Introduce yourselves!



  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    Hello everyone! I love the twin thing too as well. my name is Katie. I'm 37 years old and a single stay at home mom of a 9 year old daughter. I am wanting to change my life to get fit, healthy, toned and be the atheletic girl I used to be when I was younger. I am a tom boy and love basketball, playing sports walking etc.
  • adalychee
    adalychee Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! I'm a 21 year old university student. I used to be in very good shape - I rowed competitively for 4 years (and won!) and then did military stuff for two and a half years, but for the past year I've only been working out intermittently. I just left a very stressful position a few weeks ago, and since then I've decided to get back into healthy habits. While losing some fat would be good, my main goal is to get back up to the strength and stamina I used to have. Particularly, while I still have a fair amount of endurance and leg/core strength, my upper body strength at the moment is fairly pathetic. I'm also trying to train for a half-marathon this fall and a marathon sometime after that - something to check off the bucket list!

    I love running, hiking, caving, climbing, and doing all sorts of other exciting things. The feeling of moving is amazing, and I don't want my body to slow me down. I mostly run and do bodyweight exercises (I have terrible form with weights), but I'm starting a class next week that teaches the essentials of weight training - I'm excited! I also found some kickboxing videos on Netflix that are very exciting. When I get the money (and get my strength back up to a reasonable point), I'd like to give Insanity a try as well.

    Right now, I'm using MyFitnessPal to keep track of my diet--as a vegetarian, I have a tendency to overload on carbs and not get nearly enough protein--and calories ingested vs. burned. I've been using Fleetly (and Fitocracy, although I don't like it as much) and RunKeeper to keep better track of my training.
  • Hi I am Krissy, I am 33 years old. I am married with three kids. Currently, I work for the State of TN as a Program Specialist in the Family Assistance Division. I started this journey because I am the heaviest I have ever been. I am tired of shopping in the "Women's" section of stores and not being able to wear what I want to wear. I have a family history of diabetes and high blood pressure, so I am also fighting genetics. I want to be healthy, fit, look amazing, and be around for my kids.
  • cincymomof3
    cincymomof3 Posts: 329 Member
    This is such a great idea! I'm Lisa. I live in Ohio. I'm soon to be 32. I'm a stay at home mom to 3 kids. I'm looking to lose weights to be healthier and more active. I'm hoping to take up running soon.
  • Hey Everyone!
    I'm Christina, I'm twenty years old. I am really short only 5'0". I'm working on getting my C.D.A. I'm hoping to continue my education afterwards at Mont Clair, for Special Education and English. I absolutely love writing, and reading. I read about a book a week minimum. I still am attending school, and am moving out in the fall of 2013. I tutor now and then in French and History. I like electronic dance music [EDM], classic rock, and metal \m/ I also love photograph, and finding out strange facts.
  • Hello :flowerforyou:
    My name's Kate, I'm 28, and I live in British Columbia, Canada.
    I'm a single mother of two awesome boys (I may be slightly biased), and once my youngest is in school, I'd like to go back to school and get into nursing. I'm spiritual, not religious, and I love almost anything creative/artistic. I'm a total nature lover, and I'm a little "socially awkward", but I try to hide it :indifferent: haha.
  • hls0415
    hls0415 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello my name is Heather I'm 21 and I am from Boynton Beach, Florida. I am currently unemployed but seeking a position within a pharmacy as a certified pharmacy technician. I use to be a size 1/3. until I gained 60lbs during the end of my pregnancy. Since then I haven't gotten back in shape like I planned. My daughter is my inspiration to getting back in shape. To be more active and get my sexy back. :wink: Besides losing weight I'm looking to get toned.
  • Hey guys! I'm a college student trying to get in shape the healthy way. In high school I had an eating disorder, and through overcoming it I ended up gaining a lot of weight. So, I'm trying to use healthy diet and exercise to help me lose weight
  • Monzymoo
    Monzymoo Posts: 3
    Hi there. My name is Monika and I have struggled with weight issues for most of my life. I recently realized that I used food and hunger had emotional associations for me and I am trying to learn to use food to nourish my body and not to feel better.

    I would like to lose 26kg but get discouraged quite easily.

    I love this idea! :)
  • nwine
    nwine Posts: 4 Member
    Hello my name is Natalie I am a 27 year old from WV. I would like to lose 30lbs and just become more active. there are no gyms close to where i live so most of my exercising is done with videos, Kinect, and a treadmill. I have no children just a 6 month old West Highland Terrier who sometimes helps me work out *lol* If you need to know anything else just message me. Hope to find my twin soon!!
  • My name is Cindy. I am a 39 yr old single mom from Washington State. A full-time student going for a dual degree and work 19 hours as well. I joined a gym with my two teen boys last week and have lost 5lbs in 7 days. I have struggled with weight all my life and until recently (while becoming addicted to The Biggest Loser) didn't realize I was living my life in starvation mode by not consuming enough daily calories. I joined this community a couple of days ago and am learning how to get in enough calories along with my fitness regime. I have 175lbs to lose but I'm on a mission ;) I currently do 90-120 minutes at the gym every day (with one rest day).
  • I am 40 and want to feel better and more energized. I suffer with Lymphedema in my legs which causes a multitude of issues but mostly fatigue. Diet and excercise are key factors in feeling better so I am hoping to feel better soon and get to a healthy weight and lifestyle.
  • nurse_beck
    nurse_beck Posts: 31 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Becky and I am so excited to continue my weight loss journey. I am a night shift nurse, so I struggle constantly with eating healthy and most of the time I don't eat enough. I am currently working on the C25K program and Brazil Butt Lift. They're both great workouts and I really enjoy both of them!
  • boubouba
    boubouba Posts: 10
    I'm 30 and live in Sweden. I work at a hospital. I have no children but a lovely man and soon my own house. I'm taking a challenge this summer to participate in a bicycle course, 300 km in one day. I want to get in shape and I'v got 3 months starting today to get there.
  • Hello,

    I'm Jon, I'm active duty military so exercising and losing weight goes with the territory. I'm motivated to slim down right now from 192 to at least 180 in order to increase my run time and make it easier to score really high on my PFT test. Other than that, I would say I'm down to earth, can get along with just about anybody (almost) and draw my inspiration from those that are stronger than me (only to surpass them in the long run :smile: )
  • faythe
    faythe Posts: 245
    Hi, I'm Faythe. I'm a 21-year-old mother of 2. I've been married for almost 5 years, am a full-time prenursing student and a manager at a fast food restaurant. My most recent weight was 287, I'd ideally like to be 150. I've been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight for years and had a moderate amount of success (went from 270 to 230) in 2009, only to gain everything back plus. I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which explains my lack of success since first gaining weight when I was 13. Nothing controls what I put in my mouth though! Since getting my thyroid under control I've been losing weight for the first time in 2 years. I'm in it to win it!
  • hi everybody..

    i am almost 23, married with a little girl of 4 months, weight 110kg , height 1.77cm.
    working full time.
    i really need to start doing something to fit into my work uniform again.. (just got back from maternity leave)

  • epw2594
    epw2594 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! So my name is Mel, I'm 18, I decided to change my life when after putting myself down so many times about my weight I decided to do something about it, and I guess Beyonce is my inspiration, because she's curvy yet healthy at the same time :)
  • joannmariej
    joannmariej Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there,
    My name's Jo Ann.
    I am a freshman nursing-major and was cursed by the "Freshman 20" my first semester. After not being able to fit in anything but yoga pants, I decided to make it my New Year's Resolution to get a desired weight. I began January 1st weight 140 lbs and am currently 127 lbs. My goal weight is 120, but I want to gain more muscle. Unlike previous disastrous attempts, I finally decided to lose weight the healthy way by not starving myself and going to the gym 5 times a week.
    I am hoping to reach my goal by May, the end of my freshman year.
    Can't wait to get to know this group! What a great idea!
  • Thesarahmonster
    Thesarahmonster Posts: 44 Member

    My name is Sarah. I'm 22 years old and I work out of the home. I run my own business as well and doing my womanly duties around the house while my Fiance is off working for the bacon! Lol :P

    I've struggled my whole life with my weight and recently decided that I really need to reach out and get support instead of trying to fight through this alone. That's why I came here to MFP and so far I am really enjoying it!!

    I could list a million reasons why i want to get healthy, but the main ones are because I want to FEEL good, have better self esteem, and a better love life.