how's everyone doing?

i've been slacking so far. i have worked out on the daily but not going hard as i should. but before march is over i will be 10lbs lighter!

but enough about me.... how's everyone else doing in this challenge?


  • Started at 270 so far at 265.8, but probably some weight that didn't move in February finally hit the road. Working out almost everyday at the YMCA or with my Jillian Michaels DVDs.
  • fluguma
    fluguma Posts: 8 Member
    I need to step it up a notch, I eat very healthy but have cheated. I did start Hip Hop Abs this week and I LOVE it! Has anybody else done this workout? How were the results?
  • wd773
    wd773 Posts: 122 Member
    Started at 246. Todays weight 242 one week from 1st weigh in. working out 5-6 days a week.
  • kendrafox
    kendrafox Posts: 111 Member
    I have been doing well sticking to my calories, but I haven't been able to workout for a week due to a undisclosed personal issue. Doctor appointment today so hopefully I can begin my workouts again tomarrow. Fingers crossed!! I am GOING to loose these 10 by the end of the month!!!
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 735 Member
    This challenge is definitely keeping me motivated. Im sticking to my workout and making sure Im paying attention to what Im putting in my mouth. I will weigh in tomorrow and am hoping for big results!! :)
  • ltparker
    ltparker Posts: 32
    Doing a good job on the food and water intake but still have to get motivated on the exercise end.
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 779 Member
    i lost 2 lbs in a week...if 2 lbs per week continue for me then ill hit the 10lbs by the end of the challenge.. yay! ;)
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Not doing so great here - I've gained! I went up by 2lbs but I've nearly lost all of that now and I'm only .2 over what I was when I originally weighed in, hoping to show a loss when I weigh in tomorrow, even if it's a tiny one!

    I've re-worked my whole diet, increased my calories. Changed my routine a bit. I'll see how it goes.
  • diagyrl
    diagyrl Posts: 30 Member
    I am not succeeding as I would like!!! I have been exercising every weekday (not last Mon & Tues I was sick) and I have been trying to stick to the calories suggested on my Food Diary (BMR-calories to lose weight) and this week the scale is not really moving .... BAH HUMBUG! I will try and cut down my calories more - this is really frustrating -

    I am sticking with it - I would just like to see the scale move this week .... final weigh-in for this week tomorrow and I am dreading it :(
  • I have been doing pretty well the only problem is I got a cold from work and I have a cough it makes it really hard to work out especially since I have exercise induced asthma. Hopefully I kick the cold by Monday and will be able to start up my daily exercise again.
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 842 Member
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    I haven't hit all the activity targets, but I've kept under calories and within all my allowanes, as well as drinknig loads of water and getting a little exercise every day, even if it's just housework, walking my kid to and from school, and walking to work.

    SW: 213.5lbs
    9/3/12: 211.25lbs (2.25lbs down)
    GW: 203.5lbs

    I'm really pleased with how I'm doing so far. Once I've dropped another pound, that will be a stone gone from my frame and I shall treat myself to a new dye job on my hair (it really needs it and I desperately want it done, so holding off till I hit that target is making sure I really go for it!).

    I'm really enjoying this site and all the lovely people I'm now in contact with through it. :)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Four pounds so far isn't so bad, although I did start a few days before everybody else. I would love to drop two his week but this weekend and the next week or so are actually really hectic social wise which throws me off (when I drink and am hungover I eat so very much). I'm just going to tell myself that as long as it's not a gain it's ok. Feeling a lot more stability recently when it comes to food even if I am still messing up.

    But seriously, crossing fingers for a drop this week, just not really expecting it....

    Hope everybody is feeling upbeat, congrats on keeping strong, x
  • shaybethxo
    shaybethxo Posts: 153 Member
    Lost 1lb so far, argh! Not looking good guys :p
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I started at 233 and this morning I was at 228. I'm sure a lot of that was water weight so it wll be harder from here. I am ready for it!!
  • neesey84
    neesey84 Posts: 9
    I'm already down 5lbs for the month! :)

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    SW: 213.5lbs
    9/3/12: 211.25lbs (2.25lbs down)
    12/3/12: 209.75 (3.75lbs down)
    GW: 203.5lbs
  • revadiana
    revadiana Posts: 97 Member
    Working hard but scale just fluctuates back and forth the same 4 pounds. :-(
    Feeling frustrated and stuck
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    SW: 213.5lbs
    9/3/12: 211.25lbs (2.25lbs down)
    12/3/12: 209.75 (3.75lbs down)
    15/3/12 - 207.75 (5.75lbs down)
    GW: 203.5lbs

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • RH_Brazell
    RH_Brazell Posts: 339
    super proud of myself started this month at 190 and already at 179.8 :)

    I started the 30 day shred the begining of this month also so it has helped's kinda tough though