Due dates?

newma6 Posts: 100 Member
Just wanted to see how far along all of us ladies are, and when everyone's due dates are? I just found out we are expecting baby #6 a few days ago. It was quite a shock since I have been on birth control since having our last child three years ago. We are excited though. I have not had my first official check up yet, only a confirmation visit with a regular doctor. I am guessing I am about 6 weeks, but could be more or less. I figure on having an October due date.....little pumpkin baby!! :bigsmile:


  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I just found out I'm pregnant as well, and due at the end of October. :smile: Baby #3 for me and it was a total shock too as my youngest is only 6 months old! It's starting to seem real now and I am getting excited!
  • nicnactoo
    nicnactoo Posts: 29 Member
    I found out 2 days ago, and I tested 4 days early (I just knew I was pregnant: sore boobs, craving for Marmite (it's a UK thing)), so I haven't even missed my period yet! So I am due 13th November (the same date my husband and I met 14 years ago).

    We were TTC, but it was only month 1, so we were a bit surprised it happened so quick. We have a daughter, aged 18 months.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    How exciting for those of you just finding out! I'm currently 16.5 weeks, due August 15th. We tried for nearly two years (started trying in January 2010, found out I was pregnant December 2011) and it was such a relief to finally happen. This is baby #4 for us, and we've had a loss, so that makes it even more special. Historically, it takes me a long time to conceive, except for our surprise #3--we started TTC right away after #2 was born, expecting it to take years, and I was pregnant before my first PP period.
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm due 9/11. We already have two daughters (ages 4 and 2). My husband has been hounding me to have a third baby, and I kind of told him "We'll see." I had stopped the Pill in November because I was having some obscene weight gain, and only had one "cycle" before this "not trying/not preventing" resulted in this pregnancy, which I wasn't totally sure about yet. i had an embedded IUD surgically removed last year, so honestly didn't think I would get pregnant again, especially not so easily... I still kind of worry that the IUD damage will cause complications for this pregnancy.
  • kya101
    kya101 Posts: 37
    Hi Yall!!! I just found out 3 days ago that we I'm expecting number 2, I'm due Nov 9, 2012. I am soo excited we just started TTC and it happened really fast... wasn't expecting that, but sooo happy notheless :) Congrats ladies, here's to happy health, fit pregnancies :)
  • Givenitmybest
    Givenitmybest Posts: 57 Member
    Pregnant with number 3, due july 18th. This one was a surprise as well. My son was 6 months when we found out. Apparently, its a habit for the women in my family to get pregnant on birth control. However, we are excited to be expecting a little girl. Its different this time. I'm a lot more tired and moody.......
  • MrsDunn8910
    MrsDunn8910 Posts: 16 Member
    October baby too! It's my first! I'm super psyched! Scared...but happy!
  • missemmapeel
    missemmapeel Posts: 69 Member
    I'm due July 16, with number two. Amelia turned two on Feb 10, so babes will be about 2 1/2 years apart. I'm really thrilled and can't wait to meet the little acrobat I'm gestating... I'm also looking forward to a year off work with the children, and all the bonding and family time I'll get to enjoy. I am a little worried about how it will be with two- seems like a handful.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Tentative date is October 26th, it's my first, still not telling anyone (other than husband of course and my Mom). Plan is to tell the family at Easter when it's past 12 weeks!
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    Welcome to all of our new Preggos! :)

    I'm due July 26th with a sweet baby boy. Yesterday was the 20 week mark---1/2 way there.

    I can't wait to meet this little guy. He is a joy to my heart.
  • tristinasmith
    tristinasmith Posts: 6 Member
    Well I am due August 8th :) And I am 18 weeks pregnant! So far pregnancy has been good to me, other than trying to find the right doctor! I am excited to be a mom! :)
  • cassandra77
    cassandra77 Posts: 120
    Hi everyone! Congrats to you all! I just found out last week we are expecting baby #2! Our son is 2 1/2. We are very excited! I haven't been for my first appointment yet but I would say I am about 7 weeks right now! Yay!
  • kya101
    kya101 Posts: 37
    Hi everyone! Congrats to you all! I just found out last week we are expecting baby #2! Our son is 2 1/2. We are very excited! I haven't been for my first appointment yet but I would say I am about 7 weeks right now! Yay!

    Cassandra that is awesome, I also have a 2 1/2 year old son! We're going to be in the same boat :) Hopefully your son is more excited and good about the pregnancy, our son is already mad and says NO BABY Mommy!!!! :( LOL Hopefully the next 8 months he'll warm up :) Congrats again!
  • Book_wormie22
    Book_wormie22 Posts: 18 Member
    heya!! I am due April 24th with my second child - a girl - Alaina Nicholle. My son - Dane Lee - will be three on May 19 - so a good age difference i think! Super excited and super nervous to be adding another family member!!
  • smbrnd24
    smbrnd24 Posts: 2
    I am due March 22 (in 13 days) with my first. A little girl, Kaelynn Marie! I am super nervous since I am a FTM. My fiance and I really aren't sure what all to expect yet (aside from "no sleep!"). I am really looking forward to being able to get back into shape after baby arrives!
  • lellagella
    lellagella Posts: 41 Member
    I just found out I am pregnant with #4 so due day is at the beginning of November :)

    pure joy, but at the same time a bit scared because I only started my get-fit-and-fabulous journey less then two months ago and I do not want to fall back into old habits.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I just found out I am pregnant with #4 so due day is at the beginning of November :)

    pure joy, but at the same time a bit scared because I only started my get-fit-and-fabulous journey less then two months ago and I do not want to fall back into old habits.

    Welcome, I'm also due in November (11/2) and it will be my 3rd. :smile: I've only been at this lifestyle change since November so pretty new to it and hoping to stick with it during my pregnancy.
  • alyssa1980
    hi everyone and congrats!!!! Just had a positive pregnancy test a few days ago and have my first appt on thursday...I am so excited!!! According to me, my EDD should be November 15, 2012. I have a little boy who turned two last week :)
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Hi everyone!!! I havent gotten a due date officially, but I was told by the nurse who works at the agency I do, it will be the first week of November. This will be my second. I am doing really well with this one. I am not as sick as I was with my first and I am really trying to eat better. Thats why I wanted to stay on MFP, so I didnt gain 70 lbs with this one like I did my first!!!!!!!
  • MysticLiz
    MysticLiz Posts: 61 Member
    Due November 8th, 2012. Just found out we have a bun in the oven last week. I have two girls already (9&3) They will be 10 & 4 after June. It was time for another one. Can't wait!