Go on date, or just forget it?



  • solman66
    solman66 Posts: 175 Member
    As a guy who hates texting and who's job often leaves him feeling "busy and stressed", I feel like I can relate to this guy a bit. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt on rescheduling first date thing. I've had plenty of times when something major comes up at work on a thursday and it ends up screwing over my friday plans.
    The lack of communication is a bit odd though, don't have any excuses for that one. Even though I'm not big on texts, I'd still make an effort to call or e-mail a girl if I was interested.

    All in all, it's just a date. If you think there's an attraction go for it, if not, there's other guys out there.
  • krissypea79
    krissypea79 Posts: 362 Member
    I didn't read all the posts on here. . so maybe it's been said. . but I say . . Kick him to the curb!

    I was on match. In my opinion, you read a persons entire profile. . you learn a little about them. .you find something that clicks. . you write them about it. .and HOPE they reply. The fact that you got to texting phase with this guy without any real communication makes me figure he's a hottie and so isn't used to having to work very hard. . he figures you'll be there. . .waiting. . when he's ready for you. .

    Looking at your pics. . You are a hottie yourself. .so don't let some dipsh*t make you think so hard.. When I contacted someone on match. . it was because I was interested. not because maybe I might think about someday letting her go out with me. . .that's what this douche sounds like to me. .

    just sayin!

    Aww well you're sweet...yeah I am usually pretty good at reading people (don't always listen to those readings, hehe), and this time I don't know, something just seems odd. Not that I expect a guy to chase me, but the amount of communication and level of interest he has shown in meeting me is just not there. I *sort of* understand him canceling Friday...although I was confused as to whether he had to cancel because his week was so busy and something came up, or that because his week was so busy he needed/wanted the night to do nothing. Personally, no matter how busy a week I had, if I were excited to meet someone, no amount of needing a night "off" would keep me from it. I suppose, however, that is where males and females differ.

    Anyways, I haven't replied to his "Hey" text from earlier. From what I've seen of his communication, I am going to assume that if I don't reply at all, he isn't going to follow up. Part of me wonders if I should still go ahead and go on a date, but part of me thinks that I only feel that way because I sort of feel bad for "blowing him off" and it's in my nature to not want to hurt someone's feelings. I think he is interested in meeting, but it is just not a priority for him for whatever reason (perhaps the douche theory is right and that he isn't used to working for it). I need to sleep on it, I guess.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,855 Member

    Aww well you're sweet...yeah I am usually pretty good at reading people (don't always listen to those readings, hehe), and this time I don't know, something just seems odd. Not that I expect a guy to chase me, but the amount of communication and level of interest he has shown in meeting me is just not there. I *sort of* understand him canceling Friday...although I was confused as to whether he had to cancel because his week was so busy and something came up, or that because his week was so busy he needed/wanted the night to do nothing. Personally, no matter how busy a week I had, if I were excited to meet someone, no amount of needing a night "off" would keep me from it. I suppose, however, that is where males and females differ.

    Anyways, I haven't replied to his "Hey" text from earlier. From what I've seen of his communication, I am going to assume that if I don't reply at all, he isn't going to follow up. Part of me wonders if I should still go ahead and go on a date, but part of me thinks that I only feel that way because I sort of feel bad for "blowing him off" and it's in my nature to not want to hurt someone's feelings. I think he is interested in meeting, but it is just not a priority for him for whatever reason (perhaps the douche theory is right and that he isn't used to working for it). I need to sleep on it, I guess.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,855 Member

    Aww well you're sweet...yeah I am usually pretty good at reading people (don't always listen to those readings, hehe), and this time I don't know, something just seems odd. Not that I expect a guy to chase me, but the amount of communication and level of interest he has shown in meeting me is just not there. I *sort of* understand him canceling Friday...although I was confused as to whether he had to cancel because his week was so busy and something came up, or that because his week was so busy he needed/wanted the night to do nothing. Personally, no matter how busy a week I had, if I were excited to meet someone, no amount of needing a night "off" would keep me from it. I suppose, however, that is where males and females differ.

    Anyways, I haven't replied to his "Hey" text from earlier. From what I've seen of his communication, I am going to assume that if I don't reply at all, he isn't going to follow up. Part of me wonders if I should still go ahead and go on a date, but part of me thinks that I only feel that way because I sort of feel bad for "blowing him off" and it's in my nature to not want to hurt someone's feelings. I think he is interested in meeting, but it is just not a priority for him for whatever reason (perhaps the douche theory is right and that he isn't used to working for it). I need to sleep on it, I guess.
    oops.. .

    Ok. . here's the deal. now you have to go out with him so that my theory can be proven correct. . .I will document this in my thesis entitled "Why women date douches and torture themselves worrying about the feelings of their inferiors". .

    it's a work in progress. .. I'll send you a copy when it's published.
  • krissypea79
    krissypea79 Posts: 362 Member

    Aww well you're sweet...yeah I am usually pretty good at reading people (don't always listen to those readings, hehe), and this time I don't know, something just seems odd. Not that I expect a guy to chase me, but the amount of communication and level of interest he has shown in meeting me is just not there. I *sort of* understand him canceling Friday...although I was confused as to whether he had to cancel because his week was so busy and something came up, or that because his week was so busy he needed/wanted the night to do nothing. Personally, no matter how busy a week I had, if I were excited to meet someone, no amount of needing a night "off" would keep me from it. I suppose, however, that is where males and females differ.

    Anyways, I haven't replied to his "Hey" text from earlier. From what I've seen of his communication, I am going to assume that if I don't reply at all, he isn't going to follow up. Part of me wonders if I should still go ahead and go on a date, but part of me thinks that I only feel that way because I sort of feel bad for "blowing him off" and it's in my nature to not want to hurt someone's feelings. I think he is interested in meeting, but it is just not a priority for him for whatever reason (perhaps the douche theory is right and that he isn't used to working for it). I need to sleep on it, I guess.
    oops.. .

    Ok. . here's the deal. now you have to go out with him so that my theory can be proven correct. . .I will document this in my thesis entitled "Why women date douches and torture themselves worrying about the feelings of their inferiors". .

    it's a work in progress. .. I'll send you a copy when it's published.

    Hehehe....no, I know you're right. I have always had this problem where I try to be the good guy even when someone else is being the bad guy. I really need to work on that!! I am going to take your advice (and the advice of several others) and not go out with him.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,855 Member

    Hehehe....no, I know you're right. I have always had this problem where I try to be the good guy even when someone else is being the bad guy. I really need to work on that!! I am going to take your advice (and the advice of several others) and not go out with him.

    Well then how am I going to write my thesis!? You MUST go out with him so we may hear of his total douch-ness on this forum. . It's important. . think of it as a sacrifice for the common good.
  • krissypea79
    krissypea79 Posts: 362 Member

    Hehehe....no, I know you're right. I have always had this problem where I try to be the good guy even when someone else is being the bad guy. I really need to work on that!! I am going to take your advice (and the advice of several others) and not go out with him.

    Well then how am I going to write my thesis!? You MUST go out with him so we may hear of his total douch-ness on this forum. . It's important. . think of it as a sacrifice for the common good.

    LOL. I will think about it....can't make any promises :smile: I think there's already enough mounting evidence of the douche-baggery that we encounter in the dating world. :noway: hehe
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,855 Member

    Hehehe....no, I know you're right. I have always had this problem where I try to be the good guy even when someone else is being the bad guy. I really need to work on that!! I am going to take your advice (and the advice of several others) and not go out with him.

    Well then how am I going to write my thesis!? You MUST go out with him so we may hear of his total douch-ness on this forum. . It's important. . think of it as a sacrifice for the common good.

    LOL. I will think about it....can't make any promises :smile: I think there's already enough mounting evidence of the douche-baggery that we encounter in the dating world. :noway: hehe

    That may be true. .but I believe this particular subject may the king of all douche-bags. . someone worthy of study. .. Can you take on for the team?
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Gee, you guys already said most of what I was gonna say:
    I say forget it. I've been on too many dates with guys that sound what you described, and it was a waste of time. He doesn't seem super interested because he's not dying to go out with you. Nobody is too busy or stressed to plan a few hours out with a cute girl. And if he truly is, he shouldn't be on a dating site.
    The workaholic! They aren't available for what I want out of a potential relationship, so I move on. I'm sure he is a very nice guy and works hard and would be a great provider, but my idea of a guy is someone 'available' to share life with/have fun with, so.........not my type.
    The lack of communication is a bit odd though, don't have any excuses for that one. Even though I'm not big on texts, I'd still make an effort to call or e-mail a girl if I was interested.

    I can't stand a guy who insists he was too busy to contact me from time to time. I'm not even talking about phone calls here, but a text or email takes, what? 5-10 seconds? yeah... we make time to do what we want. And if you don't want to get to know me enough to take 5 seconds a day to text/email then you and I aren't compatible long term.
    I think he is interested in meeting, but it is just not a priority for him

    If it was a priority, you'd know it by now.. you're too cute to worry about being the bad guy. His silence communicates loudly. So should yours.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
  • timnca03
    timnca03 Posts: 37 Member
    Move on to the next guy. I do commend you to getting as far as texting, I gave up on Match after sending several emails and getting nothing back. One day the one you've been looking for will find you!

    "Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder"-Henry David Thoreau