Black Team - Introduce Yourself!!!!!!

knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
Black Team - Let's get to know each other. This journey is a lot easier if you have friends & help along the way. I know some of you are like me - not a lot of support in "real life".

I'm Renee, 46, have 2 daughters (14 & 21) and 1 granddaughter (2), 2 dogs, recently divorced.

I've been overweight most of my life. My highest was 260+ (I stopped weighing). I've lost over 110 lbs. But sadly this last year have put about 30 back on (stress - divorce, etc) Determined to get it back off though. Even through the weight gain, I still went to the gym almost every day. It was my stress relief and saved my sanity. I used to hate exercise, but now I look for things to do. Most recently started the C25K program. Modifying a bit. I want to do the 5K this Thanksgiving - Turkey Trot.

Let's get to know each other, help each other, listen to each other. Sometimes you just need to vent!!

Let's do this!


  • lovedandloving
    I'm a recent graduate and have been involved in sports almost all my life...but when i stopped the pounds came. I have always half done things but this time I am in for the long haul... First time gym membership and personal trainer...bring it on!!!

    Though I have done lots of sports I am lacking in the knowledge of a lot of things fitness and nutrition wise...
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 192 Member
    Ok here we go! I am married to a great man with 6 kids (his, mine and ours) they are girl 15, girl 12, girl 12, girl 9, boy 7 and boy 5. I am very active in their lives I coach girls basketball, softball and I am a 4H leader. We live in a rural area and have a farm with lots of animals! I am currently going back to school for a degree in juvenile justice. I have always been active and was never over weight until about 3 years ago when I quit smoking so I could donated my kidney to my dad, thats when the weight came on. I just planned a family vacation coming in July and I am doing a warrior dash in September, so these are my goals for getting fit!
    This is my third time hosting a competition like this and love to help others. So that sums it up!

    I am in Oregon where is everyone else from? Anyone close?
  • kts_11
    kts_11 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Black Team members! This is my second biggest loser challenge. The first time around I lost almost 9 pounds. I'm hoping to increase that into the double digits this time around. I'm 31 and live in DC.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. We are all in this together.

    Go team :)
  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 239 Member
    Hi I'm Lorraine. I'm married, 3 kids aged 12, 10 & 5. I live in Scotland. I am currently training for a half marathon in May and love Jillian Michaels workouts. Just started ripped in 30 two days ago. Good luck to everyone x
  • Kima218
    Kima218 Posts: 27
    Hi my name is Kima. I'm married and I have one child. I am 29 from Long Island, NY I was a chubby kid until I started sports in jr. high and stayed consantly active through highschool and then after freshman 15 (1st yr college ) I quickly became an over weight adult and so here I am. I am joined this challenge to keep me motivated and have a sense of commitment to my team mates. I look forward to losing weight and winning challenges! Good Luck to everyone! Let's Go Black Team Let's Go!
  • hckymom3
    hckymom3 Posts: 13 Member
    Good day, I am mom of three wonderful boys age 8,9,and 11 from Alberta. I have just started this journey once again, i have been doing bootcamp 3-5 times a week for going on 8 months and have seen very little results in the form of weight loss, so odviously my eating is out of control. I have toned and have gotten much stronger but no weight loss. So i have the excercise protion of weight loss under control now I just have to get the food portion. I look forward to doing this journey with all of you.
  • K1mmer
    K1mmer Posts: 68 Member
    Hello everyone! I am also from Alberta, mom of 2 fantastic girls, 7 and 10. I have not been around long and look forward to this challenge keeping me accountable. I have said goodbye to 7 pounds since I started MFP and would like to see a big drop in the challenge. I would also like to increase my exercise during the challenge...thinking about starting the 10 minute trainer videos. I look forward to making some new friends and helping each other along the way!
    Go Black!
  • Junee37
    Junee37 Posts: 60
    Hello everyone! I am a mother of 2 teenage daughters (yikes). I work full time and go to school part time. I have been overweight for most of my adult life, tried everything under the sun to try and lose it. I recently joined the gym and MFP. I plan to go to the gym 6 days a week. I looove MFP, I find it very inspirational (especially those before and after pics). I have lost a total of 16 pds ( due to MFP), and am hoping to shed alot more...good luck everyone. Feel free to add me. Oh yeah I am from Florida!
  • lmuffy
    lmuffy Posts: 4
    Hi fellow Black Team! I'm in northern California, married to a naturally thin man all his life :), and we have 7 children (all ours) ages 8-23. Five kids are at home still, one is away at college in VA and the younger 4 we are still home schooling. We love camping, are big sports fans, reading, bike riding, and play lots of games as a family. We're also part of a small local church, which makes life wonderfully full. I never had a weight problem until kids came and had an auto immune condition that required LOTS of steroids to slow it down- it was chronic for 15 years or so. Over the years I've tried to continue some jogging and have done lots of Debbie Siebers DVDs, and some Biggest Loser ones. Still have about 40 pounds to lose to get to a healthy weight for my 5'3" height - it's been a real struggle and is difficult being the only family member who is overweight. My high was 180 and am currently about 165 lbs.

    Just last Saturday 2 of my daughters and I started JIllian Michaels Body Revolution, which is a 90 day program. The first 7 days are a quick start diet and rigorous exercise with 2 workouts am and pm. The diet is restricted this week, but so far the food is really good. As a family, we LOVE the biggest loser and have been huge fans for about 5 seasons now. It's so inspiring! It's exciting to be on this black team - I'm #48 :)
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    Hey guys! My name is Angelique and I am 25 years old. I was born and raised in Tampa, FL. I am married now for 2 years with no kids yet. My main reason for wanting to lose the weight is so that I can start having kids. I have always been on the bigger side growing up and have tired tons of weight lost plans/pills. Some have worked for a short period of time before coming all back and then some. Please feel free to add me and I look foreward to kicking butt!
  • lqohana
    lqohana Posts: 15
    Hi everyone. I am a 45 year old preschool teacher in Southern California. I am happily married to my high school sweetheart (26 years in July!). We have 2 lovely daughters 22 and 18. This is my first Biggest Loser Challenge. I have been wearing my FItbit faithfully, and just discovered this website. Two years ago I lost 50 pounds via Weight Watchers. After two deaths in the family, a career change for my hubby and the purchase and renovation of a second house I have gained half the weight back. I am looking to ditch that 25 pounds and an additional 25 to boot!

    Lets get this challenge going Black team! We can do it!
  • lqohana
    lqohana Posts: 15
    Hi, I am excited about MFP too. It seems like a really easy way to track food and fitness! Good luck to you on this challenge.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Vicky. I'm a relatively new (18 month old) mom of a beautiful little girl (no bias there... lol!) and an older loving doggie daughter (7 year old 70 pd rescue). I'm afraid that I first started seeing the scale creep up during grad school. Too much studying and too little activity. Before then, I was super active in sports and marital arts. What really tipped me over was meeting my hubby to be and having our daughter. He apparently doesn't understand that since he's twice my weight, I shouldn't get the same portion sizes as him. And a grew up in a household where you ALWAYS cleaned your plate leading to a bad weight dynamic... lol. But I think we have come to an understanding in regards to my portion sizes and being willing to leave food :P. Since Christmas I've been able to finally get the baby weight, relationship weight, and grad school weight off. Now it's just trying to sculpted my post-baby body back into pre-baby shape in time for my August wedding! Just because the scale has moved doesn't mean my body is back in the same shape it was before! Anyways, I'm super excited to be part of this challenge. Angi, last iterations winner, recommended it to me. I love a challenge and am positively addicted to MFP. Let's help push one another towards our goals!

    EDIT: I should mention that about half my weight loss was pre-MFP so my ticker is a little misleading. Also, I'm extremely short (under 5 foot) so don't let my numbers mislead you ;).
  • jamelia78
    jamelia78 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello team. Looking foward to winning this competition. I love the motivation that this will bring.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    We're have way through Week 1. :smile: How is everyone doing?

    Yesterday was not a good day for me. Stayed under calories, but.... food not the greatest. Actually not much at all during the day except some kisses. Paid for it today though. I get up and am at the gym when it opens (4:30) - It was soooooo hard to do that this morning. Super tired. So, going to try very hard to not do that again.

    Have a great day!
  • Kima218
    Kima218 Posts: 27
    We're have way through Week 1. :smile: How is everyone doing?

    Yesterday was not a good day for me. Stayed under calories, but.... food not the greatest. Actually not much at all during the day except some kisses. Paid for it today though. I get up and am at the gym when it opens (4:30) - It was soooooo hard to do that this morning. Super tired. So, going to try very hard to not do that again.

    Have a great day!

    We all have days like you did yesterday. However it's all about the attitude we have the next day. You have an AWESOME! attitude and by not letting it drag into today is what makes yesterday's not so great day an obstacle "YOU" truimphed over. Keep up the good work & You will be successful. Have a great day.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Just remember that each day is a new chance to rededicate yourself to your goals. Don't let yesterday's slips lead to today's falls. Good luck everyone! Me, I'll try my best this week despite being sick. Doing ok so far but I'm always a little more hungry when I'm sick... unless I'm REALLY sick... lol!
  • Kima218
    Kima218 Posts: 27
    Just remember that each day is a new chance to rededicate yourself to your goals. Don't let yesterday's slips lead to today's falls. Good luck everyone! Me, I'll try my best this week despite being sick. Doing ok so far but I'm always a little more hungry when I'm sick... unless I'm REALLY sick... lol!

    Aww. Feel better! And totally glad to here that your not really sick that's the worst especially when you have your lil one to care for.
  • janetksc
    janetksc Posts: 80 Member
    Hi, I am Janet. I am orginally from Southern California but transfered the whole family to a small town in South Carolina. I am married (30 yrs) to a great man/my best friend. We have 5 grown children, and 3 soon to be 4 grandchildren. We also care for our 27 year old daughter (Jennifer) who has cerebral palsy. After having all the kids and caring for them with the added needs of Jennifer, I let myself go. My kids are great now and help alot with their sister so I am starting to look at myself and I want to get in shape. I have been on MFP for about 6 months and have already lost 40 lbs. I also work as a credit manager in South Carolina. I am looking forward to this challenge, I need to get in to "Onederland" which I have not seen since before my first child. I turn 50 this November and I will be in better shape....:)
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Welcome Janet!

    It's hard to put yourself first when you have kids, but..... You can do it! Congrats on the 40 you've already lost.