Ravenclaw Common Room



  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    srp, I love that I inspired you to get a hoop.. Let me know if you have one, I might have some tips and tricks for you to get you started! Also, congrats on setting a time below 30mins! I have yet to do that.. I'm just not so fast lol..

    So how do I log my weight for end of March? Just in the spreadsheet, or can I simply post it here instead? Because well, I have the link to the doc in my message inbox but I can't copy it on my mobile..

    For the end of March, you can just post the information here in the common room. We typically always use the spreadsheet, but March is one of those months that ended up having an extra week because of how last month's weeks fell. You can use a format similar to what I have above this if that helps. :) I stole it from momofJandA :wink:
  • ahubacek
    ahubacek Posts: 135
    Oh, and on a personal note, I ran a personal best today in my 5K and finally broke the 30 minute mark! I eeked by, at 29:59 and got first place in my age group :drinker:

    That's amazing. Congrats! I'm not a runner but I'm hoping to get in better shape and be able to do a couple of the local runs next year.
  • ahubacek
    ahubacek Posts: 135
    I hope I'm doing this right. I stole the format... :flowerforyou: :blushing:

    Weight: 178
    Sodium: 3
    Exercise: 2
    Spirit: 3
    House Points: 425
    Goal for April (EOM): 170
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    I hope I'm doing this right. I stole the format... :flowerforyou: :blushing:

    Me too!

    Weight: 268
    Sodium: 4 Days
    Exercise: 3 Days
    Spirit: 3 Days
    House Points: 510
    Goal for April (EOM): 260

    I don't know that the middle bits are really pertinent for me, since I joined mid-week... In any event, here is my weight and goal.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Oh, and on a personal note, I ran a personal best today in my 5K and finally broke the 30 minute mark! I eeked by, at 29:59 and got first place in my age group :drinker:

    I missed this the first time, but congrats!! That's an amazing success - cheers to you! :drinker:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy April Ravenclaw!! It's an absolutely beautiful morning here in Arizona - 66 degrees, a light wind and not a cloud in the sky! Too bad I can't get out the enjoy it. This will be another day filled with homework, but at least I can look out my window and enjoy the view! :happy:

    Weigh in today: I'm ending the month exactly where I started it at 155 lbs
    The only OWLS I earned were for spirit: 7 (I probably earned some for keeping the sodium down, but since I neglected my diary, I can't say for sure)
    House Points: 120
    Goal for April: 149 - I really, really, REALLY want to break out of the 150's. This is the month to do it!!

    Enjoy your day everyone. I hope you're weather is as nice as mine - wherever you are!!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    so our exercise challenge this week is 50 core exercises a day (bringing back the dreaded planks I see :grumble: )
    do we have a food challenge yet?

    Sunday- snacking too much . . . I really need to get my weekends under control
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    Hey guys! Sorry I'm so late posting the food challenge! My internet was down last night due to the weather... so I'm thinking that since a lot of us are having problems with the munchies that it would be good to do a challenge relating to that.

    For this week try to resist a legitimate craving.
  • karinane
    karinane Posts: 36 Member
    Oh, and on a personal note, I ran a personal best today in my 5K and finally broke the 30 minute mark! I eeked by, at 29:59 and got first place in my age group :drinker:

    Congrats! I'm doing my first 5K next weekend and really my only goal is to actually run the whole thing :)

    I didn't quite make it to my weight this month, but I was close. Really I had just hoped to get back in the swing of things and not gain anything, so in that I was successful. I'm going to be a little more ambitious and hopefully break out of the 150's this next month!

    Weight: 150.8
    Sodium: 6
    Exercise: 2
    Total OWLs: 8
    House Points: 371
    Goal for April (EOM): 148
  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    Okay, my results for this week:
    Weight: 206.8
    OWLS: 8
    House points: 230

    And my goal for April: 203

    It's funny hearing about New Zealand being talked about as a great holiday destination. Living here all my life I don't really think about it. Instead I dream about travelling over to the States, because there are so many places I want to visit over there. Although speaking of Lord of the Rings though, a friend of mine was an extra in one of the movies, back when we were at school. You can see him sword fighting briefly in one scene.

    They're filming The Hobbit over here at the moment so I'm told. Stephen Fry is over here at the moment because he has a part apparently. He came into my work one day, at Specsavers, to look at glasses. Sadly I wasn't there that day so I didn't get to see him. So disappointing.
  • karinane
    karinane Posts: 36 Member

    It's funny hearing about New Zealand being talked about as a great holiday destination. Living here all my life I don't really think about it. Instead I dream about travelling over to the States, because there are so many places I want to visit over there. Although speaking of Lord of the Rings though, a friend of mine was an extra in one of the movies, back when we were at school. You can see him sword fighting briefly in one scene.

    I LOVE Wellington. I studied abroad in Hamilton when I was in High school and then spent a year in Wellington after college. I love it there, but I know that my kiwi friends feel the same way as you. Many of them feel isolated and want to go and travel all around the States and Europe. I thought about trying to extend my work visa and stay there, but as much as I was in love with Wellington it was so so far away from my family.

    I miss it though and really wish I could go back to visit. I love the whole country really. Beautiful place and most of the people I met were very laid back and genuinely kind-hearted (not everyone of course, but a majority.) I was there when they had the final LOTR premeire (and the city was covered with props from the movie) and when they were filming King Kong.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    It's funny hearing about New Zealand being talked about as a great holiday destination. Living here all my life I don't really think about it. Instead I dream about travelling over to the States, because there are so many places I want to visit over there. Although speaking of Lord of the Rings though, a friend of mine was an extra in one of the movies, back when we were at school. You can see him sword fighting briefly in one scene.

    They're filming The Hobbit over here at the moment so I'm told. Stephen Fry is over here at the moment because he has a part apparently. He came into my work one day, at Specsavers, to look at glasses. Sadly I wasn't there that day so I didn't get to see him. So disappointing.
    I know how you feel - I'm always amazed to see people from other countries visiting the states and gawking at things I take for granted! However, there is so much diversity here in the landscape and history. I grew up on the east coast and had never been to Arizona until I moved here - so I was doing my share of gawking too - LOL!! I am anxiously awaiting the release of The Hobbit. I am a fan of the books and Peter Jackson did an amazing job with LOTR. That's so cool that your friend was in the film. :D
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    My stats for this week:

    Weight: 114.0 (down 0.4 pounds for the month - not as much as I would like, but at least it's going in the right direction)
    Sodium: 0 (Did terrible with this - ate out nearly every day, and while I did better making healthier, lower cal options, the sodium was still through the roof)
    Exercise: 2 days with new exercises (weights)
    Spirit: 7
    House Points: 273
    Goal for April (EOM): 112.0
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member

    Congrats! I'm doing my first 5K next weekend and really my only goal is to actually run the whole thing :)

    Good luck with your 5K next week and look out - 5Ks are like potato chips - once you run one, you have to run another... and another... (but at least they're healthier than potato chips!) :laugh:
  • Ainsprid
    Ainsprid Posts: 25
    My stats for this week:

    Weight: 163.1
    Sodium: 4
    Exercise: 0 days with new exercises :(
    Spirit: 4
    House Points: 258
    Goal for April (EOM): 162 (I really don't lose weight that quickly)

    Thanks srp for your great example stats :)
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    ripped in 30 starts today- bring it on Jillian!!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Hey guys,

    Sorry I totally forgot about weighing in this today and now it's past dinner, I'll have to do it tomorrow morning.

    I overate so much today that my "In 5 Weeks" thing actually said I would GAIN weight! AGH! :explode: Never seen that one before lol. I was massively tired this morning, running late and skipped my coffee (which lead to a headache), and unfortunately for me = tiredness leads to over-eating. I guess my body tries to make up for being fatigued by getting more fuel. Wahhh.

    Tomorrow I will be good! I promise. :laugh:
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    So here are my stats:

    Weight: 234.0 (total loss for March is 1 lb)
    OWLs: 8
    House Points: 115

    Goal for April (EOM): 231
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone!
  • ahubacek
    ahubacek Posts: 135
    Hey everyone, happy April!

    I'm feeling kind of nervous about keeping my fitness goals for this month since April is the busiest month of the year for me with lots of late night/weekend events and not a whole lot of time for the gym/home cooking. I have made some good progress lately so I want to keep that going.
    I hit my March EOM goal and surpassed it by .2 pounds so I'm hoping I can keep losing even in the April craziness. I also had my first NSV Friday when I noticed that I'm starting to form those lower back dimples. I certainly don't want to lose my progress!

    Hope everyone has a great Monday!