3/16 Friday's Challenge - We are beginning week #2 together!

Continue to exercise and add -

Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water each day! Water is so good for us! I loved this article I read on the Mayo Clinic website


Good Luck on our 2nd week together!

Quote for today -
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one." Mark Twain


  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    Woo hoo! Im either great at this or crappy lol hopefully this will help me be great all the time
  • photogmama
    photogmama Posts: 32 Member
    will do! :)
  • amberntay20
    amberntay20 Posts: 28 Member
    8 glasses of water a day is always my goal and always successfully achieve it but today has been hard I blame it on running around like crazy and getting all the boxes pack for moving tomorrow!
  • mb8963
    mb8963 Posts: 15 Member
    Ok I'm in. I always have trouble with this :)
  • mommy2girlies
    mommy2girlies Posts: 56 Member
    I'm in because I am horrible at 8 glasses a day, and hopefully this will motivate me. Plus I failed at burning 500 calories a day, due to getting the flu! UGH!
  • TraTroy
    TraTroy Posts: 14 Member
    I am getting better about the water. I force npmyself to drink one glass before I eat any breakfast. At least that gets the day off to the right start.
  • mommy2girlies
    mommy2girlies Posts: 56 Member
    TraTroy, that is a great idea! I usually make myself not get anything else to drink til I drink 6 glasses of water and by then it's bed time. But since I wake up starving I think I will try that. I would normally only drink 2-3 things total in a day!
  • skimom7
    skimom7 Posts: 70
    Walked Friday night for 30 min with my hubby <
    that's the best part ;o)