Phase 1, Week 3 and 4



  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I really liked workout 3, but man, I'm 24 and MY HIP HURT doing those side crunches. I'm going to double up my mat next time, too. I burned about 273 cals for workout 3.. we'll see about workout 4 tomorrow! :) I'm loving this program...
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I did 3 and 4 yesterday and burned 297 each. I think that means I'd burn more with 3 than with 4 alone, since I did 4 after 3. if that makes any sense! lol.

    I like workouts 3 and 4 a lot better than 1 and 2. I think 1 and 2 are better for those who haven't been through ripped in 30 already. :)

    I'm thinking I might do a lot more 3 and 4 during my first 2 weeks and just do some 1 and 2 here and there? Not sure yet.
  • friscoeohno
    Whew! Just completed Workout 3 for the first time. Much of it was certainly manageable, but with all the various plank moves plus the crab, my wrists are quite sore! I think I need a mirror close to the ground so I can make sure I'm in proper form with some of the moves. I love a lot of the yoga influence, as one reason I'm so excited to tone up more is to improve my yoga practice.

    All around: good job kicking my butt, Jillian.
  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    First time doing workout 3 today. All i can say is WOW, it really kicked my butt. I thought I was doing pretty good with workout 1 and 2. this is definitely a step up. I'm already sore. A little scared of what workout 4 has in store for me in the morning. Doing the side crunches really hurt my hips, even on a mat. I may trying to doubling up my mat like others have suggested.
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Ok,I'm doing workout 3 then 4.Then 3 then 4 again in a row like that and if I can get the cardio in on Thursday I will.But I want the toning in first.I'm going Friday to my sons wedding and I won't be able to workout untill Monday again.I am not and will not watch what I eat this weekend sorry.I'm not turning down wedding cake LOL.But I will be right back on watching what I eat and my workouts on Monday.Have a happy day everyone.:happy:
  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    I'm burning about 300 calories with 3/4. I'm 5'1, 153 lbs and I have a HRM.
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    wow... workouts 1 and 2 were pretty easy for most of us, i think... but workout 3 was a little more challenging, and workout 4 - whew. those one legged dead lifts are hard and terry pulls, i'm like "what the heck am i doing?!" but i am sore today for the first time in the entire program. i feel my abs burning from those inchworms.... when she says do them double time, do it!!! you will feel it!!!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I really liked workout 3, but man, I'm 24 and MY HIP HURT doing those side crunches. I'm going to double up my mat next time, too. I burned about 273 cals for workout 3.. we'll see about workout 4 tomorrow! :) I'm loving this program...

    It kills my hip too! the first day it was ok, but the second day, i guess it was bruised a bit so I could barely do them!

    I also have a hard time with the tree pose. I think it would help if I had either socks or shorts on because the skin on skin makes it pull and burn. lol. my fault for exercising in my unders.... lol
  • charlene_1980
    I missed the last 2 workouts (not cardio) of Week 3... Today would be the day I start Week 4... soooo, should I back track and do the last 2 workouts of Week 3, possibly both today, cardio tomorrow... and resume on Saturday or... Just start Week 4 today and try to forget about missing the last 2 workouts of week 3, maybe adding in a little extra cardio?
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I missed the last 2 workouts (not cardio) of Week 3... Today would be the day I start Week 4... soooo, should I back track and do the last 2 workouts of Week 3, possibly both today, cardio tomorrow... and resume on Saturday or... Just start Week 4 today and try to forget about missing the last 2 workouts of week 3, maybe adding in a little extra cardio?

    Hmm.. last week I decided to eat junky, so I did Workout 4 in the morning, then did Workout 2 that night and I've been super sore ever since. If you doubled up, you'd be doing Workout 3 twice today and Workout 4 twice tomorrow, right? I think you could do that, but you might be sore tomorrow :) Or you could just do each of the workouts like normal, then add cardio in tonight. I don't think it REALLY matters, but I know for me, I'd like to account for every workout as it is supposed to be, so I'd wanna get the ones I missed in. Good luck!
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I have discovered that tree pose is easier if you use heavier weights (I use 5 lbs), lock your knee and pretend like you are pressing your foot into the ground. Look up at the wall or something that is not moving, do not look down! I put my leg up higher than my knee as I feel like when it's on my knee, I am less stable. I also move the dumbbells in FRONT of me not one in front and one behind like a lot of the actors do.
  • friscoeohno
    Yowza -- I CANNOT do more than one plank-up without compromising my form. For a modifier, do you think it would be better to just stay in plank position, or try them on the knees?
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    Yowza -- I CANNOT do more than one plank-up without compromising my form. For a modifier, do you think it would be better to just stay in plank position, or try them on the knees?

    I'd try to do as many as you can like she suggests, then drop to the knees. I only say that because that is her modification for pushups. Make sure when you are coming back up that you put your hands directly underneath your shoulders and push up with your shoulders - it's a lot harder if you put your hands too far in front of you.
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    Just did workout 3 for the first time today and WOW, she kicked my butt. After reading some of the posts on here about workout 3 still being on the easier side, I wasn't expecting to have trouble. But OMG, I had trouble doing several of the exercises. Mainly the plank up and down ones. I burned 424 calories today just doing workout 3 and I know I did not do all of the reps for each exercise. I can't wait to get to the end of next week where this one seems

    Workout 4 for the first time tomorrow....Yay!

    Oh, and I should mention that I will be doing my measurements tomorrow, but I am already down 1 pant size in just the first two weeks! I can't believe it!
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    My body media system only said I burned 200 calories on Workout 3 and 4. I must have not worked very hard. It sure felt like I was....I was coved with sweat during both workouts.

    All I can say is THANK GOD tomorrow is Cardio day!! My Abs are killing me right now!!
  • vai45
    vai45 Posts: 29
    I just finished workout 3 for the first time and am feeling frustrated with a few moves. The plank to crescent pose is hard for me to get into...I can only do it a couple of times before it's over! Also, the side crunches were nearly impossible for me...I agree w/everyone about the hip pain! I'll have to try the towel idea as well. I can already feel the higher impact on my knees. I hope I feel better about this workout on Thursday.
  • cratejenfish
    cratejenfish Posts: 1 Member
    I was literally thinking the SAME thing. I have only done workout 3 (I do 4 when I get off of work). I told my friends that the cardio video was the one I hated before. Now, it will probably be my favorite one. I am scared to see what next month's cardio will look like, though!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    plank ups-- I'm struggling with those too. I just do like 2-3 during that time. lol.

    side crunches-- I've had to start doing something else. It hurts too much, and I actually feel like I have a knot there on my hip bone on the left side now? weird!

    the tree pose is still super hard for me. I can balance a lot better with my foot high up but it hurts where my heel digs in.

    I'm still supposed to be doing workouts 1 & 2 but I usually do 3 & 4 instead ;0)
  • myeatman
    myeatman Posts: 19 Member
    It gets easier! I'm almost done with Week 4 and I was literally crying doing plank ups last week but now I can almost do them all. I still hate the cardio - it's the darn running mans and suicides that kill me! I would rather do my 60 minute step class! :-) I can't wait to see how much I love Cardio 2!! Just keep doing it and it does get easier!
  • mzjstef
    mzjstef Posts: 62 Member
    I workout hard and according to my HRM burn about 195-216 calories in Weeks 3/4. For Week1/2 I think it was about 180-190ish. (5'2" 127 lbs)