Carb loading while doing a very LC diet

I've been on a pretty even plateau for a number of weeks. Minor down, minor up, mostly water weights. I tape weekly, so I know I'm slowly losing inches, about .25" a week from most measurements. I basically eat right at 1700 calories a day unless I workout, in which case I eat till I'm satisfied, up to my 1700+workout calories. I should mention I'm really low carb, about 20 a day or less since early December.

The first three weeks doing induction I lost 18 pounds. Since then, I've lost 8 more pounds in three months. Week four I started going back to the gym and working out, so there's some things there that can account for slowing my loss there.

My question is, I'm wondering if anyone else does a major carb load day or more per week and what kind of success do they have doing so. I'm hoping that if I carb load it may help me through this long plateau?

Thoughts? My diary is open. I'm certainly open to critiques and suggestions. Thanks in advance.


  • I do, I have since I started low-carbing -- one or two days a week. I can't say whether I recommend it (other than for sanity) because I haven't tried going without doing it, and I have been stuck at the same weight for about three weeks now. Maybe look up some stuff on carb cycling, try it for a period of time. But if you're weighing weekly, try to weigh the day before each carb-up day because afterward you might scare yourself. Anxious to know whether you try it and how it works for you!
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    My brother says it's a good idea, this carb cycling. I know nothing about it.

    You could try counting carbs as "whole carbs" instead of net carbs and see what the difference is. As as said, drop the lc products and/or artificial sweeteners.
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    I lost 100lbs ten years ago going LC. I gained it all back going off LC. I wont make the same mistake twice.

    In the process of losing 100lbs I used to do exactly what you suggest...carb break out of a plateau. I didnt even wait very long until I deemed it a 7-10 days of no loss. It worked EVERY TIME.

    As I lost weight I became more time I reached my goal weight of 123lbs I was an avid runner. Guess what? The carb load also helped me break out of fitness plateaus. I read this in an extreme fitness mag once: "my weekly ice cream cone was like throwing a log into a fireplace". If I wanted to perform at a higher level, I'd ramp up with a few more carbs the day before.

    Of course this all came to a crashing end when I injured my back at the gym by showing off and had to stop running for an extended period. Unfortantely the carb loading DIDNT stop...and I am ten years later.

    Good luck to you
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I think that it can work, but not sure I would do it 1x a week or more. My personal experience showed that if I went off plan for a day a month or so was all I needed. I still stayed away from sugar, but might have a hamburger with a bun, or popcorn at the movies on that day and go straight back to a strict induction like phase (or maybe 5-10 carbs over to hit 25-30 a day) and stay that way for a month or more.

    My biggest caution is with carb creep. It's very easy to start with the idea of carb loading and next thing you know you've lost all your progress and gained even more as you become less sensitive or aware of how many carbs you're eating. Happened to me and why I'm back at it years later after a previous great success doing Atkins.
  • my carb loading has not been intentional as i went to disneyland and failed to follow LC and went to sea world three weeks later and again that weekend failed HOWEVER i had great losses a week after each time going off track i feel me doing this about once a month will help me if i do get in a rut!! i have heard about those that do this as part of their diet...they do high carbs for one day every two weeks and saw great success over all in the long run...but!!! im not a professional in this as my high carb days where not intentional soo im interested to hear others thoughts on this
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Eating more moderate carb (80-100 grams/day) and then zig-zagging my calories through the week and eating more carbs on higher calorie days seems to be working great for me. YMMV.