**Week 2 Goals....all members

Hello and welcome to Week 2 of the Ready for Summer Challenge....Use this topic for committing to your goals for this week...WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ACCOMPLISH THIS WEEK......???

My goals are: W/L--Lose 1.5 pounds
N/S--Weight training 2x
E/G--Continue with the C25k program
N/G--Control Carb calories (lower the amount)

Good luck with your own goals and remember...track your goals to be accountable !!!!


  • streammary
    streammary Posts: 37 Member
    Morning week 2 :)

    My personal challenge for this week is to lose at least 1.5 lbs this week. it's going to be tough. I need to work off the weekend BAD WEEKEND.

    Nut.: to eat better than the weekend :) but it was all good
  • scordrick
    scordrick Posts: 33
    Hello All!! We're already into week 2 and I have to say my week 1 was AMAZING!!

    My goals are: W/L--Lose 1-1.5 pounds
    N/S--Log onto MFP daily for motivation and food logging (weekends are my struggle)
    E/G--Walk 3+ miles 4 days a week & do 2 days of strength training
    N/G--Do 3 days of low carbs
  • TwtyMami35
    One week down and we're still motivated!

    My goals are: W/L--Lose 1.5 lbs
    N/S-- I am buying free weights this week. More strength training at home. Should see results.
    E/G--I plan on adding a few more walks into this week. I go hard at the gym, but need to prepare for some upcoming walks
    N/G--No desserts this entire week
  • lepfan1
    lepfan1 Posts: 3
    First week wasn't the greatest. Only lost half a pound but I have no one to blame but myself.

    My goals this week are to lose 1.5 pounds.
    Track every day
    Eat more fruits and vegetables
    Exercise 4 times this week.
  • Abelders
    Abelders Posts: 9 Member
    Weight-loss: 1.5 lb

    Non-Scale: cook healthy dinners for the whole family every night this week

    Exercise: Do my 30 day Shred at lest 5 days a week and walk 4 miles sat and sun

    Nutrition: 1200 calories/day
  • annacire
    annacire Posts: 9
    week 2 goals

    *weight loss 1.5 pounds
    *non-scale- not eat out this week (which will be hard bc its easter weekend!!!)
    *excercise- workout for 1 hr everyday.
    nutrition-1200 calories!
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    My 12 week program starts this week. Along with my new term.

    My goals are: Stick to my workout routine and lose 1-1.5lbs
    N/S-- Cook better meals
    E/G-- Complete a full week of my workout
    N/G-- Not go over calories on Easter.
  • Achievemygoals
    Achievemygoals Posts: 19 Member
    Congratulations everyone for your success this week (big or small).....Don't get discouraged if you didn't quite achieve all of your goals for the week..remember, doesn't matter if you take baby steps or big steps..You'll end up at the same destination regardless....!!!
  • change_happens
    Last week was pretty good. I do have this crazy addiction to popcorn. Fo anyone who is interested... Put 3 tbsp of unpopped kernels in a brown paper bag, the size of a lunch bag, fold the top down and place in the microwave. You get your microwave popcorn without the chemicals. Sometimes (I got this idea from Rachael Ray) drizzle with olive oil, toss and add your seasonings. I also like mine with hotsauce. :-)


    Weight-loss Goal: to lose 1 lb.
    Non-scale Goal: Take/record body measurements
    Fitness: start insanity and stick with it. Also include more body work.
    Nutrition: stick with healthy food choices and eliminating my crazy addiction for popcorn and sunflower seeds.

    Happy week, all!
  • scordrick
    scordrick Posts: 33
    Happy Easter weekend to everyone out there. I know we're all a bit nervous about what foods to eat on the table. I'll be mindful of portion sizes for sure. :smile: