Season 2 - Episode 13 - Beside the Dying Fire (03/18/12) Sea



  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    I'm glad Glen finally said it to Maggie, psh- men. And I liked the biblical reference Hershel said about the ressurection and the dead rising. Awesome! And I gotta say Daryl was so hot, he's still a bad *kitten* even when he's being sweet and caring!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    watching it now (kinda forgot all about it lol). Will respond with my thoughts in about 1 hour.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    apparently I need to read the comics to figure out who this Michonne character is.... Any chance someone would like to provide some background on her... Loved the zombies on chains but was freaked out on how she can control them. Very dark looking.

    Just looked it up myself...

    That scene where this Michonne first arrives was the coolest thing I've seen in this show. What a f'in bad *kitten*.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member

    Farm gone
    Jimmy gone
    Patrica gone
    Andrea saved by Me-Shawn
    Grimes family now fear the man of the house
    Rick lost his damn mind
    Glenn grew balls

    See you this Fall...
  • josho655321
    josho655321 Posts: 110 Member
    So for me I want to say the first 30 minutes were bad *kitten* and then last 10 had me ready for next season. Danai Gurira is going to be playing Michonne, amazing.
  • Rjdj3530
    Rjdj3530 Posts: 154
    Rick is so full of "i got you all out of there"...technically...they all got themselves out of there with the exception of Herschel and Carl!

    My husband was like...noooo...herschel has to live!! lol...I told him not to worry. I just knew he was gonna make it.

    Darryl saving Carol was right on. Gotta love Darryl, what was that he said to her when he went back for her?, something like "come on i don't have time to wait around" lol

    I have to agree the coolest part was the introduction of Michonne. It wasn't the same introduction like in the comic but it was just as cool and pretty much had the same effect. Andrea needed someone to kind of relate too and Michonne could help her "grow some balls" for a lack of a better analogy.

    Lori Lori Lori....she needs to own up to her own actions. She helped make that scenario and she needs to live with her actions. She had a hand in Shane's demise but of course wants to act like she didn't. Poor Carl only sees that dad killed Shane who was a father figure to him. He don't see that mom slept with Shane, then treated him like crap and then helped turn her husband against him. He went loco but he had some help getting there!!

    The silhouette of the prison looked right on. Lots of drama ahead in the next season in that prison. I still think T-Dog is Tyreese. Maybe they'll surprise me but I think I am right.

    Who knew a helicopter could cause so much chaos!! If you didn't notice the walkers started that way from right after the time Rick met up with the group. The walkers had been seeing and sort of following the direction of the helicopter since Atlanta! That explains the size of the horde. The helicopter will be explained next season as well, it has been a teaser since the first season.
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    You guys come on, it was obvious that the helicopter was sending out a special frequency only heard by the zombies and it led them right to Hershel's farm like the Pied Piper. :wink:

    Serisouly, I loved the episode. For some reason I didn't think Patricia would die, so I was shocked. The zombie battle was awesome, and Andrea is a machine.

    Carl and Hershel may now each be tied for highest zombie body count, although Hershel may have cheated with his magic shotgun that never runs out of bullets.

    I actually thought Michonne's intro although not exact to the comic, was very close and ever better. Definately had the holy crap she has armless zombies on chains with her effect. The theater was in erupted in applause when she came on.

    Last scene was just how I pictured it, a pan out over the prison, although I was thinking the characters would have found it too, but no problem as that will make for some fun right at the beginning of next season.
  • kerricolby
    kerricolby Posts: 232 Member
    There is nothing sexier than Daryl on that motorcycle.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Anybody else think that Rick sounds a little bit like Shane there at the end? Wondering if it's a result of what he's been through or changes to his brain from the virus.

    No, I haven't read the story, so just speculating.
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    Anybody else think that Rick sounds a little bit like Shane there at the end? Wondering if it's a result of what he's been through or changes to his brain from the virus.

    No, I haven't read the story, so just speculating.

    I don't think the virus makes any changes to your brain while you are alive. If they are all infected, no one else is acting like that.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    It's a RICK-tatorship!!! Love the speech he gave to everyone and how everyone just shut the Eff up and stared. I didn't see any of them running out on their own... they need a leader.. none of them would survive out there without the group. Well except Andrea apparently.

    Good last episode! Can't wait until Fall for next season!

    on another note... GAME OF THRONES IN TWO WEEKS!!
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    on another note... GAME OF THRONES IN TWO WEEKS!!

    YES, GIRL! :bigsmile:
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    Daryl and that f*cking motorcycle... was watching it with friends last night and was like "isn't that like zombie version of fast food."

    Last night's episode made me a nervous wreck! But I am going to watch it again tonight. :D

    ps - excited - got the first two graphic novels delivered this weekend. I started and finished the first one last night. Just as addicting as the show!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    All I have to say is MICHONNE!!!!!!!!
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    There is nothing sexier than Daryl on that motorcycle.

    I would totally throw myself in front of a pack of zombies if it mean that he would come and save me.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    There is nothing sexier than Daryl on that motorcycle.

    I would totally throw myself in front of a pack of zombies if it mean that he would come and save me.

    You would think that by riding around on a Harley it would attract a butt load of walkers...
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    agree with most of you on several points- Hershell's shot gun never needing to be reloaded... haven't read the comics, and after watching Talking Dead went back to the end of the episode and watched for the part with the armless zombies on leashes- that would freak me out- they're BEHIND you - and they're mindless, so how to you keep them from trying to eat you?!?

    WHY weren't the vehicles loaded with some supplies, if they thought enough to have them parked at the house and facing out from the house?

    I think Lori freaked that Carl put Shane down, I don't think she wanted her little boy to do it - although she pretty much told Rick he'd have to kill Shane in a previous episode- so seriously, this lady is a walking contradiction! Poor Jimmy - you knew he was a goner - they never spent any time developing his character, and he rolls up to save Rick and Carl, and....was eaten alive.

    It does seem like there's something that made Shane super aggressive and crazy before he killed that kid Randall, and then there's Rick with his speech- I didn't care for that at all - I think Glen and Daryl and T-Dog (he needs more camera time/character development- otherwise I'm going to assume they'll kill him off too) should have a say in the group - even Hershell - they're all in this together - they can take a vote, right? I mean not in an emergency, there's not enough time - but around the campfire, sure! now Winter is coming, and they have no supplies... I can't WAIT for next season!!! I'll also have to get the comics and read them.
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    agree with most of you on several points- Hershell's shot gun never needing to be reloaded... haven't read the comics, and after watching Talking Dead went back to the end of the episode and watched for the part with the armless zombies on leashes- that would freak me out- they're BEHIND you - and they're mindless, so how to you keep them from trying to eat you?!?

    I read an article today that described them as "armless, jawless zombies on leashes"... you can't eat if your jaw's been ripped off :)
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    In defense of Herschel's gun - they did show him reloading shells at times, but he did seem to be pushing the limit at times. I am gun geek, I tend notice these things.

    I hear you on the vehicles not being stocked for an emergency - I was very surprised, however, that they must have discussed off screen meeting up back at the highway where they left the stuff for Sophia.

    Not much of a spoiler, but the armless zombies were also de-jawed in the comic.

    The thing that made Shane so agressive was the Lori-virus, not the zombie virus.

    Hershel seemed to be in full support of Rick, by the way. Fortunately for Rick, they had Shane around to look like the bigger *kitten*, so Hershel gravitated towards him.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    i was glad hershel lived and tech.rick did get them out cause he set the barn on fire if not the walkers would have not gotten somewhat distracted and would have over run the house and they would never had a way out so he did get them out.
    lori pissed me off as always lmao she sets it up to piss rick off at shane then talks to shane like he has hope still and then she gets mad when what she did pinned them against each other and her husband came out on top wtf like who did you want to live and what is the issue!!! She pisses me off and they need to trip her and let her die lmao

    we were laughing at how many bullets hershel had in his gun too lol

    hershel does not want say he likes rick and loved his speech hershel was smirking the whole time when he yelled at the group. he trusts rick so he does not want to have say.