What is holding you back from achieving your GOALS?

wifeyy Posts: 481 Member
Well well well, This question is very simple for me.

One bad moment of eating one wrong thing ends up in binging for the rest of the day and the next days.
Like last week sunday i told myself i have been good for the whole week so i will just have 1 cup of ice cream and guess what, that one cup of ice cream turned to 3 cups and before i knew i started binging on everything i have been avoiding :noway:

So that is what is holding me back from achieving my goals so now the lesson is I WILL NOT REWARD MYSELF ON ANYTHING HOLDING ME BACK UNTIL THIS CHALLENGE ENDS.!

What is holding you back???


  • atthompson27
    atthompson27 Posts: 31 Member
    Stress. I work a LOT, so by the end of the day or by the weekend, I'm just completely tired of trying to count, manage, monitor, or be in control of anything. Beginning next week, I've planned to cut my workload back so that I can focus more on myself though. We'll see how that goes!
  • JoeyliciousB
    JoeyliciousB Posts: 60 Member
    There are a couple of things. Work is one of them, I always end up working late and never have enough energy to work out! The other is that I LOVE food!!

    However I have recently realised that although I love food, I'll probably love being 40 pounds lighter more!

    I'm a woman on a mission!! :wink:
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    Work for the most part. I work 45 hours a week and its work where I am on my feet and lifting and moving heavy things all day, talking to people, and walking the sales floor a few dozen times that I am utterly exhausted when I get home. The days are so long, that its almost bed time when I get home! So, needless to say....I dont cook dinner for myself and eat cheap and easy foods. I HAVE been trying to still watch what I eat, but I hate the tracking of every morsel. I dont want to live like that either.

    So....I have an extreme motivator right now to lose no less than 30 lbs by July 1st. I am hoping for 45 or 50 but 30 I would be satisfied with...as long as I am in super shape!

    I just had a severe injury to my stupid toe so I cant do all the cardio stuff. Which means going back to sticking to calories like a stickler....if I can!

    I am getting a promotion to a new department so while I wont be doing all that stuff during the day- it will leave me with energy in the mornings, during my lunch hour (with this lovely spring weather!), and after work I wont be too tired to tie my shoes! So I should be able to start doing SOME working out while I am on the mend. Getting back on track with Shakeology and eating. Looking forward to being in the group and dropping this weight once and for all!
  • I had a bad tooth ache and had it pulled...for a week no exercise and eating like crap..fell into my all or nothing old ways :( getting back in track with this group...best timing ever!
  • completebeginnings
    completebeginnings Posts: 34 Member
    Due to kids and my job (midwife) I am chronically tired. I am often up all night at a birth then I still have to care for my kids. It gives me a lot of excused to eat poor food at odd times and not exercise. Not anymore. :)
  • I would have to say grad school and the homework that goes along with it. I'm in an accelerated program and completing an internship at the same time. Hoping to have my classes done in December and then my research project will be completed the following spring.

    I'm going to need motivation during this challenge because my extended family vacation to Cancun is right after this challenge ends and I would love to look good in a 2 piece bathing suit. Not to mention I'm in a competition with my mom to see who can get to 140 first (I'm already ahead and would like to stay there :wink: )
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I don't have any excuses or reasons WHY I haven't been doing good lately but I know why I haven't been losing and it is because of the following things:

    1. Not logging everything I eat. I have gotten pretty bad about this and I NEED to go back to logging everything even if it is bad.
    2. Eating out and fast food. For some reason I started eating junk again and I can't seem to stay away from it. Probably because I am not logging it so in my delusional mind I think I can eat it. No more thinking if I don't log those calories they somehow magically disappear!!
    3. Drinking alcohol and not logging it. I am not an alcoholic by any means but I could easily drink 2-3 drinks 3 or 4 nights a week and those calories really add up! Plus, if I do get tipsy I make really bad food choices and those don't get logged either.

    So basically, it all comes down to logging religiously like I did at the begining. For the first few months I would occasionally eat out or have some drinks but I always logged it all and almost always made sure it fit into my alloted calories. Sometimes I would go over but it was rare so I didn't beat myself up over it. Lately I have probably gone over my goal most days but I don't know by how much since I haven't logged everything. So that is why I haven't been losing and I know it. No excuses. I just need to do better so that's my focus now.
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    Well well well, This question is very simple for me.

    One bad moment of eating one wrong thing ends up in binging for the rest of the day and the next days.
    Like last week sunday i told myself i have been good for the whole week so i will just have 1 cup of ice cream and guess what, that one cup of ice cream turned to 3 cups and before i knew i started binging on everything i have been avoiding :noway:

    So that is what is holding me back from achieving my goals so now the lesson is I WILL NOT REWARD MYSELF ON ANYTHING HOLDING ME BACK UNTIL THIS CHALLENGE ENDS.!

    What is holding you back???

    I do have this problem too. I can be so strict but once I give in to whatever it is it's all over after that. I try to avoid stuff completely for this reason but maybe being too strict for too long is what causes us to go so overboard once we do give in??

    Just a thought. I can't offer any solutions b/c I am in the same boat with you :ohwell:
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    They are stomping me into the mud :grumble:
    Every 3-4 weeks everything comes to a screeching halt. And STAYS that way for another 2 weeks or so. The first time, I went and changed diary setting and found out Salt was the bad guy. Then it was the activity level settings. Now? I just don't know. I up water. Change around the exercises (I hate "routines" anyway, so this isn't a problem) to keep my body from getting used to things. Spike days. Just don't know what to do to blow through it this time. Any ideas?
  • danni033081
    danni033081 Posts: 35 Member
    What's holding me back is I have no control with food , I'm trying really hard and been doing really well lately, but then I get that one day where I can't stop eating and it will ruin a whole week of hard work.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    My love of wine! I do o.k. during the week. I am active and can afford a treat or two, but if I drink on the weekend I just end up right where I started, every week! Even when I stay around my calorie level, it`s the same.
    I look at it as my reward for a week well worked, children well looked after etc... My husband drinks beer and we spend quality time talking this way.
    I can`t think of another reward that would give me so much pleasure....

    I have to think of one!
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    What's holding me back is I have no control with food , I'm trying really hard and been doing really well lately, but then I get that one day where I can't stop eating and it will ruin a whole week of hard work.

    I know what you mean! Isn`t it terrible that one day can ruin a whole week. It hardly seems right! Me too! Drink wine one day and 7 days down the toilet.
  • You guys are on the mark there! it only starts off that ONE bad thing which youve allowed yourself and then BAM it becomes a binge!!!

    I need to just think 'NO' straight away and not make reasons in my head for why i can have that bad thing. I will not allow myself to fantasise the thought of the bad thing, ill just straight away NO and eventually the craving will pass
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    My love of wine! I do o.k. during the week. I am active and can afford a treat or two, but if I drink on the weekend I just end up right where I started, every week! Even when I stay around my calorie level, it`s the same.
    I look at it as my reward for a week well worked, children well looked after etc... My husband drinks beer and we spend quality time talking this way.
    I can`t think of another reward that would give me so much pleasure....

    I have to think of one!

    Im the same way - my fiance has his whiskey & i have my wine and at the end of the day, sitting on the balcony, sipping our drinks - its how we unwind, talk about the day - "alone time". its my favorite part of the day and to give that up ---- i just have to be honest, its probably not going to happen.
    i dont do chololate anymore, sweets, fast food, etc etc etc. but if there is a diet that says "no alcohol" - its not for me :drinker: