
  • I'm 33 years old and packed on an extra 60 lbs are so after a cross country move, busy job etc etc. I have lost about 30 and think I live a pretty healthy lifestyle, running, eating fairly healthy etc. BUT, I need the motivation and support to get rid of the last 30. My actual goal is July 22, my 34th, birthday. I need a swift kick in the butt when I have that blueberry muffin for breakfast or overdo my portions at dinner, or, lets be honest folks, have a few too many glasses of wine! This site has come highly recommended and I am hoping it works for me! looking forward to the next few months!

  • Hi , Im joining to get and give support when needed , I'm a wife mom and Nana, I want to treat my temple better, it was a gift from God and I recently became aware of how terrible a steward I have been over the last 8 yrs. Well no more of that , I'm renewing my mind to remove this cloak of fat . I would also like to loose 30 of the 50 lbs by July . Tell me how or what I need to do , the" myfitnesspal" has been a God send in helping me to keep track on nutrition, calories, water and exercise, I walk a max of 20-30 minuets a day on average ..sometimes more sometimes less. My Hun is also on the same path ( needs to loose about 50 lbs as well ) ...... so that really helps .. we support and encourage each other. Our 10 yr Anniversary is coming up and it would be lovely to take professional pictures of our new health temples :))......I'm in !!
  • michspol
    michspol Posts: 1
    Hi everyone!

    This is the first real attempt I have made at losing the weight that has slowly crept up over the years. I had no idea how hard it really is. Now I understand the struggles of losing wieght. But I need to do this and hope I can give and recieve the motivation we all need. I am only 5'4" and 178lb. My goal is 145-150 lb. The reward at the end is well worth the challenge. I'm in all the way. We can do this!!!!!!!!
  • JillHoff
    JillHoff Posts: 30
    Hey Everyone!! So happy to be joining such a great group! I am so ready I started on March 1st I am 9lbs down doing it the right way no fad diets, no starving myself just good old eating healthy and getting active!!

    Here are my goals

    TODAY: 251lbs
    MAY 1st: 240lbs
    JULY 1st : 220lbs

    Which would be our 30 lbs that we are striving for.

    GOAL WEIGHT: 115lbs ( I am 5ft so that is perfectly healthy).

    So I will be around for awhile feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • completebeginnings
    completebeginnings Posts: 34 Member
    I am Dy age 30 and 5 ft 8, wife and mother of 4 kids 9,6,5,and 2. I have about 40 pounds to drop I lost all my weight after my first two but due to some physical limitations I had a much harder time getting the weight off. I had a hysterectomy in Dec. of 2010 which kept me not exercising for another 6 months. Point being I have a lot of work to do.

    I am going to Haiti as a volunteer midwife in July and I would love to feel comfortable in my scrubs by then. I am also using stickk.com to help me loose. You basically are charged money that then goes to charity or an anticharity if you don't meet your weekly goals. So if I don't drop 20 lbs in the next 20 weeks I am out $100. Good motivation if any of you want to join me. You can adjust your incentive to your budget etc. Excited for the next 12 weeks.

    SW 195
    GW 150
  • scmcgee
    scmcgee Posts: 165
    Hi, I am Sharon and I am 43. I have three awesome children and really am in the mindset to lose weight, be fit and eat healthy. I started at

    SW 219 - Feb 11, 2012
    CW 200 - March 24, 2012 (I pound away from onederland.)
    GW 150

    I would love to lose 30 poinds my July 1st! Count me in! Please add me as a friend so I can keep up with your success :)
  • Shellyyy7928
    Shellyyy7928 Posts: 78 Member
    Hello:) I'm Michelle, 18 (19 in April) and a single mother of a fourteen month old princess;) I've been trying to lose this babyweight but just kept making excuses. Now I'm on a roll and want to keep it up!

    SW: 175ish
    CW: 161
    GW: 130

    So this group will be perfect :)
    Good luck to everyone, and let's do this!!!!
  • Hi I'm Bree. I am almost 28 (birthday in mid April) and love this group because I am going on a trip to Cancun in July and losing 30 pounds would make me much happier when I have to put on a bathing suit in front of everyone. I joined in January but have not been as dedicated as I should have. I've lost 9 pounds so far but I would love to lose at least another 35. Feel free to add me to keep each other motivated and accountable.

    SW: 184
    CW: 175 (as of 3/24)
    May 1st: 165
    June 5th: 155
    July 3rd: 145
  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    Hi all. I'm 5'5" and 29 yrs old. Married, no children. I've been on the 1200cal/day diet since joining MPF in July 2011. I really started tracking hardcore in September 2011. Hoping to hit my goal by September at the most but wouldn't complain if I hit it in July =)

    I'm going to try my best to get up every morning and do a 30 min workout vid, go to the gym for at least an hour after work, eat under my calorie goal everyday (at least 1200 but under whatever extra cals I burn). I'll try my best to eat my veggies!

    Add me as a friend if you wish. Sometimes I forget about groups but hopefully I remember to keep checking on this. I look forward to hearing of your successes!

    SW: 230
    CW: 157.5
    GW: 130-135ish
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Hi all! I am Ivette. I'd love to lose 30 lbs by July and have been aiming for 33-38 by July 15th.

    My SW was 233
    CW 183.2
    GW is 145-150 with around 21% body fat give or take. I want to be strong and toned. If I feel like I have reached that at 160 maybe I will stop there. Either way I'd like to be at that place by July 1st.
  • AviaBatyah
    AviaBatyah Posts: 161 Member
    Sis I am in with you. I started after Hanukkah of 2011. I started off at 203 lbs and as of today I have lost 30 lbs. CW : 173.
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi All,

    I joined in Sept of 2011 - and didnt stick with it like I should have after I started my new job. Mandatory 45 hours a week was killer after being unemployed for 6 months! It was physical work too and I have just been exhausted from the moment I opened my eyes til the moment I closed them at night.

    So...unfortunately I have only lost 16 lbs since then. Cant really tell 16 lbs is gone :-(

    I am a single woman - 33 - and in July - my very best friend is coming to see me on his way to Airforce training. We have been friends and in touch daily for the last 3.5 yrs and I am totally smitten to say the least lol. He is aware of this fact, but we dont talk about it. However, he said he would drive 7 states out of the way to come see me this summer and I am keeping those fingers crossed lol. BUT I HAVE TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT!!!

    So....new position I will be starting that will not require me to be completely exhausted every day of the week thanks to a new promotion. Got my Shakeology box delivered this last week...and despite this ghastly injury- I am ready to get myself in tip top shape any way I can! Well...any healthy way I can :-) I dont have much going for me in the face department...so this body needs to work over time! lol.

    Anyway, I am glad to be back on track...hopefully able to hold myself accountable with your help and encouragement...and Looking forward to a new me and possibly a new life :-) (wont hold my breathe tooo much for that yet lol)

    Starting weight in Sept was 202 - current weight is 185 - target weight for July 145 -150 and overall target weight 135-140.
  • I am busy mom to 3 boys and have another 60 to go. Started at 231 Dec 13 and now 203-205 changes daily. I will be 35 June 14and and goal at that date is 175...this is the perfect motivation for me!!
  • erinvelz
    erinvelz Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I joined MFP last year but I didn't really use it until last week. I am 27 years old (5'6", female) and currently weigh 175. My goal is to get to 140 so this challenge is perfect for me. I recently moved to the Congo to teach and have been having a difficult time getting adjusting to healthy living. I look forward to having some friends keep me on track!
  • Hi everyone!! My name is Becky, I'm 31, mom to an amazing 2 year old, wife and full time student. I have finally decided to lose the weight the right way and not go on crazy diets that turn me into a raging monster!! I've started going to the gym and trying all of the classes they have to offer...I'm becoming a little obsessed with Spinning!!
    I have 20 pounds of baby weight I have to get off before I think about having another baby so if I can lose 30 that would be great!

    Height: 5'6
    SW: 200
    CW: 194
    Goal: 150 (unless I get pregnant before then and then my goal is to NOT gain 60 pounds again!)
  • PatLis
    PatLis Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for starting up this challenge. I am new here on MFP and at first I was thinking what the heck is MFP. Caught on pretty fast. I am really excited to see if i could get the 30 off. Let's do this!
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm Linda. 5'8" with a small frame.
    I started my journey to a "better me" in July 2011 @ somewhere just over 200lbs (I don't know exactly because I refused to look at the scale, but the Dr. told me I was over 200).
    Learned about MFP in January and signed up at 182lbs.
    I am currently @ 165.2 and I would LOVE to make it to my goal weight of 135 before July 1st, but I'll settle for on the first :wink:

    I look forward to watching all of us on this journey to kick that last 30 in the teeth!!!
    Good luck to everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi, My name is Amanda and i am from NC.
    I am a cheerleading coach and mom of a wonderful DOG. She has my heart :)

    I have always been a yo yo dieter and continue to struggle with plateos

    I am determined this time to lose the weight, get healthy and keep it off. I currently have about 25-30lb left to go. I started MFP in Jan. and have lost almost 30lb. I am motivated, dedicated and focused
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    I'm Taylor- 32, getting married in August.
    SW, 162
    CW, 157.5
    GW, 130

    been struggling a LONG time to lose the 5lbs I have...I've been on medication that just WONT allow me to lose weight... quite frustrating w my wedding fast approaching.
    My adult life, ive never weighed more than 150, so its really hard going thru this "exciting" time being so discouraged by my weight.
    My daily goal is 1400 calories & workout 4x a week... plus I'm running a marathon in May! Woo hoo
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    YAAy im planning on losing 44 lbs in total, and 30 lbs before july 1st seems awesome. Hopefully i can stay motivated!

    CW:143.4 lbs
    GW: 99 lbs
    height: 5'7"

    99lbs at 5'7?
    I'm 5'7 ... that's um, really really really skinny.
    Why?? You'll be nothing but bones??