What do you do? Tell us about you!



  • Cobehale
    Cobehale Posts: 54 Member
    Hi there! I work at our local university as a Midnight Service Desk Clerk for the Residences - basically a glorified hotel desk clerk with lots of paperwork! I handle any problems or issues that come up between the hours of 1230am and 830am. The downside is it is the middle of the fricking night and I can't just wander outside for a walk! But the upside is the students wandering in from the bars at all hours are hilarious! lol. :laugh:

    Seriously, other than wandering the halls of the residence which would be creepy for the students, I really don't have an opportunity for an exercise break.
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    Hi I'm Natalie and fairly new to MFP.
    I work 40 hours a week mostly sitting in a Human Resources job at a cemetery/funeral home!

    I only have about 15-20 pounds to lose but mainly want to get in great shape as I've also quit smoking 2 months ago.

    I am used to having more active jobs before my current one so that is one reason I think I've gained some weight over the past year.
    I do, however, walk 30 minutes each way to work (60 minutes total, 5 days/week), but my body is so used to walking it doesn't have much affect when I'm tring to slim down.

    Also, I'm a member of the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution group as I just started that program this week, wish me luck!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Hi my name is Jackie & I work as Marketing Specialist & Graphic Designer in an Italian restaurant but I'm just here at the head office sitting down for 8 hours. What I do to compensate this aside from my formal workout sessions is to always walk around during lunch breaks and walk around 2kms from my office to the bus station instead of taking a ride whenever I go home. I don't have a car and so I always commute which is also a good thing.
  • My name is Melanie, although I go by my nickname Lampie. I'm an artist, & I illustrate scenes for a sci-fi/fantasy story. I also sell originals sometimes, & I'm going to be starting a webcomic in April.
    I work from home, which has benefits & drawbacks. I'm usually working so hard that I don't notice I'm hungry, which isn't good because I'd like to have multiple small meals instead of a couple big ones :P

    I don't drive, so doing groceries is usually the most exercise I get in a week - although I did just get DDR for the Wii, & I've been playing that nightly. Hopefully I can keep at it longer than I did at WiiFit *LOL*
  • seguess
    seguess Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, I'm Suzanne. I am a writer who owns a small business. I taught English at a Big 12 university for 16 years where I stood and/or ran around campus a lot. Teaching burned me out so I decided to sit down for a while. My clothing size increased 4 sizes while I was sitting. So now I'm working on getting rid of the excess poundage by not sitting so much. :smile:
  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member
    I'm an Admin Assistant at the University of Oxford, UK. I am constantly at my computer or on the phones and don't get enough exercise!
    I live quite far from my office and need to get the bus every day so I really struggle with exercising!

    Anyone got any tips for someone who hates the gym?
  • hedixon
    hedixon Posts: 3
    Hi y'all...my name is Denise and I'm from Kentucky...I work for a non profit agency that helps parents and families. I am a supervisor so most of my day is spent sitting in front of my computer. Does anyone have any suggestions on exercises to do behind a desk?

    I know this sounds silly, but hey we're here to be real. Clench your butt while flexing your stomach!! I was told years ago to do that while driving for a work out, and it works great at the desk too. You might feel silly, but who cares?? And who's going to know? It's also a good practice to focus on your posture at the desk. I know I never do unless I make a point about it -- I might THINK I have good posture, but when I focus on it I always find there's room to sit straighter. Just maintaining that is it's own small kind of workout - and it's good for your back too.
  • hedixon
    hedixon Posts: 3
    Hey everyone - I'm Heidi. I work as an assistant manager at a bank - that means a lot of 9-5 hours steering a desk and processing reports. :) When I started as a teller, I thought I was sedentary - but I had no idea how much LESS I would do once I got behind a desk. I mean my mouth is always going, my fingers are always typing, my brain is always thinking, but my body is just sort of holding on for the ride. And I completely agree with everyone here - doing nothing is EXHAUSTING.

    I really think there's a correlation here - probably a physics thing. (Objects in motion stay in motion...) I try to make myself get up every half hour or so, but it doesn't always happen. What tricks do you have to maintain your energy level throughout the workday and into your own time? Doesn't it feel like work gets the best hours of your day? No matter the shift, I always feel that way. I think that's because WORK exhausts me and when I'm the one calling the shots (personal time) I just let myself become one with whatever object I'm sitting on.

    And the cycle just goes on and on and on - boo to that.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 650 Member
    My name is Michelle, though some call me MJ. I am a sign language interpreter, currently doing Video relay interpreting (think skype for the visual aspects of the calls). I am typically at the "call center" from 8-3 then evenings I work in a college (again, sitting...) from 6-10:30. The college will be ending in June and at that time I hope to spend more time swimming and walking the dogs. When I'm not working, i'm driving the kids somewhere or heading to do SOME kind of shopping (usually grocery with teenage boys consuming all I earn at work..., though only slightly LESS often is buying new clothes and shoes as they outgrow them WAY too quickly.)

    TOTALLY agree with everyone that the brain work causes physical exhaustion. It is all too common for me to come home at 3:30 and fall asleep before I leave at 5:20 for my evening gig. With my slight weight loss so far, I have noticed an increase in energy. I have also added B complex and a multi vitamin to my morning routine. I had a LOT more energy when I was thin...so I'm hoping that comes back. I have begun to think of myself as carrying around a 130 pound backpack that I can't put down...and little by little every week I am unpacking more so I carry around LESS. NOT lugging around that extra weight is BOUND to help me feel more energetic.

    THANK YOU ALL for being here. I appreciate the support and encouragement. I only hope I can give as much back!
  • MrEmoticon
    MrEmoticon Posts: 275 Member
    I'm Jon.

    27. I live around Houston and am a Scheduler for an oil company. I go out into the field about once per day, but for the most part, I'm stuck at this computer.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • alicia2601
    alicia2601 Posts: 42 Member

    I'm Alicia, 28, live in Indiana and I am a claims analyst for the Indiana Medicaid office in downtown Indy. It's a pretty boring job. Although I keep a 1.5 liter jug of water at my desk and that makes me have to go to the bathroom several times a day so i'm able to walk around quite a bit thanks to my bladder :laugh:
  • seguess
    seguess Posts: 36 Member
    I'm an Admin Assistant at the University of Oxford, UK. I am constantly at my computer or on the phones and don't get enough exercise!
    I live quite far from my office and need to get the bus every day so I really struggle with exercising!

    Anyone got any tips for someone who hates the gym?

    I hate it, too! I bought a stationary bike to help me get started. You can ride it at home, listen to your iPod, sing as loud as you want, sweat a lot and not have to worry about the stick figure next to you at the gym who has perfect hair and doesn't sweat.
  • Hi. I am begining to despise my sedentary job. I am 24yrs old and a disability evaluator for social security. I spend M-F 6am-2:30pm in a cubicle on a computer reading medical records and evaluating claims. I also have an hour commute each way which makes it difficult to fit in a work out, it's so exhausting just sitting all day! Trying my best to motivate myself and eat healthy snacks. Luckily there is a gym on the bottom floor of my building and I can get in a workout a few days a week and possibley be home before dark.
  • msluciam
    msluciam Posts: 3
    Hello Everyone, I'm 25yrs old and work at an Electronic company as a Buyer. I work from 7:30am-4:30pm. I do my best to work out as soon as i get home before i go into lazy mode. i have an elliptical machine in my room..and when i'm not doing that i have zumba vidoes to work out too. i like options so i always do my best to try and stay active. i go for long walks with my bf or we go jog at the track. Eating light and making good choices is really helping me lose the weight i need... i 'm still far from my goal but taking it one meal at a time :-)
  • msluciam
    msluciam Posts: 3
  • finchest
    finchest Posts: 245 Member
    you all have such interesting jobs!

    I'm an artist, illustrator and designer here in San Diego, CA. i create paintings for gallery exhibits, illustrations for print (books and magazines) and create my own line of products (sold in bookstores, independent boutiques & on Etsy). i work at home so any activity i get has to be very, very conscious, otherwise i'm probably only getting a few hundred steps a day!

    sometimes i work from 7am - 2am :(
    sometimes i work from 8am - 4pm :)
    it varies based on how determined i'm feeling and how much work is on my plate! usually i work quite a lot, though..often 7 days a week.

    hi all!
  • ezBrizy
    ezBrizy Posts: 131 Member

    I work for a telecommunications company in the directory dept, so I pretty much sit in my cube and type all day (7:30-4:30). I'm also a student so I go straight from work to school and sit for another 2-3 hrs. By the time I get home I really don't feel like working out. I try to walk on my lunch break when the weather is nice but that’s not a substantial workout. I'm not really a gym person but I guess they're a necessary evil. My biggest issue is time. It’s so hard to find the time to really workout unless I get up at like 4am, which hasn't worked for me yet. Just joined a group called Cubicle Jockeys as well that gives exercises that you can do at your desk.
  • PandaHerber
    PandaHerber Posts: 43 Member
    Hey everyone!! I'm Amanda. I am a Director of Operations for a Financial Software, so most of my day is spent on a computer monitoring databases. I do love my job but it is often mentally draining. Usually my hours are 7-4 (or earlier/later as needed). I am lucky enough to bring my pupster into the office. so we get a few walks in at work, especially now that the weather is beautiful here in Denver. Yesterday we got in 2 15 min walks and a 50 min walk at lunch. Plus morning and evening walks. I also go to school, so campus helps get in those steps. And on non school days, when the weather is nice we like to go hiking or trail running. Else I do a lot of workouts at home (jillian dvd's or 10minute trainer) or go to the gym at lunch when the weather isn't as cooperative. I push for 15k steps daily but am adding in more strength training because I've just plateaued on the scale and need to kick it up a notch - which is why I joined myfitnesspal too!!
  • CarissaNovick
    CarissaNovick Posts: 6 Member
    I'm an accountant so I'm behind a desk from 8 am - 5:30 pm with a 30 min lunch break. I also commute to work, so I have over an hour commute to work and back home. I'm usually gone 7 am - 7 pm sitting the entire time. I've only been out of college working four years and I've gained 75 lbs since then. It is also from a lot of stress in my life and not working out anymore.

    I've found it really difficult to want to work out when I get home. I get home and I'm starving by 7 pm and then I want to watch TV shows and then I start getting ready for bed around 9-9:30, so I really only have two hours free time. :(

    I'm trying to make a change right now and get a job in town so I won't have two hours of my day sitting in a car. I'm hoping once I find a new job I will workout after work, but for now I'm just trying to maintain and count calories, which has been really eye-opening since I started Myfitnesspal.

    My advice is to go straight to the gym after work, so you have no chance to blow it off once you get home. That's what I will be doing when I get a new job. Good luck!
  • CarissaNovick
    CarissaNovick Posts: 6 Member
    I've been thinking about getting an elliptical machine too. What kind do you have?