Twelve weeks until summer!!!

Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
Okay, it is time to get going. If you began counting calories in January 2012 as your New Year's Resolution and maybe you slacked off a little, it is time to get moving and keeping track of calories again. If you have been doing this longer, and you are in a slump, let's get back to it. Or, if this is the beginning for you, let's go!

I've lost 14 lbs. since the end of January. It took me awhile to get with the whole resolution thing, but I got there before the month ended. I love MFP. It is the one and only successful tool for me to lose weight. I've tried them all before without success.

Even though I adore my class this year, and I will be sad to see them go, I can't wait for the summer. I live in the cold northeast, although we had a very mild winter this year. I just love the heat, lying in the summer sun, swimming in the pool, and walking on the beach. I'm one of those fat ladies that wears a bathing suit and shorts no matter what my size, but it would really be nice to be smaller, lighter, and healthier.

So, join me on my journey!!! Let's go!!!

Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • WOO HOO!!! I can't wait!! 12 weeks until time in the sun:)
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome Sweetteach!

    I can't wait either!

    It is normally cool and rainy this time of year where I live, but it has been in the 70's and sunny for the past week. My students are acting like it is May, and school is almost out. We all have spring fever. I love this weather, and it is such a motivation for me to keep working on getting thinner.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • teachfl2
    teachfl2 Posts: 95 Member
    Can't wait either! I live in sunny Florida so it feels like summer here all the time! We didn't even have much of a winter this year. My goal is to feel confident in my bathing suit at the beach or pool this summer!
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    I live in Oregon...and hard to believe that Oregon City school district was closed Thursday due to snow! Today, a gloriously warm and sunshiny day...break out the toenail polish! :wink:

  • pbaker8307
    pbaker8307 Posts: 60 Member
    This is our Spring Break in Arkansas...9 more weeks starting Monday. We had four days of grey yucky rain. Today was sunny and it is supposed to be sunny most of next week which means the girls will not have appropriate clothing on. High school math teacher!

    So looking forward to summer...last year we missed 10+ days due to crazy winter weather. We did not get out until June 10th and I had to return on August 1st for PD.

    We have not had a winter to speak of this year so we are slated to get out on May 24th....the earliest we have gotten out of school in 16 years.
  • VenturaGurl
    VenturaGurl Posts: 413 Member
    Hi, I'm Amy. I'm in Southern California and we're expecting rain tomorrow. One more week until Spring Break for me, then the real countdown to summer begins! I've been on MFP a long time now...the weight loss is slow, but I have been working to transform my body and attitude as I go...and I feel great!
    So happy to see a teacher's group!!!
    Here we go...
  • mdamrow
    mdamrow Posts: 92 Member
    Hi. I'm Megan. I live in Wisconsin. We had a really mild winter and so far spring has been get. The only problem with this warm spring is the kids a re wild and crazy with spring fever. Dying for spring break to get here!!!
  • zclark13
    zclark13 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi! I'm Liz from Colorado. Right now I'm a teacher without a class. I'm in my second year of subbing after getting laid off due to budget cuts.
    We are on spring break now and the weather is supposed to great! We had the 2nd snowiest February on record and this March will probably be the least snowiest with only a trace of snow at the beginning of the month.
    I LOVE mfp. Although my "ticker" says 17, I have actually lost 20 pounds since Christmas. I have NEVER lost this much weight at one time before (short of actually giving birth!) and I am super motivated! We are going to Florida in June and I want to wear a cute suit to the beach!
    What I want to know do you fit in excercise with school, meetings and family? I've been "lucky" that with so much to lose, I have just had to watch what I eat for the weight to come off, but soon I will have to be intentional about excercising and even without having to do planning and grading at home, I don't know when to squeeze it in.
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    Hi! I'm Liz from Colorado. Right now I'm a teacher without a class. I'm in my second year of subbing after getting laid off due to budget cuts.
    We are on spring break now and the weather is supposed to great! We had the 2nd snowiest February on record and this March will probably be the least snowiest with only a trace of snow at the beginning of the month.
    I LOVE mfp. Although my "ticker" says 17, I have actually lost 20 pounds since Christmas. I have NEVER lost this much weight at one time before (short of actually giving birth!) and I am super motivated! We are going to Florida in June and I want to wear a cute suit to the beach!
    What I want to know do you fit in excercise with school, meetings and family? I've been "lucky" that with so much to lose, I have just had to watch what I eat for the weight to come off, but soon I will have to be intentional about excercising and even without having to do planning and grading at home, I don't know when to squeeze it in.

    Hi Liz! Kat from Oregon, here... I'm not a huge fan of exercise for exercise's sake (yeah, I've taught health and PE and I KNOW where my thinking is haywire...) :laugh: I prefer to find activities that I pong (I can not only work up a sweat, but am probably the only person in modern history that has had a "ping-pong injury" and had to seek medical attention! LOL! I learned from my fit/slender mother that there are so many ways to stay in shape... Scrubbing a kitchen floor on hands and knees is great for a flat tummy, and my personal favorite - which I do currently ...lay on your bed and do your exercises! I make/use rice bags to heat our bed, and make different sizes. The heavy ones make excellent leg weights - and I'm currently up to 4 heavy bags while doing my leg can really work up a sweat - all before you get out of bed in the morning! (No funny jokes there...) :laugh: I use dumbbells on a hit/miss basis, and try to do ab crunches in front of the bathroom mirror before I hop into bed (Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home" tapes are great inspiration) We had an early spring - and then winter came back with snow off/on the past couple of weeks...and now spring is back! Yard work is a great workout, too! Yesterday was so beautiful, I had to go for a walk... In the past, when feeling sluggish...have stopped by the local shopping mall that opens really early for people to come in where it is safe and warm to walk. Other than that...did do the gym last summer, and was able to pick up another 3 month gym membership at our school auction for cheap (this local gym also does cheap specials for students/teachers on summer break)... My children are both at university, (but will utilize gym membership with me over summer) hubby works long hours...and while they are encouraging and supportive, don't really need my mothering. Life is just busy all over (teaching is only one facet of my life) and I'd rather be immersed and not miss a minute of it - rather than be a gym rat. I'm not looking to be a buff pin-up poster girl...just wanted to get back to what I was when I married (120lbs) and am working on toning up.

  • Emmidoodah
    Emmidoodah Posts: 21 Member
    I'm new. Isn't this site great? I'm a secondary school (11 to 18 years) teacher in the UK and since beginning my career 12 years ago ( and giving up smoking 10 years ago) have put on nearly 40 pounds. I love my job but the stress and limited personal time make it hard to concentrate on me, so I really need help to maintain my motivation to stop comfort and convenience eating and find the time and self-discipline to exercise. I have a target loss of 55 pounds and I'd dearly love to achieve a good portion of that before July as I'm off to the South of France for a family holiday. French women are mostly very slim so last time I went I got funny disapproving looks off people , which was not nice I can tell you. I live in the UK so like most other Brits have a taste for chocolate, cheese, pastry, beer and wine...all the things that I'm going to have to radically cut down on. Thank goodness spring has finally arrived in the UK, a bit of sun and longer days definitely help matters. Roll on summer! :smile:
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    I'm new. Isn't this site great? I'm a secondary school (11 to 18 years) teacher in the UK and since beginning my career 12 years ago ( and giving up smoking 10 years ago) have put on nearly 40 pounds. I love my job but the stress and limited personal time make it hard to concentrate on me, so I really need help to maintain my motivation to stop comfort and convenience eating and find the time and self-discipline to exercise. I have a target loss of 55 pounds and I'd dearly love to achieve a good portion of that before July as I'm off to the South of France for a family holiday. French women are mostly very slim so last time I went I got funny disapproving looks off people , which was not nice I can tell you. I live in the UK so like most other Brits have a taste for chocolate, cheese, pastry, beer and wine...all the things that I'm going to have to radically cut down on. Thank goodness spring has finally arrived in the UK, a bit of sun and longer days definitely help matters. Roll on summer! :smile:

    Hi! Whereabouts in the UK are you located? I have visited a couple of times (my ancestry is Scots/Irish with a smidge of Welsh thrown in for good measure), and a gal that I met from the Orkneys is totally addicted to cheese and chocolate! When she came over to visit, Sees chocolates store was a frequent stop! :laugh: If you're gonna have an addiction to something besides high heels - cheese and chocolate is definitely high on my list!

    To solve my problem of healthy lunch food during my workweek, I prepare on the weekends, and package the food up for my hubby and myself. Not only is my morning simplified (no food prep) but I know exactly how many calories are in each container...and it is much cheaper than stopping and buying quick but potentially disastrous lunch items.

  • Emmidoodah
    Emmidoodah Posts: 21 Member
    I'm located in Wales but we are all Celts in the places you mentioned. ( Just a point of interest, Google "Celtic toe" you may have it!!!) Your idea for prepping lunches is a good one indeed. Our school canteen is a total disaster area for dieters, mayonnaise seems to be a compulsory ingredient of children's lunches. Do you freeze lunches or is there some other canny way of keeping it all fresh 'til Friday??
  • m00nflwr
    m00nflwr Posts: 103 Member
    We've got 8 more weeks of school left here in Western NC!

    We have had hardly any winter this year and hardly any breaks. In one more week we'll get spring break - thank goodness!

    The warmer weather lately has made me more motivated to exercise, especially outdoors (but this means I don't want to go inside to the gym!)

    I'm a Kindergarten teacher (this is my 6th yr teaching, mostly K and a little 2nd grade) and I'm also finishing up my Master's degree. I graduate in May! and I cannot wait to have my time back. So so often lately I've had to forgo exercise so I have time to get all my work done.
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    Hey Everybody! Happy Sunday! Back to school tomorrow. My daughter and I don't have the same April break this year for the first time. I'm that mommy that hosts all of the play dates and sleepovers because I'm around during school vacations while the rest of the parents have to work. But this time, I won't be around to do that. :frown: I was really upset about it because I have a lot of fun with all of the girls. During February vacation, I didn't get a moment to myself, so maybe it will end up working out nicely for me to have some time for myself. I'm not used to having "me time," but I think I'm beginning to realize that I have to start taking care of myself. We will see how it goes.:smile:

    Regarding time for exercise...I teach the Pre-K class in a Pre-K through 8th grade school. My 4 year olds keep me moving all day long. I'm usually dozing off by 8pm! In addition to all of the exercise I get at school, I play Wii Just Dance 2 & 3 a lot.

    I'm so glad to see all of you here hailing from all over the country and even across the pond!
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    I'm located in Wales but we are all Celts in the places you mentioned. ( Just a point of interest, Google "Celtic toe" you may have it!!!) Your idea for prepping lunches is a good one indeed. Our school canteen is a total disaster area for dieters, mayonnaise seems to be a compulsory ingredient of children's lunches. Do you freeze lunches or is there some other canny way of keeping it all fresh 'til Friday??

    Oops! Should have mentioned... My school is a Mon-Thurs onsite classes school (we're a public charter school) and so my lunches are fine if packaged on Sunday and refrigerated. My hubby hasn't keeled over yet (or complained) and he eats them through Friday...I will say that about 5 days in the fridge is the limit though. Do you have a small fridge? I know when my friend from Orkney (now at St. Andrews) was here...she was surprised that we have a "normal" sized fridge...she thought everything was super sized in the states! Not sure at what point in her 3 week visit that I confessed to having another fridge in the laundry room, and a another complete full-size freezer in the garage! LOL! (Used to have TWO out there!) I do freeze meals...and of course when I was going to school, would freeze about 3 months worth at a time (a school term)...I was known as the casserole queen...and to this day have a hard time (with exceptions!) looking a casserole in the eye... :laugh:
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    So many of you get out a lot earlier than I do. We are in school until June 23rd. We have two days to make up for a hurricane in August. Fortunately, we had a mild winter with no snow days or we would be getting out later. Last year we didn't get out till the end of June. Some school districts in my state got hit much worse by the hurricane, and then we had a freak snow storm on Halloween which resulted in a couple days because of power outages. They lost their winter breaks, and there has been talk of Saturday school. The only schools that get out in early June are the private schools. Lucky them!

    As the signs of spring are appearing all around me, I am constantly reminded to behave myself. I wonder if I lived in Florida and had to wear less clothing year round, if I would be more body conscious. Because in the winter, I tend to hide in my warm clothes and overindulge in sinful treats.
  • Emmidoodah
    Emmidoodah Posts: 21 Member
    Wow! you are super organised! My grocery delivery isn't coming 'til tomorrow so I'll have to wait until then to try and start thinking ahead a bit. Luckily most of the supermarkets here do low cal everything so I was able to swing by on my way to work this morning and pick up calorie counted stuff. So I've had a good day. Just took the dog for a long walk - feeling very virtuos right now:bigsmile: How's your day going?
  • Emmidoodah
    Emmidoodah Posts: 21 Member
    You're so right. I love hanging on to cozy jumpers (sweaters) and jeans for as long as possible. Mind you last year I discovered the joys of the printed maxi dress, wedges and denim jacket combo and felt quite glam for the first time in years. I really hope they're still in fashion this year. Don't you just hate it when a new craze in fashion takes off and you feel like you should wear it but it's really not flattering? If it all goes body-con mini skirts this year, I'm staying in for the next six months!!!
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    Wow! you are super organised! My grocery delivery isn't coming 'til tomorrow so I'll have to wait until then to try and start thinking ahead a bit. Luckily most of the supermarkets here do low cal everything so I was able to swing by on my way to work this morning and pick up calorie counted stuff. So I've had a good day. Just took the dog for a long walk - feeling very virtuos right now:bigsmile: How's your day going?

    It doesn't come natural, I assure you! (organization) Weather is beautiful here today! (They're calling for rain) think I'll join you and take my puppy for a walk...
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    You're so right. I love hanging on to cozy jumpers (sweaters) and jeans for as long as possible. Mind you last year I discovered the joys of the printed maxi dress, wedges and denim jacket combo and felt quite glam for the first time in years. I really hope they're still in fashion this year. Don't you just hate it when a new craze in fashion takes off and you feel like you should wear it but it's really not flattering? If it all goes body-con mini skirts this year, I'm staying in for the next six months!!!

    My denim jacket (okay, I'll admit it - jackets) are a staple of my wardrobe! Have different shades from light to dark, but my fave is a couple-year-old Coldwater Creek mid-blue shade (with a nice touch of spandex) that I wear with everything from dressy to casual!

    I would agree that dressing in my 40s is a bit of a challenge... I don't want to look like I'm trying to be 16 - and not 60 (no offense to either of those age groups!) I just want to look like a put-together professional - that makes people think I look really good for my age (as in, I take good care of myself).