sassy by summer...



  • _Doreen_
    _Doreen_ Posts: 127 Member
    Hi Everybody!:happy: :happy:
    Andrea has asked me to set the new "weekly challenge", for the upcoming week, so here goes:

    Do at LEAST 15 minutes of a quick paced (4.0) walk EVERY day... even if you have to do a short jog-in-place.

    Try not to eat for at LEAST two hours before you go to bed! (I'd say try for NO EATING after 8pm, but I know some people get home late from work.)

    Drink Drink DRINK all of your water! :drinker:

    Try to up your protein EACH DAY just a little more than usual.... it helps to make muscle which will help burn more calories!:happy:

    Do a short circuit training routine each morning or night (think BATHING SUIT and tank top WEATHER :bigsmile: ):
    :heart: 20 crunches

    :heart: 20 bicep curls with your choice of weight (used canned veggies if you don't have weights! )

    :heart: 20 reverse crunches

    :heart: 20 Overhead Extensions (for triceps):Grasp the ends of a dumbbell with both hands and sit on the edge of a chair. Keep your abs tight, so you don't arch your back. Lift the weight over your head, keeping your elbows close to your ears. Bending your elbows, slowly lower the weight behind your head until it almost touches your back. Hold for a second, then lift the weight back up.

    Let's all have a good week and do our best to blast away those evil little :devil: calories!!!
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Great weekly challenge doreen! :D xxx
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Hi Everybody!:happy: :happy:
    Andrea has asked me to set the new "weekly challenge", for the upcoming week, so here goes:

    Do at LEAST 15 minutes of a quick paced (4.0) walk EVERY day... even if you have to do a short jog-in-place.

    Try not to eat for at LEAST two hours before you go to bed! (I'd say try for NO EATING after 8pm, but I know some people get home late from work.)

    Drink Drink DRINK all of your water! :drinker:

    Try to up your protein EACH DAY just a little more than usual.... it helps to make muscle which will help burn more calories!:happy:

    Do a short circuit training routine each morning or night (think BATHING SUIT and tank top WEATHER :bigsmile: ):
    :heart: 20 crunches

    :heart: 20 bicep curls with your choice of weight (used canned veggies if you don't have weights! )

    :heart: 20 reverse crunches

    :heart: 20 Overhead Extensions (for triceps):Grasp the ends of a dumbbell with both hands and sit on the edge of a chair. Keep your abs tight, so you don't arch your back. Lift the weight over your head, keeping your elbows close to your ears. Bending your elbows, slowly lower the weight behind your head until it almost touches your back. Hold for a second, then lift the weight back up.

    Let's all have a good week and do our best to blast away those evil little :devil: calories!!!

    Great job setting this weeks challenge :drinker:
  • loischapman
    great challenges. thank:heart: you so much. have a great weekend xxxooo
  • Charlene_91
    Charlene_91 Posts: 323
    Geat challenge.
    Enjoy your weekend x
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    thanks for that great challenge... xxxxxxxxx
  • Charlene_91
    Charlene_91 Posts: 323
    Hey all, Andrea asked me to set the weekly challenge. (sorry for the delay)

    1.) Burn 2500+ calories
    2.) Drink all your water!!!
    3.) Have one Low/No carb day.
    4.) Set yourself a personal challenge as well.

    My personal challenge is to have no takeouts at all.

    Hope you all had a lovely weekend, and sorry for the delay again.
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    thanks for the great challenge hun... my personal challenge will be to go walking EVERY night after college... and also to stop weighing in every day xx

    the sun is splitting the skies today and its summer now so i really need to kick myself up the *kitten* and get moving.. i have a communion in 8 weeks so id like another stone gone by then... i have decided to join slimming world tomorrow.. i did join before but thats all i done.. i joined and never went back so this time im gonna stick at it and hopefully the scale will move... according to my scales today im UP 4LBS..... but im not recording it because although i ate a lot over the weekend i did not eat 4lbs worth of food... i really want to see a loss...
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Great challenge, my personal challenge is to concentrate of strength training, i really wanna start toning now but im always so worried about burning calories rather than working on toning

  • Charlene_91
    Charlene_91 Posts: 323
    Hope everyone's having a good week.
    I've noticed not much happening on here - where is everyone????

    Good luck for weigh in 2mrw xx
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hope everyone's having a good week.
    I've noticed not much happening on here - where is everyone????

    Good luck for weigh in 2mrw xx

    i've noticed it's gone very quiet too! maybe everyone is out busy exercising :P

  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    hi guys hope your all ok... gonna set the challenge now... we need more activity on this thread..
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    this week is gonna be a challenge in itself... we have easter tomorrow and its my birthday on monday.. having a few drinks with friends tomorrow to celebrate... all i can say is i hope i dont do to much damage..

    challenge: eat whatever choc you want BUT do try work it off...
    drink plenty of water
    fill your plate with veg/salad when having dinner
    fill up on fruit... some fruits burn more calories been digested than they actually have... examples... melons(all types) strawberries blueberries/blackberries/ grapefruit so if you eat lots of these and your good you WILL lose weight!!!!
    we have to get as close to our goals as we can this summer... DO YOU STILL WANNA BE DOING THIS NEXT YEAR!!! or for Christmas.... EH NO THANKS lolxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HAPPY EASTER
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Wasn't tooooo bad on Easter except for the wine. Now to get back on track--- Even got in a very nice long walk.
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    So this weekend was a disaster, ate loads as it was easter but also my best mate was visiting (hardly get to see her)

    wouldnt be suprised by a gain friday :(
