


  • hosnowjo
    hosnowjo Posts: 145 Member
    Been invited by Alimac to join this challenge. Not sure if I can do it, but it'll give me something to aim towards.

    SW - 193
    GW - 173
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    Been invited by Alimac to join this challenge. Not sure if I can do it, but it'll give me something to aim towards.

    SW - 193
    GW - 173


    You are the most tenacious person on here. :devil:
    Look how well you have done so far. I know you can do it.
    I'll dangle a mince pie on the end of a stick for you. :bigsmile:
  • Well, it looks like I'm the fatty in the group.

    6 March SW:252
    1 May GW: 232
    1July GW: 212
    1 Sept GW:192 <<!! :)

    Hope I can stay as motivated as I am now! I am sick of literally being uncomfotable in my body! :-/

    Injuries may hinder me slightly, but I'm going to try the pool and hopefully that will take the pressure off my "well-worn" joints.

    Wish me luck!
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    Good luck Krista!
    Don't fret about what other people weigh, we are doing that for ourselves. You concentrate on doing the challenge and we all motivate each other.

  • milka2009
    milka2009 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I would like to join you. I’ve lost 20 lbs from January and another 20 lbs will be my half way mark.

    Current weight- 220 lbs
    20lb club goal- 200 lbs
  • I just realized I never put my starting and goal weight.

    SW 275
    GW 255

    Good luck to everyone
  • March 1st: 158lbs
    May 1st: 138lbs

    WOOT! Here we go!!
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    Can I still join please???!!! I REALLY need the support

    SW: 157.5

    2 Month GW: 137.5

    Good luck to everyone!!! :)
  • scarlet_1965
    scarlet_1965 Posts: 36 Member
    SW 226.4

    GW 206

    Tough challenge but when reached will be 1/2 way to my weightloss goal

    Big thanks for setting up this challenge x
  • ice99706
    ice99706 Posts: 155 Member
    I'M IN!!!

    GW: 208

    I guess I needed help with math when I posted this, I just realized I only set a 10# loss goal. It should say GW: 198.

    WOW, I'll be below 200# It's been a few years, I'm looking forward to it. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!
  • hosnowjo
    hosnowjo Posts: 145 Member
    SW 226.4

    GW 206

    Tough challenge but when reached will be 1/2 way to my weightloss goal

    Big thanks for setting up this challenge x


    Yay good girl you can do it
  • hosnowjo
    hosnowjo Posts: 145 Member
    SW - 193
    GW - 173

    CW - 191.5

    Oh dear, oh dear, I've a LONG way to go on this challenge. Need to step up to the mark this week methinks.
  • 0.4 off so far urmmmm ok, more effort needed :sad:
  • ice99706
    ice99706 Posts: 155 Member
    - .5 this last week.

    Not as much as I would have liked.
    Meetings and my kids hockey season are interfering with my regular workouts :D At least I've been getting some walking in.
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    As off 02.03.2012

    SW 186.5

    CW 181.6 ( 17.03.2012)

    By 01.05.2012

    FW 166.5

  • hosnowjo
    hosnowjo Posts: 145 Member
    SW - 193
    GW - 173

    CW - 189.75

    Still a very long way to go, but at least something is happening.
  • hosnowjo
    hosnowjo Posts: 145 Member
    SW - 193
    GW - 173

    CW - 189

    March has been rubbish for me. I need to pull up my socks in April and really get that scale moving.
  • ice99706
    ice99706 Posts: 155 Member
    SW: 218.4 for this challenge
    CW: 213.8
    GW: 198
  • hosnowjo
    hosnowjo Posts: 145 Member
    All the best to everyone for weigh in's for the end of March. Lets really work on our challenge for April and try to get as close as we can to that 20lb loss.
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    As off 02.03.2012

    SW 186.5

    CW 180.6 ( 31.03.2012)

    By 01.05.2012

    GW for this challenge and my holiday 166.5
