


  • I'm 29 and joined this in Jan. I had my 3rd baby on Christmas day so he is 10 mos old now. I also have a 3 yr old girl and 10 yr old boy. I've been married for 4 yrs now and work full time as a labor and delivery nurse. I met my prepregnancy weight back in April from doing the 30 day shred in March. I've been in maintainence mode since. I am currently working on toning up and doing my 2nd round of p90x with my husband :)

    What is the 30 day shed? and does P90x really work?
  • hkasel
    hkasel Posts: 69
    Hi, I have a boy that just turned 2 and a 7 month old daughter. And a 15 year old step daughter. I am glad I found this group!
  • Deeranged1
    Deeranged1 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, My name is Diandra! Am am 33 with a 9yr old daughter and a 9 mo. old boy. I am 5'0" tall and am now down to 167lb since having my son. I got down to 143lb before I got pregnant and plan on being back down to that weight or beyond before the end of the year!
  • carolanne84
    carolanne84 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi Hi, my name is Carol Im 27 and a stay at home mom. I have two children, I have a girl age 4 and a boy age 2. My daughter just started Pre K this year so Ive had a lil bit more time to myself during the day and want to get into shape more so I can have more energy. I am engaged to a wonderful man which is also a Chef, but we tend to clash when it comes to food bc I am a picky eater and he will eat anything lol. I am trying to shed this last 20 lbs of baby weight. I just joined this site yesterday and I am hoping to meet some wonderful people to help me along the way to my goal.
  • Hi. My name is Kelli. I have a almost 2 year old son (his birthday is on the 19th of this month). I have been on MFP since about August 2011. I started loosing weight around June 2011. My starting weight was at 235 lbs. and I am currently at 182 lbs. I would like to get to 170-175. I gained more weight after I had my son and I think I weighed more than when I was pregnant. I wasn't able to keep up with my son or I would get so winded chasing after him. I had to do something. I also plan on having more children and want to be healthy during those pregnancies and stay healthy. It is great to have other moms out there with the same problems.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I am 18 and I have a 19 month old boy. I am here to start a healthy lifestyle and be a good role model for my son. Also I am 30 pounds heavier than I was before I was pregnant, I have not been able to lose any weight since my pregnancy a year and a half ago! I hope to lose at least 20 pounds, and I really want to feel healthy and have more energy. Today is only my second day using MFP and I LOVE it!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Welcome everyone!! Be sure to go the the "grow your friends" topic and start adding friends. Don't wait for someone to add you, because this group isn't that active on here and it may be a while before someone checks in!
  • DeadlyDame13
    DeadlyDame13 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi im kay :) I am 28 yrs old I have a 9yr old daughter and a 2 week old son. Right before I got pregnant with my son I lost 26 lbs with mfp ..we'll fast forward I gained it all back when I was pregnant ..my weight when I was due 200lbs my weight now 187lbs my weight before my son 176 my GW is 125-130....
  • lauracb10
    lauracb10 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there... I am laura.. I am 31, 32 in June... I have a 3.5 mo old lil guy that has me pretty busy now... I have an 11 and 9 year old daughters that live with their father in connecticut while I live in Houston...

    I am currently trying to lose baby weight... from all three of them LOL... but I figure if I lose the weight from this lil guy then I will work on the other weight I need to lose to get back to a healthier weight in general. I am currently 208. Pre-preg is 194, which I know is not too bad, only 14 more to go I gained 35 pounds during the pregnancy... so I have 21 pounds in 3.5 months which sounds great LOL but not really... I was down to 204 after two weeks but have gained 4 back over the last 3 months... so I am doing WW and tracking my calories, and trying to get more exercise than just breastfeeding... it is just helping me to stay at this weight and not gain, which I dont want...

    im pretty determined so we'll see!!!!!!
  • Hi! I'm Justina, My daughter Lillyan is 7 months old. I am trying to loose the last 12lbs of the 43 I gained from having her plus some. I live in San Diego, I'm married and work full time. Trying to fit in time to workout is not as easy as it used to be but I'm worth it so I find a way. I am also on Weight Watchers and I love it! I am still breastfeeding and I am not too sure how that impacts my mission to loose weight. I am excited about this journey of loosing weight and it's nice to do it along with other!:happy:
  • HI!! I'm Stacey...a 36 year old mother of 3 (ages 8, 4, and 2). I have lost weight before but always manage to put it back on over the winter. Finding time for exercise is tough when your world revolves around these great little people, so I've decided it's more about developing a healthy lifestyle that we can all live by rather than just losing the weight. I have lost 17 lbs so far but just came across MyFitnessPal yesterday. I'm very excited about it because I've always found that counting calories is the easiest way for me to lose weight and portion control...add that to exercise AND accountability, and it will definitely be a recipe for success.
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    Hello, I'm Bria from Baltimore...

    My daughter is 8 months old and I just joind MFP TODAY!!

    My first goal is to reach my pre-pregnancy weight by my 30th Birthday in May. However, I was unhappy with that weight anyway, so my 2nd goal is to reach me wedding weight by Presley's 1st Birthday in August.

    I really indulged during my pregnancy and gained 50+ pounds. After sweet P was born, I used it as an excuse to indulge EVEN MORE. In Januray I resolved to start a new chapter, and although it has been a challenge I am now 15 lbs lighter and almost halfway to my ultimate goal. For the past few weeks, I've hit an annoying plateau that I just can't seem to bust. i need to refocus and reboot!

    In the past I've had success with South Beach & Jillian Michaels workouts. But they just aren't cuttin' it now!! Can't wait to be a hot mama!!
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    working full time, being a mom AND trying to work out 5+ times a week seems impossible sometimes!! My daughter is 8 months old.

    any quick work out secrets to share? :happy:
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    bsinno - It's definitely difficult to fit everything in. My workouts are at 5 am before work or on my lunch break. You should really try some Bob Harper workouts - most of them are 60 minutes, but you could just do half it if you needed to and he does have some 30 minutes ones. They are so much harder than Jillian's workouts and may get you a better burn. Or if you have the money, the Beach Body workouts are totally awesome from what I've seen. I don't have any myself.

    Personally I've started lifting weights as my primary exercise and I love that it's only 3 days a week and I can eat more. I'm doing New Rules of Lifting for Women and will be doing Strong LIfts 5x5 after that. You need to do what works for you, but if you're interested check out the groups for "Eat More, Weigh Less" and "NROL4W" (I think there are two of these, but the most active one has the most members). Oh and don't forget to check out our challenges and we have a weekly weigh in for this group. This group is really quiet though. I've tried to get it giong more, but haven't had much success so far.

    Good luck!
  • kguiste
    kguiste Posts: 87 Member
    Hi! My name is Kaye. I am a Navy wife and SAHM of four kids; three boys ages 11, 6 and 3, and my little girl age 22 months. I lost most of my 50 pounds gained with my first two pregnancies. However, I still have 35 pounds to lose from my last two. I started MFP last summer, and along with running, was doing great at losing the weight. But, come October, I gained much of that back. At the beginning of the year I became much more consistent with MFP, journaling and eating better. I hope to get much of the weight off before school ends in 9 weeks and I'll have all 4 kids all day!!
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Hi! I'm the mom to four kids ages 12, 9, 5 and 2. I turn 36 this year, I can't believe it! Where did the time go?!

    I grew up in a fat family that hated exercise and ate out a lot. From a young age, I was concerned with being skinny and eating healthy. I became vegetarian when I was 11, which isn't saying much because I was already a picky eater. I also suffered from panic attacks which made me nauseous all the time, so I didn't eat much. I wasn't very thin, but I wasn't overweight either. My weight varied a lot.

    I started noticing allergic reactions in college. First lactose intolerance. Then later a full-on dairy allergy after my first child was born when I was 23. More recently, I've developed severe reactions to gluten, soy, msg, wine and other foods.

    After my first child was born, I breastfed and worked full time. I dropped to my lowest weight ever at 93 pounds (I am a shortie! Only 4'9" tall). I didn't exercise at all, I ate a vegan diet, no alcohol, no caffeine.

    I gained 40lbs with my second pregnancy at age 26, and it didn't magically melt off with breastfeeding! I did the Body for Life program and ran my first 5k at the end! I dropped the weight and fell in love with running. A year after that, I ran a half marathon. Unfortunately, I stress fractured both my feet due to improper training, and I didn't run again for years.

    I gained 60lbs with my third pregnancy, and I never lost all of the weight after, even though I tried to take up running again.

    A year after my fourth pregnancy, I got down to 108, but I haven't been able to get any lower than that since. In fact, it went up to 115, which is why I joined MFP. My goal weight is between 94-98lbs -- but with muscle this time! I'm back to running regularly (ran two halfs in January and February, and I want to run a full marathon next Feb), and I have fallen in love with weight lifting too!

    My severe food allergies, four kids, and small business all keep me very busy and it is challenging to fit in working out and eating right. I joined MFP in February 2012, and it is good to meet other moms. I think that if we keep supporting one another in our fitness goals, it will really help :-)
  • nroisland
    nroisland Posts: 254 Member
    Tell us about yourself!

    How old are your kids?
    I have a 2 year old little girl and a 1 year old little man :)

    How long have you been here on MFP?
    Since Nov. 2011

    What are your goals?
    I would like to lose the baby weight I gained with having 2 so close together, about 15 more to go.

    Share anything you'd like!
    I am a SAHM and work out almost everyday for atleast 60 minutes and sometimes up to 90 minutes, I get my workouts in while the kids nap (thankfully at the same time) and once they go to bed at night. I am 32 and married for almost 10 years now (in August).
  • Amaywil
    Amaywil Posts: 44
    Tell us about yourself!

    How old are your kids?
    10 year old Daughter ( 12/27/01 ) 8 year old son ( 08/18/03 ) 8 month old son ( 08/19/11 )

    How long have you been here on MFP?
    Since last weekend ( 04/14/12 )

    What are your goals?
    I gained extra weight with my first son that I never lost and over the last 8 years I kept on gaining , I never gained anything with out newest son and I would like to shed off about 75 lbs so I can live a better healthier life for my family . I also plan on trying for one more and would like to be fit this time around to make for and easier pregnancy .

    Share anything you'd like!
    I am a SAHM , I exercise 6 day's a week and try to do 50 minutes a day on the elliptical and get in a two mile walk with the baby . Lately I have been getting up at 4 - 430ish when he wakes and he jumps in his Jumperoo and I get on the elliptical for 30 minutes then we head out by 530am for our walk .
  • Hi I am a 40 year old mom to 2 year old Boy/Girl Twins and a 3 year old daughter. I gained weight with my first pregnancy and never lost it ( got pregnant 8 months after my first baby) and when I was pregnant the second time with twins, I ate everything. And when they were born I continued to eat everything. I eventually got myself back up to the weight I was when I was pregnant with the twins, 177lbs. I started here April 17th, 2012 and have lost albs so far.

    My goal is to lose a total of 152 pounds which will put me at a weight of 125, which is good for me, I am only 5 feet tall, so according to the BMI I am still going to be just on the cusp of being overweight. But who cares it is where I know I can be healthy and maintain .
    So far all I have done is change my eating habits and it is working for me, I figure I get enough exercise chasing 3 kids 3 and under around all day.

    I want this weight off as it is not the norm for me to be this big and it feels uncomfortable.

    Friend request me if you like, I enjoy this site and being able to communicate with others who are on the same path as me is great.
  • Hi! My name is Justina and Im from San Diego CA. I have a beautiful baby girl named Lillyan. I am married for over 3 years and together for 12. I joined MFP and shortly after I found out I was pregnant so I stopped tracking. I decided to start tracking again because my I told my self I "it took me 9 months to gain 43 pounds and I want to loose it all by the time she is 9 month" Well tomorrow she is 9 months and I am happy to say I lost every single last one of the 43 lbs I gained. I have even lost more. I am back to the weight I was when we got married but its not my gaol weight. I have about 17 more to loose to be at my goal. Stay motivated and keep moving :)