Phase 1, Week 1 and 2



  • magoch
    magoch Posts: 134
    I just finished the Week 1 Workout 1. I'd heard how hard her workouts were, so I was terrified I wouldn't be able to do it (I'm REALLY out of shape). But it wasn't too bad. I definitely feel it, and there were some exercises I couldn't quite do all the reps/time. I'm sure it's going to get much harder, and I'm glad to be happy with myself and not discouraged today :)

    I'm starting the C25K program, so I'm going to do that instead of the 2nd cardio. I'm planning on doing a Warrior Dash in July, and this is the beginning of my path.

    For food, I'm doing a modified version of her kickstart, based on what I already have in the house. It's pretty close to what I've been eating since joining MFP anyway. I decided that doing 2 workouts most days is a big enough change for me right now :)
  • jackiemomx2
    jackiemomx2 Posts: 47 Member
    I started the program yesterday and was concerned it wasn't challenging enough. Until I woke up this morning and coughed. Oh my, my abs were killing me. Shampooing my hair, felt it all in my shoulders. I love that soreness the day after a workout. Did phase 1, week 1, day 2 this morning and LOVED it! I think I'm going to do couch to 5K as my cardio work. I tried the cardio dvd and just couldn't get into it. Can't wait to see what's hurting tomorrow!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Ok,I did Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phase 1 week 2 workout 2/Day 10 today.I feel great.Consistency is the key.Have a happy day everyone.we can do it.:happy:
  • megsasb
    megsasb Posts: 29 Member
    Week 2 Day 2 today! Felt great! I pigged out and had a few drinks last night, but I did well on Sunday, so I figured that was a "spike day" :-) I watched workout 3 today as well, it looks super fun!! :-)
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    I finished day 2 today! I am doing the kick start so I did two workouts yesterday and two today. I work until 1am though so I can only do them back-to-back on MTHF. At least I will be able to space out the double cardio workouts! I have also been following the kick start menu very closely. After the kick start is over, I plan on doing additional cardio (C25K) at night three times a week (I can go to the gym on my dinner break) and sticking pretty close to the 90 day meal plan.

    I'm loving the workouts so far. At first I was afraid that the workouts weren't challenging enough (I have 5 other JM videos and have fully completed 30 day shred) but when I woke up this morning I was really sore. It feels great! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Ok,I did Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phase 1 week 2 cardio 1/Day 11 today.I feel good.I do like cardio 1.I guess most people do not.Were doing it.Keep up the great work.:happy:
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Hello everyone.:smile: I did Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phase 1 workout 1 week 2 /Day 12 today.I'm still feeling good.Have a great day everyone.
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    Tomorrow I finish out Week 2 and feel great! I lost a total of 5.5 in Week 1 & 2 and I am in my last 15 pounds. So, I was stoked about this!!! Can't wait to start Week 3 and bump it up a bit! :-)
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    I'm finished week 1 and 2 too.I move on to week 3 and 4 on Monday.I really enjoyed her workouts and I look forward to week 3 and 4 and getting in the best shape ever.:happy:
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    I started week 2 today and I had to step up my weights and do the advanced moves. Who knew that after a week I would be ready to step it up....certainly not me. I still have trouble with her push ups and planks because my upper body is weak and I carry all of my weight from my belly button up.

    I can say that two weeks ago I couldn't get my favorite pair of True Religion jeans buttoned and I had to jump up and down to get them on, but after last week's kick start, I was able to get them on and wear them comfortably out on Saturday night with my hubby. I was sooooo excited that I celebrated by having 3 margaritas! Talk about calories...yikes. Weigh in day for me is tomorrow, so I am hoping that I didn't mess up my weight loss this weekend, but I can see and feel my body shrinking already just after one week.

    I was planning to continue the kick start this week and keep up the two workouts, but my week is completely packed with kids sporting events, my school work (midterms...yikes) and just regular life issues, so this week I am only doing one workout per day and then will probably start adding in two workouts 3 days a week starting with week 3.

    Keep up the great work and have fun!
  • jillianfan317
    jillianfan317 Posts: 89 Member
    Today is a rest day for me b4 the start wrkout 3 & 4 this wk. Lookin forward to it. I did my weigh in this wk and I'm down 1 lb. I'm @ 166.8 lbs another lose which is gud hope it keeps goin in the same direction. Total in 2 wks I'm lost 5.6 lbs. Not bad if I do say so myself. Can't wait to see wat this upcomin wk brings me.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Just started yesterday....... I did Week 1 Day 2 today, and am liking the workouts. They aren't killer, but I feel like I'm getting some basics in that 30 Day Shred and NMTZ skipped over (like just holding the planks for 30 seconds, etc.)...... I'm sore but not dying.

    I'm going to be mixing this in with some running, as I have a few 5Ks coming up, but will try to do this as consistently as I can.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I'm not officially starting until 3/19, because I have a head cold and couldn't workout yesterday, but my medicine kicked in and I thought I'd try workout 1. Here are my thoughts:

    Though I have a bad head cold and haven't worked out "hard" in a few weeks, I wouldn't call workout 1 "easy". For me, it was doable, but when it was done, I was sweaty and felt like I got a good workout. I did add some challenge throughout, with using heavier weights, full push-ups and some plyo moves in the first circuits.

    I LOVE these workouts...they combine my favorite things: circuit training, kickboxing, and yoga.

    The length is awesome! Just long enough to get a good workout, but easy to fit in to your life.

    I previewed the cardio 1 DVD and it looks challenging, but I can do all the moves. I will try that one tomorrow...

    I plan to do workout 2 and the cardio dvd this week and officially start the Kickstart week next week. I can't imagine how I'll do the workouts back-to-back, but that's what I will have to do (because of my schedule).
  • Severshe
    Severshe Posts: 10 Member
    My whole family just finished the first week. We did the HIGHLY restrictive Jumpstart as well as followed the plan with one workout per day. It is my husband, myself, my almost 14 year old and my almost 12 year old. This morning we weighed in and CELEBRATED! As a family, we are down 37 lbs in the first week.

    I'm excited to see how things keep going and really excited at the additional options for meals. My boys still eat regular school lunch, but have changed everything they do at home. They are really motivated, which is also motivating for me and my husband!

    I look forward to reading how people are doing in week 2!
  • Severshe
    Severshe Posts: 10 Member
    Good for you! It sounds like we are very similar, I lost 10 the first week, I'm on day 9 right now. My entire family DESPISED the greek yogurt...yikes that stuff is terrible! I also didn't want to do the Jillian website, I hate those "You can cancel at any time" deals, I always seem to forget to cancel and end up being charged for months before I catch it. If you are interested, we could "friend" and then we could track together?

    I am wondering if we could exchange a lunch for a dinner once you are outside of the 7 day Metabolism makeover? The meat side dishes are giving my family some struggles...any ideas?
  • mrskellyray
    mrskellyray Posts: 114
    wow! i am on day 5, and have lost 4 pounds so far, AND went spring dress shopping to look cute at a friend's wedding tomorow, and got a LARGE instead of an EXTRA LARGE! :) I am unbelievably pumped. :) This program is working! I have never sweat this much during a Jillian DVD! :) and I have so much fun!
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member
    Just finished week 1 and have lost no weight yet :/. Slightly discouraged but am NOT going to give up. Hopefully when I weigh myself on Friday I'll see a difference!
  • tatibee
    tatibee Posts: 7
    Just finished week 1 and have lost no weight yet :/. Slightly discouraged but am NOT going to give up. Hopefully when I weigh myself on Friday I'll see a difference!

    I also just finished the Kick-start program and gained 1 pound, but I am definitely not discouraged. I wasn't following Jillian's meal program. I also did not starve myself with her first week low calorie diet. I had 1700 cal/day and counted on burning 500 with 2/day exercises. Maybe I wasn't burning 500 and gained weight for that reason.

    Overall i feel stronger, faster and feel great.
    So lets stay strong, watch our diet and change will come!!!
  • tatibee
    tatibee Posts: 7
    What is the best device to measure how many calories I burn during my work outs?
  • mec0925
    mec0925 Posts: 12 Member
    I am new to the program, actually today is the last day of the kick start for me...yay! Although I think I am going to incorporate some of the food from kick start into week one since most of it was a no brainer to prepare but I was wondering what type of heart monitor you have? It has been a while since I have worked out so I struggled a little in the beginning of the kick start but I've noticed each day is getting better. ;0)