be scary sometimes) I have started the 30 day shred already but wanted to jump on to a support group as I generally lose interest in things about the 1 week mark (currently about to do day 9 level 1). I have noticed a huge difference in my strength from day 1 to day 8 (had to stop constantly on day 1!!) but the first 3 days were hard!!!

    I am interested to know if anyone uses a HRM when they do the 30DS as I have been but the calories burnt have varied by up to 50 calories. I have read on the boards that some people are burning 300+ calories but I cannot burn more than 150....which is kind of annoying :sad:


    Lisa I definitely feel your frustration on the calories burned. My calorie burn for most activities is pretty low compared to a lot of other people...I really have to work hard to get those higher burns! I have an HRM and a BodyBugg and my calories burned for 30DS are usually around 100-120 cals
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Maria and I live in Portland, OR. I've always strugled with being overweight and feel like I finally have my head in the game to knock it off once and for all. I'm super excited for the motivation this group will provide. This is my second try with the shred. The first time I hurt my ankle (shred has nothing to do with it). Good luck everyone!

    Happy to make some new MFP friends too :flowerforyou:
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    My names LIsa and fairly new to MFP. Discovered it about 5 weeks ago and have been tracking what I have been eating ever since (which can be scary sometimes) I have started the 30 day shred already but wanted to jump on to a support group as I generally lose interest in things about the 1 week mark (currently about to do day 9 level 1). I have noticed a huge difference in my strength from day 1 to day 8 (had to stop constantly on day 1!!) but the first 3 days were hard!!!

    I am interested to know if anyone uses a HRM when they do the 30DS as I have been but the calories burnt have varied by up to 50 calories. I have read on the boards that some people are burning 300+ calories but I cannot burn more than 150....which is kind of annoying :sad:


    Hi Lisa,

    I've used the HRM a couple of times when I did the shred and found it to be only a couple of calories off of what MFP says it should be. I think there are days when you work a little harder then others. I found that in myself anyways :smile: The calories we burn really have to do with how much you weigh and how tall you are. My best friend burns about 50 calories less then me when we go for a 15 minute walk together. We're the same height but she is about 20 lbs lighter than me. I'm 207 69inches and usually burn 223 calories when I do the shred. I'm willing to bet money that you're shorter and smaller than me :bigsmile:
  • backontrack13
    backontrack13 Posts: 12 Member
    I am a mom of 2 and am ready to finally be rid of the baby weight!!! I just need to figure out how to make the time for myself and stop eating mindlessly. I did the 30 DS yesterday and would love some motivation.
  • louisey112
    louisey112 Posts: 573 Member
    I am new to MFP, but heard about it through a friend. I just started doing the 30 Day Shred this month - MARCH MADNESS - I lovingly call it. So yesterday was just Day 1 for me and it was awesome! I think I'm really going to like this workout. I have my mind made up, measurements marked and a "before" picture taken. I don't own a scale so I have no idea how much I weigh, but I'm not interested in the number on the scale, just how I feel and look. I have 2 children and my boyfriend is doing it with me as well. Can't wait to see how other people are progressing as we all do this together this month. I am also drinking Herbalife shakes for two of my meals to help things along. I really want to get in shape for the summer! Let's do this!

  • Hi there people,
    My name is Graeme and this is my first time doing the 3DS.
    Haven't seen many male results for this so I thought I would give it a go any way and see what happens :)
    I'll try anything to get my body back to shape and fitness level up

    I have been using MFP for a while now but just recently discovered the community part of the site
    I have been wanting to loose weight for a long time now, the weight was put on about 4 years ago
    due to moving out of parents house and spending all spare cash on our luxury beer haha
    Times have changed now and I would like to be able to play with my 4 year old boy without gettin out of breath
    after 5 mins of running about :(

    Since it looks like I am the only guy in this group I hope my results don't differ to much from all you girls.
    Looking forward to go through the blood, sweat and tears with everyone :)
  • loranch
    loranch Posts: 94 Member
    Hi everyone;
    My name is Laurie and this is my first time doing the 30ds. It's been collecting dust on the shelf!!
    I'm very excited about starting it and getting motivation from others. I attend a gym 5 days a week but plan to do this as well.
    I love mfp it's been great. I've been a user since Aug.2011 but didn't belong to any groups or have any friends until recently. I've noticed a difference since having friends, it's definitley motivated me and thats what made me decide to join a group.
    The only thing I'm unsure about is how to add this for exercise for the calories.
    Please add me if anyone wants the more the merrier!
    Oh ya I forgot to mention I'm from BC Canada.
    Good luck everyone!
  • NubianSpirit
    NubianSpirit Posts: 101 Member
    Hi there people,
    My name is Graeme and this is my first time doing the 3DS.
    Haven't seen many male results for this so I thought I would give it a go any way and see what happens :)
    I'll try anything to get my body back to shape and fitness level up

    ISince it looks like I am the only guy in this group I hope my results don't differ to much from all you girls.
    Looking forward to go through the blood, sweat and tears with everyone :)

    hi there!

    best of luck to you as you work hard to slim down, i'm pretty sure that jillian will give you the results that you are looking for since none of the moves in the program are "girl specific" ... in terms of differences in results, i think we are all striving towards fewer inches on our bodies, so that is going to be the same regardless of whether you are male or female - the only real difference is going to be the shape that your are striving towards (and that varies among us girls too!)

    welcome to the group!!
  • jlazzar10
    jlazzar10 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm Jennifer. I did 30DS a few years back and got to goal. Now trying to get back to goal. I tried P90X and other workouts and decided this one worked before so trying again. Plan to also do P90X Ab Ripper and eliptical.
  • jjoseph329
    jjoseph329 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello everyone my name is Juanita and I am excited to join this group. I Just had a baby girl this past Augustand continued to eat as if I was pregnant after I had her until 3 weeks ago. I already completed day 1 and 2 so I am right on track with you guys. My current weight is 223 lbs. Well Lets do this!!!!
  • tdyer10
    tdyer10 Posts: 17 Member
    Got my DVD today! So excited!!! Took down my measurements, so I'm starting today! I did weigh myself today but I think I'm gonna go by inches lost more so! I don't want to get discouraged if I gain lbs due to the weight lifting!
  • rlb8788
    rlb8788 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm a little late..

    My name is Rachael and I have been using MFP since around October last year. My weight loss journey started last January. Scheduling my first physical in a few years I panicked and made me really want to put an honest effort towards losing weight. My heaviest was 265. I was doing pretty good until around June and went on a 4 month hiatus and started back up late October.

    Right now I weigh between 201 and 203.. so close to the one hundreds, I can taste it! Its been almost 10 years since I've been under 200 pounds. I want to first get to 160 but I know I won't stop there.

    I started 30DS on February 27th, so I am a few days ahead but I hope that reading your experiences will help motivate me to keep going!
  • mollyvon
    mollyvon Posts: 114 Member
    Hi everyone. Today was my first day doing 30DS. I had a bit of difficulty keeping up with the cardio portions, but managed to ge through till the end. Even several hours after finishing, my legs can still feel it when I walk up or down my stairs. I took pictures yesterday and hope that after the 30 days I will see a nice difference. I plan to lose 27 more pounds and hopefully this will give me the boost I need to kick start my goals plan.
  • laylamurphy
    laylamurphy Posts: 13 Member
    Hi There!

    I'm Layla and I started 30DS on 2/24. Between then and now I have skipped about 5 days due to traveling, but I brought the DVD and hand weights with me and did it while I could! I am on Level 1 Day 8 today. I noticed today that the pushups were easier. Still doing girl ones, but, they were easier. :) I really like it so far and I'm excited to move to Level 2! I joined MFP a couple weeks ago and came over from WW. WW just wasn't motivating me anymore. So far, I haven't lost anything since my official start 2 weeks ago. I did take before pics and my measurements. I can't believe the results that MFPers have gotten from this video! Very ispiring!