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  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    welcome newbies....

    it is a long hard struggle. i have been diabetic for 6 years. i have been controlled for a good part of that. my A1C hasn't been over 6 in years. i take victoza as my choose of medication. i had lost allot of my weight counting carbs. when i got to 80+ pounds, by doctor said it was time to quit smoking. after 30 years and 3 packs a day. i quit in a month. that was 5 years ago. i gained back about 30#s from that, lost it again and plus some. than i let life and food take the wheel and i gained more. now i have the wheel back and am taking it off one final time. i have had it. if i had done this a year ago, when i said i was going to. i wouldn't be still doing it.

    good luck to you on your journeys.
  • robinse9
    robinse9 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone...
    I Just found out in March 2012 I have type 2.... Surprise I though I ate healthy. But I guess it wasn't good enough. I'm 25 and no more fun foods (sugar or alcohol) for me this is going to be hard... Don';t drink much but I'm 25 this would be the time to do so! Still trying to figure out what works and doesn't. Just recently started Metformen and the side effects SUCK! Hope I can eat all this away with healthy eating!
  • anaussie
    anaussie Posts: 88 Member
    Hi. Type 2 for almost 10 yrs- journey began at 17.5/315 fasting blood sugar. Decided to shed all extra fat-weight. Been keeping under control LOW-CARB way. No more than 3 slices of toasted grains bread- no potatoes- no grapes- no dry fruits- no juices- no sugar- no artificial sweeteners. Otherwise I eat everything- rice and cakes in moderation once or twice a week. Cant remember when was last I took doctor prescribed Metformin 500mg x 2 a day. 1 to 2 hour walk is a must for me- ordinary old fashioned walk.

    Latest HbA1C 4.7 or 85!
  • 2livebetter
    2livebetter Posts: 6 Member
    You can change all the default settings by clicking "Settings" then "Goals" then "Change Goals" then "Custom" then click the Continue button. I hope that helps.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Hi everyone...
    I Just found out in March 2012 I have type 2.... Surprise I though I ate healthy. But I guess it wasn't good enough. I'm 25 and no more fun foods (sugar or alcohol) for me this is going to be hard... Don';t drink much but I'm 25 this would be the time to do so! Still trying to figure out what works and doesn't. Just recently started Metformen and the side effects SUCK! Hope I can eat all this away with healthy eating!

    You probably did eat healthy but were blessed with bad genes. Your ticker says you are only trying to lose 9 lbs. There are a lot of skinny diabetics who are young and normal or even underweight. Once you get things under control you will find that you can have a drink now and again, just no sugary stuff. I usually drink dry white wine (I don't like red) or straight liquor. O, I guess you could put diet coke or something in but I tend to drink my Jack on the rocks. Yes it does suck but with time you figure things out a bit and figure out what you can eat.

    Often the met side effects go away in a few weeks. They just upped my dose and I had a bit of digestive unhappiness for a few days but it seems to be better now.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    It's been over 13 years since I was diagnosed at 34. I have never been able to diet control and have been on metformin since a few weeks after diagnosis. I lost a little weight before being diagnosed, going from high normal to middle normal weight. T2 isn't your fault, blame it on your parents for giving you bad genes. Too many people think T2 are all fat and lazy, we are not.

    That being said, what we eat and do does have an affect on our disease. For me, that means I'm hoping kicking off the last few pounds and getting down to the lower end of the weight I should be at may help. Over the last year my BS readings have been creeping up. My met dose was increased to 2000 mg a day and it still isn't knocking my fastings down to a good level. I guess compared to other patients my dr. has I am the best controlled but I don't think getting over 200 nearly every day or fasting at 165 is good. With the increase in met and dropping my carbs to about 60 a day I have managed to get my fastings to range between 105-130 and my 2 hrs PPs often at about 140 but if I even look at grains I'll be up at 170.

    Because I can make it into the 90s about twice a week the dr. won't put me on anything else.

    I hope if I lose the 16 lbs it will magically mean I can eat a few grain based carbs again, I sure miss them.

    I also have an underactive thyroid that has been doing strange things this last year or so. Now they are wondering if it is Graves disease or something like that.
  • Gloria415
    Gloria415 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi I'm Gloria
    I've been a type 2 diabetic for many years. In the past I was a diet controlled diabetic. I gained weight which triggered my diabetes and I was put on medication. However the medications are making me sick. They make me sick to the point where I need to be in bed and can't even go to work. My dr. lowered the RX with no results. I have completely stopped the medication and I am trying to control it with diet and exercise. I need to lose weight to be able to stay off the meds completely. It's a constant struggle. I am actually considering having a Bariatric Surgery to help reverse the diabetes. I am not 100 lbs. over weight but because I have diabetes my insurance will cover the procedure. A procedure I am petrified of having but I am at the point where if I can lose it on my own I won't do it otherwise I will have to go ahead and have it done.
  • denncath
    denncath Posts: 4 Member
    Hi my name is Catherine. I was just dx type 2 in Jan. 2012 and am on metformin 500x2. I'm doing lc/hf eating and have so far lost 45lbs. with around 50 to go. I'm married to a wonderful man, have 2 grown kids (son 36, daughter 27) 7grandkids and 1 great. I'm 61 and retired because of health. Love to cook and especially bake...that's one of the things that put the weight on...all that tasting. I'm a born again Christian and try to live my life that way.
  • Kodiak667
    Kodiak667 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone, I am Dustin, a husband and father of one struggling with type II diabetes for 9 years. Right now, I am the heaviest I have been in my life. Luckily, I have been getting help from a free diabetic management program, but I've neglected my health for far too long. Furthermore, my father nearly died last month due to complications with type II diabetes as he developed sepsis from a foot infection and went into pulmonary arrest. He has since recovered at the cost of his losing half of his left foot and muscle tone. I hope to end the damage I am doing to my body, but I honestly struggle because my wife, who also wishes to lose weight, refuses to change her eating and exercise habits; my daughter is 4 and full of energy, so she, with her select dietary taste, does not have to worry (at this time) about what she eats (carbs). As such, I am constantly forced to watch my wife and child eat unhealthy fast food or comfort food, while I try to maintain a balanced diet and exercise. I lament, changing my lifestyle is hard because of the home environment.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I know what you mean. My kids live off of frozen foods, chicken cutlets, and any type of food with chop meat. Luckily they have their father's genes. Guess you're gonna have to learn how to cook and have your wife make the meals for herself and your child. After a few weeks, it will get easier.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    My name is Chalin, and I am a type 2 diabetic. Have been for the past 20 years. I am very over weight and need to lose about 100 pounds. My issue is that when I take my insulin, sometimes it drops waaay to fast and too far. Now that my sugars are not in the 450's (!!!!) I dont feel my drops until they are in the 40's-50's (!!!!!!). By then all I want is to stuff my face w/ anything and everything to raise them and fast.

    I am a SAHM of 2 little girls. Caitlyn is 5 and Erika is 3, almost 4). They keep me on my toes and keep me totally insaine 24/7. I am almost always cleaning or doing something, and now adding a "workout" time in during the day is a bit tricky, but I am finding a time for it.

    Hi Chalin,
    I've found that having pre-measured healthy snacks works best for me. I carry snack size baggies with either dried fruit, trail mix, animal crackers or quaker granola bar or special k bar. I don't know about you but when my blood sugar drops that low, I can't even think straight. I get all shaky, dizzy & nauseous and feel as though I'm having an out of body experience.

    My biggest issues are when my sugars drop and I reach for anything and everything to get them back up. I dont think about my calories when it happens, just raising the sugars. Then the guilt hits afterwards.

    I hope to hear how everyone else handles the lows w/o blowing their calories...
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    Oh boy. Been there done that and one of many things that led to my separation and hopefully divorice. Lucky for me I lived with a step father that struggled with diabetes most of his life so when I was diagnosed I had some understanding. Both my father and step father died the same year (age 55). My father was heart attack and complications from diabetes. My step father I know the disease took its toll on him, he died from complications with ALS but when you hit a stage you can't maintain your own life things start going down hill fast.

    I lived a life of separate meals for years. It is tough. I found it easier for breakfast and lunch to pack my own stuff and eat at work away from everyone else. I have 4 and 7 year old boys, my 4 year old eats anything you put infront of him, my 7 year old has limited diet that makes things hard.

    We each are on our own journey even if we are shacked up with another person. Your wife has her own journey she needs to follow, hopefully you can both go down this path together because in the end it is worth it. Words of encouragement work best. Best advice I can offer is slow start eating healthier, as your daughter sees you snacking on celery she might want some too. Offering to prepare dinner a few nights a week where you choose what the meal is might also change the momentum.

    Best of luck and we are all here to help support you.
    Hello everyone, I am Dustin, a husband and father of one struggling with type II diabetes for 9 years. Right now, I am the heaviest I have been in my life. Luckily, I have been getting help from a free diabetic management program, but I've neglected my health for far too long. Furthermore, my father nearly died last month due to complications with type II diabetes as he developed sepsis from a foot infection and went into pulmonary arrest. He has since recovered at the cost of his losing half of his left foot and muscle tone. I hope to end the damage I am doing to my body, but I honestly struggle because my wife, who also wishes to lose weight, refuses to change her eating and exercise habits; my daughter is 4 and full of energy, so she, with her select dietary taste, does not have to worry (at this time) about what she eats (carbs). As such, I am constantly forced to watch my wife and child eat unhealthy fast food or comfort food, while I try to maintain a balanced diet and exercise. I lament, changing my lifestyle is hard because of the home environment.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    My name is Chalin, and I am a type 2 diabetic. Have been for the past 20 years. I am very over weight and need to lose about 100 pounds. My issue is that when I take my insulin, sometimes it drops waaay to fast and too far. Now that my sugars are not in the 450's (!!!!) I dont feel my drops until they are in the 40's-50's (!!!!!!). By then all I want is to stuff my face w/ anything and everything to raise them and fast.

    I am a SAHM of 2 little girls. Caitlyn is 5 and Erika is 3, almost 4). They keep me on my toes and keep me totally insaine 24/7. I am almost always cleaning or doing something, and now adding a "workout" time in during the day is a bit tricky, but I am finding a time for it.

    My biggest issues are when my sugars drop and I reach for anything and everything to get them back up. I dont think about my calories when it happens, just raising the sugars. Then the guilt hits afterwards.

    I hope to hear how everyone else handles the lows w/o blowing their calories...

    Don't know how but my previous reply/quote got all mixed up so I'm trying this again.

    Hi Chalin,
    I've found that having pre-measured healthy snacks works best for me. I carry snack size baggies with either dried fruit, trail mix, animal crackers or quaker granola bar or special k bar. I don't know about you but when my blood sugar drops that low, I can't even think straight. I get all shaky, dizzy & nauseous and feel as though I'm having an out of body experience.
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Ericka, 32 years old, mother of 3, and married for 15 years. I was diagnosed June 2011 as type 2 with an A1C of 10.9. It was very shocking for me. I was originally put on metformin but it made me really sick, then the doctor switched me to 1.8mg of Victoza and glipizide ER 10mg. At the beginning of March 2012 I was taken off the glipizide because I kept having lows around 60 with eating. Now I'm controlling my blood sugars with just the Victoza which basically slows digestion. My last A1C was 5.8 and I'm hoping to keep it there with diet and exercise!
  • rwhite61
    rwhite61 Posts: 7
    Hi- I'm Rodney- Been fighting Type 2 since '86--- Now I'm 61 over weigh trying to lose but so far NO luck-- Taking Metformin 2x & Actos in AM + Cholestol drugs --- So tired of the fight & trying to lose weigh--- Wife was in Hospital earlier this week for back operation & my sugars just went up & wild--- only up to 210 but that is the Highest I've been for a while-- Love Gardening Veg. & some Flowers--- trying to get to where I'm strictly Organic but not their Yet--- Worked BNSF Railroad for 33 yr's but suffered a TIA several Years ago so now I have a Brain Disease + some Dementa --- not fun at all but I struggle on--- Spring,Summer & fall are my best times cause I'm able to be outside working--- Going to YMCA 2X weekly Treadmill & weight's--- have been staying below 1960 calories but pounds just seem to stick on Me--- Hope I can get My matablism sp} to change & start losing.--- Know I would feel better but just is not working yet-- Have been on Fitness pal for 3 months now so yes I'm new!!! --- that is about All about Me!!!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    waldenfam.....don't love the victoza? i have been on since it came out. it helps so much with the appetite. i have been slowing reducing mine to come off it. i take .06 now. the first few days i was starving by lunch time. now i can make it no problem.
    good luck to you. looks like you are doing great.
  • Hi. I'm Hillery. I was diagnosed as Type 2 in August of 2011 when I was having my thyroid removed. It is odd that I found the d word (diabetes) more frightening than the c word (cancer). I was put on metforman for a short time, but changed my life style quickly. I lost about 50 pounds over six weeks. I'm now at a plateau. I am hoping this group will help me move forward with different ideas.

    I've been a big girl all my life and now at nearly 40, I know I need to make a huge change. Weight Watchers and other diet plans have not helped me. I've found I lose more weight with myfitnesspal.com than any other program.

    Thank you.
  • Take the classes. They were huge for me. I'd already mastered food portion sizes and was losing weight before the classes, but once I took the classes, I actually knew why my blood sugar levels had gone way down.

    With that said, I'm still not a good tester. Every time I've tested since my first diagnosis, I've been low. My doctor has tested me several times and my ac1 has been fantastic. It proves diet can change everything. I am now testing every other day (I've got to start somewhere) at different times in the day.

    Seriously, the classes are awesome!
  • jlong7774
    jlong7774 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, my name is Jim. I am 55 and have been Type 2 for the last 4 years. This summer my doctor added Victoza and the reality of using a needle for my medication woke me up to really try and do something about my weight and diabetes. I started using Medifast but found the lack of taste and structured food did not do much for my weight loss. The concept of watching my calories gave me the insight to think about calorie reduction and exercise. Someone I met at the YMCA told me about MFP as a good way of watching my calories and applying it for losing weight.

    Last spring my A1C was 7.5 and I felt I was heading in the wrong direction. Since starting MFP I have lost 30 lbs the slow way and hopefully it will stay off. I realize this is a life changing moment and difficult to keep working and make my changed eating habits permanent. Since losing the weight my A1C was recently measured at 6.4 so I believe I am heading in the right direction. I know that I have to keep telling myself I am and will be a Type 2 Diabetic.

    I am glad I have found this site and group since some of the posts have been really useful. Thank you for creating this group.

  • travisseger
    travisseger Posts: 271 Member
    Hi, I'm Travis. I am a 38-year old, married father of 2. Diagnosed Type 2 in September '11 with an A1C of 14.2. I manage my glucose levels with Metformin (500 mg 2x per day), a low-carb diet, and exercise. My last A1C was in January '12 and was 5.1, which amazed my doctor so much that he had me re-tested, only to find it was correct the first time (which really ticked me off when they billed me for the second test). My next A1C test is in July, and I'm hoping that if my results are still good I can get off the meds. I know my doctor will resist unless I am closer to my goal weight, so I am hoping to use MFP to help get me there.