Introduce Yourself :)



  • shadygardener
    shadygardener Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Sharon and I am on my 2nd round of cycles. Cycle 1, but sure did cheat this week. My goal is to get healthy again, which includes losing a good bit of weight. I'm anxious to look like myself again. I lost 20 pounds, but I'm afraid I gained some back. I'll be able to stick to the plan this week I'm sure, once this holiday is over.
  • amy4insurance
    amy4insurance Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All,
    My name is Amy. I live in South Florida. I'm looking to lose about 20 lbs. I heard about the diet from someone who lost about 12 lbs in the first cycle & has kept it off. It seems like a reasonable diet that is not too restrictive. Good luck!!
  • jessicaann05
    Happy New Year! I am new to MFP, but I had some success with the 17 DD earlier in 2011. I got through C1 and C2 and lost 14 lbs. Unfortunately, like ususal, I fell off the wagon and gained everything back. I am looking to lose 50 lbs by the time I get married in October. Best of luck everyone! Once you get past the first few days, it's not so bad. You just feel so much better when you aren't putting all of that junk food in your body.
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi, guys!
    My name's Ashton and I chose this "diet" because it's not really a diet; it's a plan that creates a lifestyle change, which actually makes sense! You learn how to eat, and I desperately need to. I have a sick & sad history of being unkind to my body and very unhealthy. I need to filter simple carbs. and refined sugar out of my diet. I'm on day 6 and I've already lost 3.2 lbs. I've followed it like it's the fitness world's Bible.
  • holliemia8
    Hi everyone! My name is Hollie. My husband and I started the he 17DD this past Tuesday, January 3. So far my husband has lost 11 lbs and I have lost 6. My motivation to change my lifestyle was ripping my jeans bowling and having to go buy a size 16. The biggest size I have ever had to buy. I have had three children in the past four years and after each child I have gotten bigger and bigger. The way I was eating was horrible. I could sit and eat a whole family size bag of chips or a whole bag of cookies. And the way I was cooking with so much butter although it tasted good I know it wasnt helping us any. So after my mom told me about the 17 DD and how strict it was I decided thats what I needed to keep myself going. Strict rules to tell me what I can and cannot eat. It was just icing on the cake that my husband aggreed to doing it too. However he is miserable and says he is starving lol. Please add me to your friend list I need the constant motivation of seeing others doing well on the diet
  • theskinnyonme
    theskinnyonme Posts: 443 Member
    Hello eveyone,
    My name is Lee. I was given the 17 day diet book as a gift. I think its the best gift I got. I m already down 6 lbs. I love how I can cook one meal for myself and the kids.( with alittle tweaking for them ).:heart:
    Please feel free to add me. I can use all the friends and motivation
  • WendyFitMomCHANGED
    WendyFitMomCHANGED Posts: 311 Member
    Hi All, I'm Wendy and am on C1D2 of the 17DD. I did this diet last year and it worked for a while but I got lazy and stopped and have gained the weight back.

    Glad to see some 17DD support on here. Love MFP site too.
  • Alicious12
    Alicious12 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, my name is Aliya.

    I'm a 27 year old mother to a 13 month old baby boy. My weight was at an all time high of 215lbs when I started the 17DD on Monday January 23rd. (I'm only 5' I passed into the Obese BMI quite awhile ago).

    I'm now on Day 9 and down 8lbs so far!!! I haven't actually got into the exersize part of it yet...but I plan to! lol

    My Aunt told me about this book, and got it as a gift from my mom!! My mom and dad are both trying this diet at the same I have some added support.

    My ultimate goal is to loose 100lbs, and get back to 115lbs. I'll keep at it as long as it takes...but the sooner the better!

    I am tired of looking in the mirror...and thinking...that isn't really me is it??!? :-S
  • jeichacker
    jeichacker Posts: 8 Member
    My name is Julie, from MN. I am on Day 8, lost 2 pounds so far. I am not regular though, actually constipated today. I do eat the Liv Active Breakstone's cottage cheese daily and a greek yogurt daily. Anyone else have this issue? I am going to take an herbal laxative tonight, at that point.
  • vhjacobson
    vhjacobson Posts: 64 Member
    Have "good carbs" before 2pm. black beans work the best for me 3 days a week. And of course lots of water. Don't give up!
  • vmcshannon
    vmcshannon Posts: 15 Member
    Hi my name is Vi. I'm on cycle 3 round 3. I've lost 30 lbs so far. On this third round of cycle three I have only lost 4 lbs. I'm thinking of going back to cycle 1. My long term goal is to get to 174 so that I am no longer obese. I'm trying to do it 10 lbs at a time, one cycle a a time. Just found this team.
  • 17DayDietGal
    17DayDietGal Posts: 27 Member
    Hi there everyone!

    My name is Simmie and I've been on this since February of last year -- I've lost right around 93 lbs. I've gone down 6 dress sizes and reached my clothing size goal the day before I was on this one year (I highly recommend setting a clothing size goal in addition to a weight-related goal).

    I went on this diet with the thinking that it would "be yet another diet that doesn't work" and I sure was surprised! I am continually surprised at the rate of loss I experience.

    I've got a blog with recipes and helpful hints and tools that are useful (when Facebook got rid of Discussions on their site, I was encouraged to do this).