Introduce yourself

Hey everyone so in here you are going to write Your :
Have any own family:
Weight goal:
what made you sign up for fitnesspal:

:) x ________________________ write down here________________________


  • hi, im carol 24 ..and i want my 118pnd body bk!! i like to go out meet new people, and i barely work out, but that's about to change...
  • Hi I'm Sabrina, and I'm 18 years old, I've been dealing with being over weight throughout my high school experience, but before collage I want to drop those pounds. I'm 5'9" so my goal is to be around 125-135. I have started myfitnesspal about a month and a half ago, and have already lost 15lbs so now im at 155. People have always told me that I look alot like Blake Lively, so my inspiration is to get her body!!!!!!
  • welshpoppy
    welshpoppy Posts: 114 Member
    Hi I am Andrea and in my 40's my hobbies are gardening , crafting and keeping fit, I am married with a grown up son my goal weight is to get back to 9stone I am at the moment at 12 stone.
  • abusymum
    abusymum Posts: 4
    Hello there! I'm Sarah and I'm 38. My hobbies.... well I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old and I work full time so I'm not sure I have time for any! I love growing things in my garden (at the moment we are growing carrots, garlic, strawberries and raspberries) and I enjoy exercising, particularly pilates and using my elliptical trainer. I find it to be a great stress reliever!

    I'm 11stone 10lbs and I want to get back to 10stone 7lbs which I've not been since I was in my mid twenties!!

    I've previously used another site called Nutracheck but I have to say I find this one to be far better and it's free!

    I do not want to be overweight in the summer, I'd like to get to at least 11 stone by the time I go on holiday in May.

    Good luck everyone!

  • EgyptianMushroom
    EgyptianMushroom Posts: 341 Member
    Name: Sarah
    Age: 22
    Hobbies: Sun bathing, reading, hiking, movies, etc! I have a lot despite working full time/overtime hours and being a full time college student!
    Have any own family: Zombie hubby (literally)
    Weight goal: 200 (Currently 220.2 lbs)
    Inspiration: Fabulous wedding dress and hubby
    what made you sign up for fitnesspal: Back in the day, don't even remember but lately it's to keep track of my food.

    Thought I would pop in and say hi. I'm doing Ripped in 30 right now; I'll be done in about 3 more days. After that, it's on to more JM DVD's!

    I work out 6 days a week, one rest day, but I'm also pretty active outside of my workouts. Haven't lost much weight really but I'm down a good 8 inches since I last measured a week ago. :bigsmile: AND friends and coworkers have noticed I'm shrinking :laugh:
  • Diem30
    Diem30 Posts: 92
    Hey I'm Diem, 20 years old. I've been a member of MFP for over a year but I've rollar costered in sticking with it. I did really well for a while but then started school and took on a second job and stopped exercising because I couldn't find the time. I'm hoping for no more excuses this summer now that school is done and I'll be going on vacation in a few months and I'm hoping to try adn lose about 30 pounds in the next 3 and a half months before I leave so I'm looking for the support and accountability this group can give to help me reach my goal.

    Good Luck to everyone and here's hoping we can keep each other motivated!
  • awillcox
    awillcox Posts: 5
    Hey everyone! I'm Amanda, I'm 23 years old and I enjoy doing almost anything that will keep me busy. I enjoy being on the water in the summer time and playing in the snow in the winter. I have a wonderful niece and nephew that I adore and want to be able to run around with. My weight loss goal is to be around 150 lbs, I am currently at 199 lbs. My inspiration is that I've done a lot harder things. About a year ago I quit smoking for GOOD! Which I am totally happy with, but comes with a downside, weight gain. This is just the last step to making my life the healthy life I would like to live. I needed something that was easy for me to sign in to and enter my food/exercise throughout the day so I love the app MFP has for my phone!

    I'm hoping to keep my motivation up and reach my goal by my brother's wedding in June!
  • Hey Yall!
    My name is Kristen. I love running and being active; I just had a miscarriage/D&C so i haven't been able to do any exercising for about 1 and half weeks, so i am ready to get started again! I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks, so I did gain some baby weight and want to lose it ASAP. My wieght loss goal is to be 120 lbs, I am 152 lbs. now. I just want to feel good about myself and start a whole new beginning since our loss. I am hopinh to lose this weight by June.
  • Ianhazemom
    Ianhazemom Posts: 47 Member
    Name: Kelly
    Have any own family: Hubby and 2 boys 4 and 10
    Weight goal:190
    Inspiration:To feel better and be able to run longer
    what made you sign up for fitnesspal: Some support from people fighting the same fight.

    I look forward to being part of this group. Please friend me if you want some support.
  • cealejandro
    cealejandro Posts: 39 Member
    Name: Christine
    Age: 53
    Hobbies: Being outdoors, hiking, gardening, whatever
    Family: husband and son who is 33
    Weight goal: To lose that pesky 10 pounds once and for all
    Inspiration: To be healthy and in the best shape of my life.
    Why join fitness pal:;;Success is in the details!
  • WW74
    WW74 Posts: 3 Member
    NAME: Ann
    AGE: 37
    HOBBIES: Being outside, going to the lake, swimming, cooking, listening to live music.
    FAMILY: 6yo Son
    GOAL: Lose 50 pounds
    INSPIRATION: Wanted to acheive overall healthier lifestyle, look good and feel better about myself and most importantly, I wanted to set a good example for my Son.
    Why join Fitness Pal: Last attempt at weight loss and wanted to do it the right way.

    My goal is to lose 50 pounds and I don't really have a goal date, I am just working as hard as I can and making smarter food choices and it seems to be working so far, I have lost 16 pounds.
    I feel that my coworkers and family probably get tired of me talking nonstop about calorie counting etc, so I am hoping to find the support that I need here.
  • oharah
    oharah Posts: 1
    Name: Heather
    Age: 32
    Hobbies: Decorating, photography, kiddos
    Family: Married for 5 yrs this month, 3kiddos: Audrey 3.5 Hudson 2 and Emily 6mo
    Weight goal: 130
    Inspiration: Audrey--kids are brutally honest and she always ask why I am not skinny like the rest of them:( LOVE HER! Also she tells me all the time "you can do it mommy, i promise you will be skinny soon!", We are done having kids so Im done being fat! and my bro-in-law is getting married next summer
    what made you sign up for fitnesspal: A (skinny) friend from work:) So far I love it!
  • Roxie861
    Roxie861 Posts: 85 Member
    Hey everyone so in here you are going to write Your :
    Name: Roxie
    Age: 25
    Hobbies: reading, swimming (now) , socialising and travelling
    Have any own family: no
    Weight goal: 150
    Inspiration: Just want to be healthier really and feel better about myself
    what made you sign up for fitnesspal: My brother is getting married in August 2012 and i'm a bridesmaid. My dress has already been bought 2 sizes too THATS an incentive :)
  • Hiya, I'm gemma, I'm 29 yrs old. I'm 5'2 and currently weigh 11.04 which I'm not happy about. I'm going on a family holiday to Florida in September so I'm desperately trying to lose enough weight, so I feel comfortable running around the waterparks in a bikini. I would like to be around 9 stone.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Name: Rochelle
    Age: 22
    Hobbies: cooking, exercising, rollerblading, hanging with the BF
    Have any own family: nope, just the most amazing BF
    Weight goal: 120lbs
    Inspiration: Sneaky beer got stuck on my mid section. I survived my first 2 years of college with no weight gain but out in the real world its been tough keeping it off.
    What made you sign up for fitnesspal: The extra 20 lbs I realized I was carrying around. Failure with similar sites because it was so hard to log food and their goals were the same for every person.
  • brandillyn
    brandillyn Posts: 105 Member
    Hey everyone! My names BrandiLynn
    I am 19 years of age.
    I blog, tattoo, craft, and used to rock climb. ( I moved away from the rocks..)
    I am a Marine Wife.
    My goal weight is 125-130
    My current weight is 180
    Inspiration: Summer! Going back home in July and I need to prove my family I can lose weight so they can shut their traps.
    What made you sign up for fitnesspal: Oh,it's just the best site ever, I guess.
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 577 Member
    Hi y'all!!
    I'm Monica....I'm a 40 of 2 (one girl/one boy)....I live in Texas
    My hobbies include traveling, reading, cooking, love the outdoors, the beach....really ALL kinds of things...I love doing new things and meeting new people!!
    My current weight is 145 lbs, goal weight is 132....with an Ultimate goal of 125-ish.
    Some of my inspirations are being healthier, get into a heathier eating habit, adopting a more active lifestyle, Summer is coming and I want to look good in a bathing suit and not feel self-concious....but my biggest inspiration is my family... we are very close and I want to be around for them for a LONG time!!
    The reason I joined MFP is because it is simply the BEST fitness site there is!!
    Anyone is welcome to add me as a friend...I love sharing motivation and encouragement!! =]
  • walber
    walber Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All
    I'm Wanda, a 44 year mother of 3 boys. I live in ND.
    I enjoy reading, scrapbooking and time at the lake. And of course, traveling.
    I would like to lose 50 lbs. ideally 75lbs.
    Reason I joined was to get motivated, stay motivated and to get healthy and a positve self esteem
    Biggest reason: I wanna get ME back.
    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • LadySuze
    LadySuze Posts: 53 Member
    Name: Suzanne
    Age: 21
    Hobbies: music! I play the flute and the piano
    Weight goal: 150 (68kg) I'm 181 (82kg) now...
    Inspiration: I'm going to a music festival this summer with some friends and I want to look amazing! Also, my BMI is 26 which is overweight, and I really want to have a healthy weight again. I also want to start moving more and work on my muscles...
    what made you sign up for fitnesspal: I thought some help along the way (motivation) would really help me :D

    One last thing! English isn't my first language i's actually my third), so I'm really sorry about any mistakes I'm making :D

    I can't wait to get to know you all!
  • Hello :)
    Im Erika
    20 years old
    Love to bike, hike, blog, and spend time with the fam
    I just recently got married to my bf since jr high ;)
    My inspiration is my health and my husband. I already have horrible cholesterol at 20, and heart disease runs in my family. Im also tired of looking like the fat girl next to my fit husband :P
    & I signed up for fitness pal back when I got the app for my phone a year or two ago, but I am officially ready to get my summer bod
    I am 5'4 at 160 lbs, and my ultimate goal is 115 lbs