How do you keep yourself motivated?

I'd love to hear any pointers here! For me, I am trying to surround myself with motivational tips. Also, keeping an honest, accurate record of my exercise/eating has been helpful!

Still......this past weekend was really hard for me. We had family over a lot and man we always love to munch when we get together! Our beautiful spring weather we had enjoyed all week turned back into cold, wet, snowy winter. Luckily I didn't gain weight but unfortunately I have stayed the same since!

What do you do?


  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    I stay away from my moms house wth good food ;-) reall Y i take measurements... The scale moves slow for me bjt seejng my before pics i took and measurements is encouraging i also love your quotes :-) also lately im making weekly or monthly mini goals thst i will reward myself if i hit them
  • mb8963
    mb8963 Posts: 15 Member
    I agree about before and after pics- I take weekly photos of myself and though I've only lost a few pounds I'm feeling and looking much more toned. Pictures don't lie. The scale can be motivating too. My official weigh in day is Wednesday, that gives me a couple of days to get back on track before weigh in if I have a tough weekend. And if the scale is not in my favor I tend to get even more determined!
  • gwenlindsay
    gwenlindsay Posts: 76 Member
    I keep reading other success stories on the site and that gives me the daily dose of much needed encouragement.
  • photogmama
    photogmama Posts: 32 Member
    keep accountable with the fit bit and on this site keeps me getting to the gym!

    last week it was hot here in new england...shorts came out and that was a nice wake up call too!
  • Clairese
    Clairese Posts: 2 Member
    I motivate myself with looking at a favorite dress that I used to be able to fit into a year ago but can't now. Also, looking at my kids are my main motivation as I want to see them have kids.