Thoughts on Cardio 1...

gerbies Posts: 444 Member
I know there are many into Phase 2 in this group, but for those who are just starting, thought I'd share a review of Cardio 1...LOVED it! I'm still recovering from a cold, so I'll "officially" start on Monday, but I'm "trying out" each of the first DVDs this week. Yesterday, I did Workout 1 and LOVED it (thought it was doable, but provided a solid workout). I had heard mixed reviews of Cardio 1 (some thought it was really hard, others hated certain exercises).

I loved every part of it! I thought the workout provided the right combination of high-cardio exercises (running man, suicides) with enough times to lower your heartrate (knees up, jogging in place, punching). I went all out, followed every move and was happy I didn't have to pause at all.

Can't wait to do it again!! :smile:

My only concern...with the kickstart, I cannot imagine doing the Cardio 1 twice, back-to-back. Because I am a mom of a 2 year-old and work full-time (50 hours a week) at a corporate job, I do not have the time to do 2 separate workouts a day (rather, I would have to work out before work, which I do, and then after my son goes to bed...I'm not working out at 8:30/9:00 at night).

I'll have to figure this out...I might just do one Cardio 1 on the cardio day during the kickstart...not sure. At least with the Workout 1 (and I'm assuming with Workout 2), if I give myself 5 minutes after the workout to drink some water and recover, I think I can do the Cardio 1 right after.

Any thoughts?


  • mrskellyray
    mrskellyray Posts: 114
    I don't think I could do the cardio back to back either! I started on Sunday, and have been doing the 2 workouts a day, but on the cardio day I just did 1. I think it would be totally doable if i would make myself do one in the morning and one at night...but i really don't want to take 2 showers a day, and that cardio makes me sweat like CRAZY! :) i LOVE it though.

    I'm thinking of keeping up the cardio plus the strength workout. There's no harm in extra cardio at all. And i love feeling all the burning and sweating!

    But the cardio right after one of the workouts isn't hard at all for me. the workouts are so low impact I'm almost craving some higher intensity training! :) You'll do great! and yeah, i always take time in between to get water and sit down for a few minutes before jumping right back into it!
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    I am half way thru week 3. My issue with Cardio 1 is that I did the kickstart the first week so by the end of week 1 I was tired of it already. This weeks hasn't been too bad but Workout 3 and 4 have left me really sore. There are a few moves in 3 & 4 that I just can't physically do. So I try to replace them with something else.

    I am scared of moving to Phase 2 which will be March 25th, however, I am excited to remeasure to see how much my body has changed.

    In a strange way I look forward to doing the workouts everyday. I have been trying to do them in the mornings when possible. Just makes my whole day better to have it out of the way early in the day.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I am half way thru week 3. My issue with Cardio 1 is that I did the kickstart the first week so by the end of week 1 I was tired of it already. This weeks hasn't been too bad but Workout 3 and 4 have left me really sore. There are a few moves in 3 & 4 that I just can't physically do. So I try to replace them with something else.

    I am scared of moving to Phase 2 which will be March 25th, however, I am excited to remeasure to see how much my body has changed.

    In a strange way I look forward to doing the workouts everyday. I have been trying to do them in the mornings when possible. Just makes my whole day better to have it out of the way early in the day.

    Don't you love when you look forward to working out? I found myself getting that way when I first started and was in the middle of my last program (Power 90), but I got bored towards the end because there were only 2 workouts for the first 45 days and 2 other ones the last 45 days. I'm excited that JM offers multiple workouts per month. I can do the same cardio workout 3 days a week (I did that before)...
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I don't think I could do the cardio back to back either! I started on Sunday, and have been doing the 2 workouts a day, but on the cardio day I just did 1. I think it would be totally doable if i would make myself do one in the morning and one at night...but i really don't want to take 2 showers a day, and that cardio makes me sweat like CRAZY! :) i LOVE it though.

    I'm thinking of keeping up the cardio plus the strength workout. There's no harm in extra cardio at all. And i love feeling all the burning and sweating!

    But the cardio right after one of the workouts isn't hard at all for me. the workouts are so low impact I'm almost craving some higher intensity training! :) You'll do great! and yeah, i always take time in between to get water and sit down for a few minutes before jumping right back into it!

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks doing the cardio 1 back-to-back would be a bit crazy.
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    The first time I did Cardio 1, I almost died. I could barely get through it, huffing and puffing. I'm finishing up my last week of Phase 1 this week, and I've been doing the Cardio 1 every single day (Except Sunday, scheduled rest) along with the scheduled workouts. I usually do the Cardio 1 first, and I notice that during the regular workouts, my heartrate will remain elevated, kept up by the plyo intervals. On the "Cardio" only days I do TurboFire and Cardio 1, instead of Cardio 1 twice---because that would be redundant, and variety is key as Jillian so commonly points out.

    So I'm doing the kick start plan, just according to the appropriate week. I feel amazing, and my fitness level has improved drastically! I've even added my weighted gloves to get my heartrate high, so it's still about as hard as it was that first week.

    She has really gotten under my skin, because I truly look forward to working out with her.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    On the "Cardio" only days I do TurboFire and Cardio 1, instead of Cardio 1 twice---because that would be redundant, and variety is key as Jillian so commonly points out.

    Great idea! I have and love all of Chalean's workouts, especially Turbo Jam and Turbofire. That sounds like it would be more doable.
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    On the "Cardio" only days I do TurboFire and Cardio 1, instead of Cardio 1 twice---because that would be redundant, and variety is key as Jillian so commonly points out.

    Great idea! I have and love all of Chalean's workouts, especially Turbo Jam and Turbofire. That sounds like it would be more doable.

    It's more fun, too! I did the Fire 45 EZ (let's face it --there is nothing EZ about it) ......and I burned 570 some cals in 45 minutes with the weighted gloves. I burn just shy of 300 in Cardio 1.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I like Cardio 1 but the running man always kills my shins and ankles!
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    I love/hate Jillian!! I'm in my second week and loving it! However I do have to modify if my knee is acting up, but other than that, bring on 3 an\d 4.
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    I did Cardio 1 back to back in the kickstart. Just think of it as doing 6 circuits instead of only CAN do IT! It's only for 2 days of the kickstart, Wednesday and Saturday(if you started on a Monday). And it's ONLY 26 minutes long start to finish. You will get stronger and Jillian is conditioning you for what lies ahead.
    I just did Cardio 2 this morning for the first's fantastic!

    Check out my blog...

    Have fun with it and Stay Strong!
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    I did cardio back to back. It wasn't that bad at all. After the first on was done I just felt so pumped up, the second time was even easier. There are days that I have to workout out late at night. Like tonight, I am going to workout around 10:30. Its just the way it has to go in my house sometimes with our crazy schedules. I'm so glad you liked the workouts! Running man is my least favorite.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I like cardio 1 because it flies by. :). Idk if I would want to do it twice in a row either. I work full time, 40 hours thankfully, and I exercise after the kids go to bed. Lol. They are 4 and almost 2
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Just think of it as doing 6 circuits instead of only 3... And it's ONLY 26 minutes long start to finish. You will get stronger and Jillian is conditioning you for what lies ahead.

    That's's just doing "3 more" circuits. I'll try it (even if I have to pause) :). I will say, after the last set of suicides yesterday, that was at the only point during the workout I felt really fatigued and it was over. I actually spent 2 extra minutes before the stretch to bring my heart rate back down. I don't think it's good to be at 85-90% of your maximum heart rate and suddenly stop and stretch your hamstrings...

    I will try that on Tuesday...just do 6 circuits...