Introduce Yourself



  • Want to get fit and be able to get into a bathing suit to be able to sit by our poolside this summer. lol :)

    If you need additional support, add me, I'd love to support you. I did WW in the past also and it worked for me
    DIVAFIT43 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello all, I am done with the fad diet Yo/yo dance. I'm looking for new healthy ways for losing and keeping the weight off. I have been using this app for two months and have achieved some great results. I love that it doesn't just track fat and calories, it includes nutrition stats so I can make sure that I'm giving my body what it needs to succeed.
  • Good Morning Everyone,
    My name is Jo. A friend told me about this sight. I've only been here 3 days but so far I love it. I've been telling everyone about it. Weight has always been an obstacle in my life. As a kid as young as 2 being pushed o eat because I was in someones opinion too skinny to growing up and into an unhappy marriage and being as much as 80lbs. overweight. Then 2 c-sections later, an apendectomy, a couple of kidney surgeries and an attitude of just resolving myself to not caring, I wasted alot of my life making work the most important thing in life so I could use the excuse that I didn't have time to take care of myself. Finally, a much needed divorce and coming to terms with food I finally got to a perfect wieght and a very happy life with my now husband. Then a cancer diagnosis, a few more surgeries, 10 months of chemo, going back to a job that shoved me under the rug and losing almost everything financially to pay for the doctors and chemo, food once again became a skape goat. Only looking to loose 10 lbs. now but may as well be 100. The mental struggle is the same. But at least I now have the mind set not to let it get to the point that it becomes a mountain climb. I'm sure I can hop right over this little speed bump.
  • Hi! My name is Dawn and I am just trying to get to be more healthy! I have a long ways to go but slowly but surely I plan to get there!
    I lost a little over 100lbs a few years ago but it has all come back. Now I am in the position where I need to lose it again and make some major lifestyle changes for health reasons. I am looking forward to the positivity that this group will bring to my weight lose journey!
  • sarahp840
    sarahp840 Posts: 11
    Hi y'all. My name is Sarah. I have yet come to terms with my weight, I am very much in denial about it. In 2007 I was in the Navy and very much in shape, I was discharged on medical and have been put on various med cocktails. After 6 months of being on meds I had gained nearly 20 pounds. Since then I have become pretty much sedentary and now weigh 214.5. However just two weeks ago I was 220 but unfortunately I caught a virus that made me not want to eat. It wasn't the best way to lose weight but I'm glad I lost it. This is my first day on MFP, my mom has been doing it and she talked me into it. I struggle with my self-esteem. I figure if I can't even get up out of my chair, walk three steps to the treadmill and just go for a short walk; then I deserve to be fat. My goal is to drop back down to 130 and be a 36-26-36 again. I know if I would just get back into the routine of exercising I know I can do it, but I have grown so lazy over the years.
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    Hi, my name is Heather and I have been on MFP for a long while but never lost any weight. I am ready to get serious about it and change my life!! I joined a gym yesturday and have already used it!
  • vampirekitty911
    vampirekitty911 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Lexi. My modivation started in the form of a m/c and now I am losing steam because all of my support is either expecting or has given up!
  • rdt1972
    rdt1972 Posts: 3
    Hi. My name is Rachel. My husband and I just started using MFP yesterday after a friend said that he had lost 40 pounds using this app. It is my goal this year to lose weight and become healthier so that I can be the best me possible and live life to the fullest with my family!

    Here's to healthier futures for us all! :)
  • hey how is everyone doing
    my name is martin barely really started using this app but love it
    and been on a mission since august to get in shape so i can enlist in the army

    thats so awesome you want to help serve and protect in the Army! Good for you and good luck on your journey
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Bonnie and I have been on MFP daily since Nov 2011 and love it! I used to keep my food diary in a notebook. My daughter showed me MFP and I put the app on my phone. Now I am always using MFP either on my phone or on my computer. I am Adrenal Insufficant.

    I had a rare form of Cushings Disease that caused me to put on about thirty pounds a month on 1,000 calories a day. What was wrong with me was finally discovered in October 2005 and I was in surgery to remove a brain tumor and my pituitary gland in November 2005. Being Adrenal Insufficant I was very weak and taking replacement medications for the lack of having a pituitary glad. I saw a new Endo Doctor in Nov 2011 for a second opinion and was given a new replacement that allowed me to feel alive again. Before that I was not able to walk my dog down the road and back without being totally out of breath, sweating and dizzy. Now, I am exercising daily, walking the dog down the road and up and down a few blocks, taking a power yoga class, using cardio machines and weight training.

    I have lost 23lbs since Nov 2011 and I am very focused to get myself in shape and healthy. I plan to loose an additional 80lbs. I will not give up.... I have waited too long to do something about my health due to lack of energy. Now, I know with the medications I take it may take me a bit longer but my doctors tell me that I can do it. Not to give up!!

  • LiaNix
    LiaNix Posts: 8
    Hello out there,
    my name is Lianne... I'm up in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I started gaining weight near the end of high school and although I have spent many years trying to control my weight I just kept gaining more. This past January I decided something drastic has to happen and I joined an insane weight loss program through my local health district. I'm on a full meal replacement for 12 weeks and then will slowly transition back to food over 6 weeks. I call it sugar, salt, and fat detox, something I've needed for a long long time. I'm in week 8 of the meal replacement and am looking forward to returning to food.

    When I started the program the first week we were supposed to eat a 1200cal diet... that didn't happen for me. every meal was like the "last supper"... I gained two lbs that week so I count my starting weight as 332lbs. I hate looking at that number. HATE IT. can't believe I got to that after 17 years of competitive sports and being very fit. So as of last Wednesday I weight 292.5lbs... I'm feeling great and am really starting to pick up the pace. My boyfriend and I started P90X on March 1 and we're getting through it, it's not pretty but we're doing it and kicking *kitten* haha. My long-term goal is to lose 150lbs and that may take a few years, that's ok. I'm in this for life. Another reason for the push is that my boyfriend's brother is getting married in September. The groom and bride are olympic athletes so you can imagine how they look (perfect). I've decided that I'm not going to be the fat chick in the family pictures. Having lost 38 lbs so far, my goal for September is to lose another 40 and I think that is managable.

    I'll stop rambling and just say that I'm looking for some friends to help keep motivated together, this looks like a great group.

    take care :happy:
  • Hello out there,
    my name is Lianne... I'm up in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I started gaining weight near the end of high school and although I have spent many years trying to control my weight I just kept gaining more. This past January I decided something drastic has to happen and I joined an insane weight loss program through my local health district. I'm on a full meal replacement for 12 weeks and then will slowly transition back to food over 6 weeks. I call it sugar, salt, and fat detox, something I've needed for a long long time. I'm in week 8 of the meal replacement and am looking forward to returning to food.

    When I started the program the first week we were supposed to eat a 1200cal diet... that didn't happen for me. every meal was like the "last supper"... I gained two lbs that week so I count my starting weight as 332lbs. I hate looking at that number. HATE IT. can't believe I got to that after 17 years of competitive sports and being very fit. So as of last Wednesday I weight 292.5lbs... I'm feeling great and am really starting to pick up the pace. My boyfriend and I started P90X on March 1 and we're getting through it, it's not pretty but we're doing it and kicking *kitten* haha. My long-term goal is to lose 150lbs and that may take a few years, that's ok. I'm in this for life. Another reason for the push is that my boyfriend's brother is getting married in September. The groom and bride are olympic athletes so you can imagine how they look (perfect). I've decided that I'm not going to be the fat chick in the family pictures. Having lost 38 lbs so far, my goal for September is to lose another 40 and I think that is managable.

    I'll stop rambling and just say that I'm looking for some friends to help keep motivated together, this looks like a great group.

    take care :happy:

    I'm super happy for you!!! you have lost 38 lbs, that is more than my 2 year old son's weight and I know you feel sooooooo good!!!! kudos to you!!
  • Hi everyone!

    My name is Bonnie and I have been on MFP daily since Nov 2011 and love it! I used to keep my food diary in a notebook. My daughter showed me MFP and I put the app on my phone. Now I am always using MFP either on my phone or on my computer. I am Adrenal Insufficant.

    I had a rare form of Cushings Disease that caused me to put on about thirty pounds a month on 1,000 calories a day. What was wrong with me was finally discovered in October 2005 and I was in surgery to remove a brain tumor and my pituitary gland in November 2005. Being Adrenal Insufficant I was very weak and taking replacement medications for the lack of having a pituitary glad. I saw a new Endo Doctor in Nov 2011 for a second opinion and was given a new replacement that allowed me to feel alive again. Before that I was not able to walk my dog down the road and back without being totally out of breath, sweating and dizzy. Now, I am exercising daily, walking the dog down the road and up and down a few blocks, taking a power yoga class, using cardio machines and weight training.

    I have lost 23lbs since Nov 2011 and I am very focused to get myself in shape and healthy. I plan to loose an additional 80lbs. I will not give up.... I have waited too long to do something about my health due to lack of energy. Now, I know with the medications I take it may take me a bit longer but my doctors tell me that I can do it. Not to give up!!


    Bonnie that is awesome! you are already losing at a nice rate and I too have about 80 lbs to go!! you go Bonnie! you are on a roll
  • kevinwk
    kevinwk Posts: 77
    I have been seriously taking my health to the next level since middle of february and lost 23lbs, that's when i decided to start using MFP and looking forward to reaching my target and finally staying there! Any encouragement, ideas, recipes, new exercises to do at the club/gym to get me out of "ruts" would be great! Keep the motivation going and I'll do my best to reciprocate.
  • I have been seriously taking my health to the next level since middle of february and lost 23lbs, that's when i decided to start using MFP and looking forward to reaching my target and finally staying there! Any encouragement, ideas, recipes, new exercises to do at the club/gym to get me out of "ruts" would be great! Keep the motivation going and I'll do my best to reciprocate.

    That is really good! 23 lbs since feb is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! I will be posing mini challenges often to help keep us motivated, be sure to check them out and add me as a friend if you need some extra motivation
  • trijohnny
    trijohnny Posts: 15
    NICE bringing Sexy back. I too have been losing weight 16.5lbs. in 7 weeks. Slow but steady. Now running 3-5 miles a day and doing P90X. Feels Great getting Bod back onto shape
  • THamm04
    THamm04 Posts: 1
    Hello All, I'm new to this and in desperate need of motivation and scolding when I slip. I'm moving to San Diego and want to have a beach body when i arrive in Nov 2012. Please help me achive this goal. - Tee
  • Chanels_mom
    Chanels_mom Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Jennifer or to MFP, Chanels_mom. I wanted to join this group because I want to achieve being sexy as I've never considered myself as being so before. So, I would like to gain encouragement as well as give encouragement to others. But most of all I want to lose the weight to boost my confidence.....there I said it, lol!
  • lilytwo
    lilytwo Posts: 3
    hi im april,
    once a fun love'n go danc'n every night, now a wallflower. i need much support. it is now at it's lowest point for me, and i don't know where to turn. i cry every day. i should be so proud of going from 275 to 206 and i am, i just want me back.. i don't even like to go to the park with hubby and son... i have been fighting this thing for six years. i don't even alow my buuy to see me get dressed in the morning i hate it. soo discurraged
  • Hello everyone,

    My name is Christina, I am a mother of 3, ages 13, 5 and 1.5 years. I've been on a weight lost journey on and off since about 2009. I had my third child in 2010 and got serious about dropping the lbs. I was at 170, now I'm at 136.5. I've lost alot by using this MFP on my droid, and want to get to 130 and then start building muscle for toning and definition. I'm almost there! I tend to go up about 2-3 lbs then drop again. Weekends are always the harderst to control what I eat. I've gotten more serious using this app, and get on my computer more now so that I can be more active on here. I'm interested in friends who are serious about their health, and weight loss goals! I need a little push to work out at least 3 times a week. It's hard with the 3 kids to get the time. Feel free to add me, but only if you acutally log on and use your app. Take care :)