What are you goals with JM Body Revolution?



  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    My goals are to lose 25 pounds (more would be amazing, I just don't realistically think I will lose more than 2 ploseounds a week or so), lose 2 more jean sizes, and really just complete it. I can't believe I've stuck with it this long already, I'm so proud!
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    I just ordered mine last Friday. My goal is to lose the last 12lbs left. If not that, then firm up my body, hopefully get into size 8 pants withou muffin top.
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    I just ordered mine Sunday, 3/11, so I am going to start as soon as I get it. My goals are these:

    1. Actually start and finish this thing, I really want to stick with it the whole time. I stuck with Ripped in 30 for 4 weeks so I hope to be able to do this.
    2. I would like to lose around 25 lbs but if I lose 15 I will be psyched because that is my pre-baby weight.
    3. I would love to be able to buy a bikini for this summer and feel good and proud of myself in it, instead of buying bathing suits to completely cover myself up.
    4. Get into my pre baby jeans without a muffin top!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I'm hoping to shed at least 20-25 pounds if not more. I want to be realistic and not set the bar too high. Better for me to be surprised than disappointed.

    In addition to burning fat, I'm hoping to sculpt and tone my body. I want to be able to wear tank tops again this summer and be proud of the way my arms look!
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    My goal: complete the 90 days and have more energy. I had some setbacks with autoimmune disease this year and had to stop my jogging and weightlifting late August/ early September. I have slowly added back some elliptical and beach walking, and my Dr thought this would be worth trying. The only rule: if I get joint pain again I have to stop and recheck my labs. So....for me to be able to workout again is huge! And, if by chance I lose 10 lbs by May 15th for my 30th bday in Mexico.... I would be ecstatic!

    As a side note, I love Jillian and her workouts are great for normal people. She is very positive and motivating, and shows ways to modify everything to make it easier or harder. In my case, I am making them easier :)
  • I haven't received mine yet but I think I have my goals nailed down.

    1- Stick with the plan for the full 90 days.

    2- I would ideally like to hit Onederland at the end of the 90 days which would be about a 35lb loss. If i fall short I wont be upset, but it would be so motivational to follow through the entire program and see 19x on the scale at the end of it.

    I will be a happy camper if I accomplish both =)

    Oh my goodness, Onederland would be the BEST! For me, that's a really big stretch goal (like 40 lbs lost), but I would probably cry if I saw that!

    Good luck...sounds like it's achievable!

    Dumb question: what is Onederland?
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I haven't received mine yet but I think I have my goals nailed down.

    1- Stick with the plan for the full 90 days.

    2- I would ideally like to hit Onederland at the end of the 90 days which would be about a 35lb loss. If i fall short I wont be upset, but it would be so motivational to follow through the entire program and see 19x on the scale at the end of it.

    I will be a happy camper if I accomplish both =)

    Oh my goodness, Onederland would be the BEST! For me, that's a really big stretch goal (like 40 lbs lost), but I would probably cry if I saw that!

    Good luck...sounds like it's achievable!

    Dumb question: what is Onederland?

    Not a dumb question at all. Onederland is once you move from having a "2" start your weight and move into where a "1" is at the beginning of your weight. For example, losing 20 lbs and moving from 205 to 185, a person would be in "Onederland"...lol.
  • Oh, thanks! :wink: