Needed: Paleo Friends



  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    I've been eating paleo for 6 mths now with only a few cheats here and there. I log food sporadically (mostly for protein & ratio tracking purposes) but feel free to add me!
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member

    Try dark chocolate for a touch of sweet if need be...I have 72% dark chocolate from Trader Joes that is good...and 3 squares is perfect for me when I am craving some sweet eats that aren't in the form of fruits

    I've only been Primal/Paleo for about 4 weeks. So still much to learn and would also love some new friends. I'm constantly reading about it. I'm still not strict with it yet. I'd say I'm maybe 90% of my diet is there. Getting my family that way is alot harder and works only at dinner time. But I'm loving it and how I feel. I've lost an additional 6 pounds this months since going primal. This is the best I've felt in a very long time. I don't crave anything nearly as much. If I do I'll have some Greek yogurt mixed with peanut butter (love peanut butter) that I keep in the freezer and that does the trick. Ohh... once in a while I'll also allow myself 1 piece of dark chocolate.

    I have switched from peanut butter to Almond butter - although I want to try the Sunbutter mentioned in the article

    here is an article about peanuts... - it is written by someone who is fully invested in a Paleo lifestyle so take it with a grain of salt :)
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I've been Paleo since Summer 2011, but I recently added a bit of dairy back in, so I don't know what that makes me. I'm always happy to have any new Paleo/Primal friends. I try to keep up with logging my food most of the time, it's pretty easy since I generally eat the same things over and over again.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I am sending you a friend request.

    I have been following the primal plan for about three weeks, but it really wasn't much different than what I have been doing for quite a while... I was doing low carb, but eating lots of veggies and some fruit most days. I was already trying to incorporate as much organic/grass fed as the budget would allow, so this plan just adds a few things and removes a few - like my much loved peanut butter! That's ok... I will learn to love almond butter!

    I was allowed some sweets on the other plan, so the first week was an adjustment, but amazingly, I didn't die without my sugar! And I am not craving it anymore!

    I would be happy to accept a friend request from others too...

    Try dark chocolate for a touch of sweet if need be...I have 72% dark chocolate from Trader Joes that is good...and 3 squares is perfect for me when I am craving some sweet eats that aren't in the form of fruits

    May 1st will be my one year anniversary for going Primal (I follow Primal Blueprint). Sugar has been a constant battle and still is. It's an easier battle, though. I got the most pleasant shock when I removed grains from my body. I know I'm never going back to the way I was. Sometimes my brain fights me, though. And I have insulin resistance. Don't know if it's pathological or physiological. I do know some of it is genetic (mild reactive hypoglycemia).
    Feel free to add me (those who haven't yet). I don't log or critique food diaries, though. I see Paleo/Primal as a template to start with. Then as individuals we tweak it to make it personal.

    Try 85% Lindt Excellence chocolate bar. Four squares are 5g of sugar, 5g of protein and 6g of fiber (I can't do much fiber). No it isn't as sweet but the chocolate itself is just so good. Five ingredients. No soy lecithin. Demerara sugar which is an unrefined sugar. Sometimes it's breakfast for me since it goes so well with black coffee.

    Some great books to read (I don't always agree with the author on everything they believe but the general information is always good. Some of the books are older and still have a lot of conventional wisdom regarding fat and whole grains. I just ignore those parts).
    Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes
    Addiction: the Hidden Epidemic by Pam Killeen
    Primal Body, Primal Mind by Nora T. Gedgaudas
    Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food
    Sugar Nation: The Hidden Truth Behind America's Deadliest Habit and the Simple Way to Beat It by Jeff O'Connell
    Blood Sugar 101: What They Don't Tell You About Diabetes by Jenny Ruhl (also a website. This is a good read for anyone dealing with blood sugar/insulin problems or are already diabetic. The very advice the doctors give to diabetics will ensure deterioration).
    Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight by William Davis.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I've been Paleo since Summer 2011, but I recently added a bit of dairy back in, so I don't know what that makes me. I'm always happy to have any new Paleo/Primal friends. I try to keep up with logging my food most of the time, it's pretty easy since I generally eat the same things over and over again.

    That's Primal Blueprint!!
  • treatgirl
    treatgirl Posts: 36 Member
    I'm committed to this too, would love some paleo buddies. Started about a month ago and have done pretty well. If you friend me you'll see diary blank for past week, but that's cos I was on holiday with no internet access. May have had a few beers and other cheats (it's rude not to eat free tapas...) ;)

    Back on the horse this week though, did not feel anything like as good last week while on holiday as I have been....really interesting that was the case...
  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    Anyone feel free to friend me as well! I'm probably 80/20ish paleo...Need to step up my game though!!

  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    I've been Primal for about four months- and absolutely love it. Some days I am more Paleo then Primal (on the days I'm not feeling too lazy to clarify my butter), but I do like the occasional dairy and red wine- so Primal seems to suit me better. I will add you :)
  • mom2tek
    mom2tek Posts: 75 Member

    Try dark chocolate for a touch of sweet if need be...I have 72% dark chocolate from Trader Joes that is good...and 3 squares is perfect for me when I am craving some sweet eats that aren't in the form of fruits

    I've only been Primal/Paleo for about 4 weeks. So still much to learn and would also love some new friends. I'm constantly reading about it. I'm still not strict with it yet. I'd say I'm maybe 90% of my diet is there. Getting my family that way is alot harder and works only at dinner time. But I'm loving it and how I feel. I've lost an additional 6 pounds this months since going primal. This is the best I've felt in a very long time. I don't crave anything nearly as much. If I do I'll have some Greek yogurt mixed with peanut butter (love peanut butter) that I keep in the freezer and that does the trick. Ohh... once in a while I'll also allow myself 1 piece of dark chocolate.

    I have switched from peanut butter to Almond butter - although I want to try the Sunbutter mentioned in the article

    here is an article about peanuts... - it is written by someone who is fully invested in a Paleo lifestyle so take it with a grain of salt :)

    I can't find any Almond butter where I live. I live in a rural area and it is hard to find some things like almond butter and coconut flour. I'm not ready to order things online yet. Any other suggestions??
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    Does Primal count? If so, I've been blissfully Primal for almost 10 months, which accounts for just over 100 of my pounds lost. Feel free to add me.

  • FairuzyAmanuzy
    FairuzyAmanuzy Posts: 221 Member
    I'm primal and have been since December. I love it. I've lost 50 pounds since I started. This is a forever thing for me,
  • lys617
    lys617 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm primal also for over a year, feel free to add me! =)
  • ChunkyChickn
    ChunkyChickn Posts: 9 Member
    Hi folks,

    I started paleo last year in January and did well until October when I fell off the wagon. Back on a going strong since the beginning of this year.

    Unweighed and unmeasured paleo doesn't quite work for weightloss on me so I've been back to journalling and I'm seeing weightloss again. Phew! I've also started using a FitBit as well just to keep tabs on my activity. I guess I'm just a data junkie at heart.

    Would love some paleo/primal friends as my better half does eats the SAD diet. He's naturally thin and it's nearly impossible for him to gain weight. I can look at a cookie and gain 5 pounds. :-)

    Grok on,
  • alabelle1
    alabelle1 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi There
    I am so happy to find this group- I need some primal friends as well, It helps so much to have support!!
  • graygirl73
    graygirl73 Posts: 11 Member
    I have been Paleo (except I eat Dairy) for 11 months now and will never go back! Almost 50 lbs down and we have the whole family involved now. Love it!

    Any Paleo members feel free to add me!
  • blackbelt7
    blackbelt7 Posts: 11 Member
    Need friends too. Doing Paleo/Primal with Type 2 diabetes
    Thanks Teri
  • FullMetalWitch
    FullMetalWitch Posts: 11 Member
    I would love some Primal/Paleo friends here! I've been at it for about a year and it's changed my life. Currently I'm working on fine tuning it with intermittent fasting and experimenting with macro ratios.

    It would be awesome to have some food log accountability with people who know that a granola bar and a bran muffin do not equal a nutritionally perfect day. XD
  • violetness
    violetness Posts: 131 Member
    Ahhh I just found this group! I have been Primal for about 2 weeks now, and really like it. I would love to have more Primal/Paleo friends as well!