Welcome! From Heidi Dresner, RN, FNP-BC

hdresner Posts: 3 Member
Welcome to Weight Loss Surgical Centers Member page on My Fitness Pal. My name is Heidi Dresner and I am a nurse practitioner in our O'Fallon, Missouri office. I have worked for Weight Loss Surgical Center for 4 years and I was banded in August of 2010! I'm hear to help, encourage, and motivate you! Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything at all I can help you with!

•“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ~Larry Elder


  • Stacie088
    Thanks, Heidi - I'm so grateful that you introduced me to this site and have encouraged me so much. WLS after-care is really tough and I'm slogging through it one step at a time thanks to your support.
  • sixthtimeacharm
    Heidi I love that analogy, how true it is.
  • humbino
    humbino Posts: 5
    Hi Heidi! I had my band done in November last year in Belgium. So far, no regrets, and I've lost 14 kg already! I love food, my boyfriend is a chef and the kilos were just coming, so I needed help : so the band works perfectly for me. One question : sometimes I feel that the band is super-tight, I can hardly drink water, and sometimes it feels like the band is not there at all ( I have 6 cc fill and my band is a Cousin-BioRing ( I hope I quote this right). Do you have the same experience? I appreciate your kind help :)