


  • bschoo01
    bschoo01 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi everybody! My name is Brittany. I live in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area. I'm 25 years old and like most of you I have been big my whole life. However throughout high school I was much more active and about 60 lbs lighter. But still always over weight. After I graduated I got into a serious relationship and moved down to FL. Cooking yummy unhealthy southern meals everyday eventually landed me up to 244 lbs within just a few years! I moved back to Michigan a few years ago after a nasty split up with my ex and over those past few years I managed to lose about 15-20 lbs and keep it off.

    I am just so sick of being a chunky butt! lol I love to go out and dance and have fun, but I feel so insecure about my weight and it slows me down. I'm ready to move on with my life and meet a new man. I miss the confidence I used to have when I was younger and lighter. Plus the older I get, I know it will be harder to lose the weight. I want to start being healthy so I can live a very long fun filled life!

    About 2 weeks ago I started using this website again everyday (this is like my 3rd time and just can't ever stick to it). I'm doing good so far and have logged every single little thing I've eaten! I started at 228 lbs and have already lost 15 lbs! I'm super excited. So far this weight loss is from dieting only. I figure I don't want to add exercising in until I've got a handle on my dieting first. When things get too hard I tend to give up and I don't want this to happen! I figure once healthy eating is like second nature to me then I can slowly start adding in more exercise to increase my results. My goal is to weigh 150 eventually. That's not exactly 100 lb loss but according to "them" at my height I'm only supposed to be around 115 lbs and that would be over a 100 lb loss. I don't want to be that skinny though! I like having curves and being a woman and weighing in at 150 lbs would absolutely thrill me!

    I hope we can all motivate each other and keep each other on track! I wish you all the best of luck :)
  • Hi everyone! My name is Robin ( aka Frootloop73) and I have just started on my weight loss journey. I want to really make it work this time and am tired of the loss and gain yo-yo I have been on for most of my 20's and 30's. Now that I am nearing the end of the 3rd decade of my life, newly married and planning on starting a family, weight loss and healthy living has become all the more important . I have tried different diet "fads" and "plans" in the past and have had little to no success with them due to the fact that I just gave up on it, got lazy, and cheated more than I would have liked.
    This time around, I have set what I consider realistic goals for myself. A max of 2 lbs of loss per week, and changing the way I eat to a much healthier and properly portioned diet. I am also including exercise and some strength training. I am not hoping to drop down to a size zero, that would be unrealistic, lol. But would like to loose about 100 lbs.
    I know I will be needing support and motivation, and as sweet as hubby is, he is never going to tell me to get my butt in gear and keep going ( the sweetie thinks I am perfect the way I am, but supports me in wanting to be healthier), so I am hoping that with this site, the app, and this forum that I will be able to not only reach my longterm goal, but also find friends and support along the way.
    : )

  • Hey my name is christie im 23 from worcestershire, uk. I have been struggling with my weight since i was 12 and now i have been at my biggest a size 20/22 for practically the last 6 years stuck and nothing seemed to work for me, i joined mfp with determination that this time i will succeed no matter what. I currently weigh around 260 (not weighed since jan) hoping to lose a minimum of 100 to set me on the path to being healthy.

    I recently got engaged in november which has been a huge incentive for me to lose weight as i cant bare to look at photos of myself and dont wish to feel the same about my wedding photos. I feel very insecure and have a major lack of self confidence after being bullied most of my life over my weight and i hope to gain it back over time and not feel so ashamed that i let it get this bad.

    I have already cut out chocolate and sugary drinks for a month before i found mfp and this seems to have had a good effect on me so far, i have now started logging all my calorie intake and excercise (which i never used to do at all!) Im hoping that i can get support from mfp as i know i lack will power and encouragement.
  • bschoo01
    bschoo01 Posts: 175 Member
    Good luck Robin and Christie! :happy:
  • FHerndon01
    FHerndon01 Posts: 75 Member
    Welcome everyone!

    Good luck :)
  • Thanks :) good luck to you too!
  • JVonni
    JVonni Posts: 34 Member
    This group is growing fast! Hi and Good luck everyone!
  • Hello everyone My name is Katrina and I'm 40 years old! I started MFP last April and I did great, by June I had lost 32lbs! I had something personal happen in June and got off track and not only gain all my weight back but an additional 10lbs. I'm at my heaviest which is 281lbs. I did something awful and blamed my boyfriend for getting off track(it wasnt his fault) So now he has a goal for me which is a 220lb goal.... I will get my engagement ring! Our wedding date is March 9th 2013 but I only have my promise ring! I want to be healthy and look incredible on my wedding day!
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member

    I have been overweight pretty much all my life. During my first marriage however is when I gained about 10 pounds per year for 10 years. I am now married again and have balance to my life in general so I have time and energy and drive to focus on eating healthy, exercising and loosing weight. I've been on MFP for a long time now and when I was really falling off the wagon I used it to get me back to maintaining. Now I'm in it for the loss, and long haul. This is the first time I used anything but the mobile app though. I'm finding the blogs, message boards and groups very inspiring.

    I like having extra support, and I like to help with support also, so feel free to add me as a friend.
  • steph2606
    steph2606 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi to everyone!!


  • bajomo
    bajomo Posts: 2
    Hello everyone,

    My name's Daniela. I'm a mother of two beautiful girls living in London, but I come from Slovakia. Just as some of you I also always struggled with my weight thanks to my mothers cooking, but usually managed to keep it around 70 kg (something around 155 lb I guess - I'm a metric person:) and it still made me the fattest person between my friends), but since I got pregnant first time, my weight and pretty much my eating habits got out of my control. It's not only because I want to look slim and wear nice clothes, but I also started having qite a back pain and wanna feel more energetic again, doing more stuff with my kids. Don't need to lose weight superfast (I'm really scared of saggy skin), but steady lifestyle change would be nice for me so I wanna give myself 1-2 years for that:)
  • lauriemeridith83
    lauriemeridith83 Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome everyone!!! So glad you all found us!
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Hey. I'm Sound.

    I've always been the husky girl. Ever since I was well. Hell, can't think of a time where I wasn't! And I'm tired of it. I'm tired of going to stores, getting looked at- or not looked at- and not being able to buy the clothes I want. To be as cute and smokin' hot as I emotionally and mentally feel I am. I'm tired of trying to jog or run and being out of breath as soon as I start. I'm tired of my knees complaining at me.

    So I've decided that enough is enough, and I'm going to do this the right way. I have at least over 100 pounds to go to reach my ulitmate goal, however I am thankful to say that my first mini-goal is only 60 pounds away (my height weight 'average' tells me I need to be between 180-120- my idea is to gun for the 180 and see how I 'look and feel', then go from there!)

    I'm not 'deiting', I'm not working out to work out. I'm -life changing-. I am actively making choices that will be maintained for the rest of my life, so that I can live as healthy as possible.
  • lauriemeridith83
    lauriemeridith83 Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome Sound! Keep at it! Your reasons for doing this are awesome!
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am Kathy and I am 39, I am similar to most of you in that I have been big all my life. I live in Essex in England and am a single mum. I have always been an emotional eater and after a break up with my husband I got to my heaviest ever - I managed to lose about 28lbs but have had a stressful time recently and put 12 lbs of those back on - I am finally feeling back on track and am starting to lose again.

    I have a son who has Tourettes and ADHD which causes most of my stress but am finding ways around the emotional eating side of my character.

    I really don't want to be fat and 40 so am going to do my best to lose most of my 100+lbs before February next year - although I am not looking at this as a diet anymore it is a change to my entire way of life - if I can be healthy 80% of the time, I will achieve my goal.

    Look forward to taking this journey with you all - the highs and lows that I am sure we will all have to deal with.

  • missartthang
    missartthang Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Judy! I just joined the other day and really enjoy the positivity in this group-what kinds of things do you like to do for exercise?
  • missartthang
    missartthang Posts: 10 Member
    Hey. I'm Sound.

    I've always been the husky girl. Ever since I was well. Hell, can't think of a time where I wasn't! And I'm tired of it. I'm tired of going to stores, getting looked at- or not looked at- and not being able to buy the clothes I want. To be as cute and smokin' hot as I emotionally and mentally feel I am. I'm tired of trying to jog or run and being out of breath as soon as I start. I'm tired of my knees complaining at me.

    So I've decided that enough is enough, and I'm going to do this the right way. I have at least over 100 pounds to go to reach my ulitmate goal, however I am thankful to say that my first mini-goal is only 60 pounds away (my height weight 'average' tells me I need to be between 180-120- my idea is to gun for the 180 and see how I 'look and feel', then go from there!)

    I'm not 'deiting', I'm not working out to work out. I'm -life changing-. I am actively making choices that will be maintained for the rest of my life, so that I can live as healthy as possible.

    Hey Sound! I'm in the same boat as you--life change is the key. have a good day, Leah
  • Hi, I'm Patti, I'd like to join this group since my weight loss goal is 120 lbs. I have spent the last 12 months preparing for bariatric surgery (tomorrow is my last weigh-in at the primary care doctor). I have the usual symptoms/side effects of morbid obesity: diabetes, sleep apnea, irregular menstrual cycle, incontinence, depression, debilitating pain in my lower back, etc. I feel much older than the 52 years I celebrated on my last birthday. I had quite lost all hope about two years ago, but then I read Dr. Oz's YOU ON A DIET book, the chapter on surgical weight loss. The words on the page seemed to be speaking directly to me. It gave me hope! I went to a seminar for a local weight loss center and discovered I had to wait one year for the insurance company. I let it slide. Two months later, I had a mild heart attack. Oh boy! Talk about a bell going off! So now I am a few weeks away from surgery. I have managed to lose 10 lbs. in 12 months which my doctors think is great, considering most women my age are gaining weight. I am very much looking forward to the surgery BUT... I am afraid of failure. After so many diets resulting in weight gain following a minor weight loss, I really was ready to give up. I hope I can find friends in this group who will encourage me, because otherwise I don't have much of a support system in my current situation. Thanks for reading my long-winded Intro.
  • tinaw815
    tinaw815 Posts: 5
    Hi, I'm Tina. My goal is 100lbs. I started this journey on March 23, 2012. My story is like so many others. So many diets and supplements with some being successful but only for a limited time and then the weight is back along with added baggage! How did I get to this point and what can I do about it? I reached my lowest when I treid to buckle my car seat and couldnt reach the other side without difficulty and my husband just starred at me and shook his head. I'm tired of people only telling me my smile is beautiful. Hello? Thank you but there is a body connected to it! lol
    I have cut my calories and just started exercising. I have lost 11lbs. My inspiration moto is "This time I will Succeed":smile:
  • pammypoohbear
    pammypoohbear Posts: 6 Member
    Hello fellow losers! :laugh: My name is Pamela and I am a 36 year old SAHM to 5 kiddos, married for almost 10 years to a wonderful hardworking Special Ed Teacher. I have been overweight pretty much my whole life and like many others, have lost and gained over and over again. For all of my adult life, I have sat (not so much) comfortably at 280 lbs. Every time I join weight watchers and start working out at the gym (which I have done multiple times in the past 10 years), I lose 20-40 lbs and then get pregnant a month or two into my journey. I was 290 when I got married in 2002 and when I stepped on the scale almost a week ago, I was at 300 even.The last time I saw 300, I was pregnant with my 3rd! So I freaked out a bit and here I am. I went in for a physical, and for being morbidly obese, I am a healthy overweight. is that possible? BP excellent, EKG fine, no aches and pains, keeping up with my 5 kiddos wonderfully. And with hubby snipped and no more kidlets in the future (just know that what they say about overweight women having a hard time conceiving is NOT true for ALL women....2 of our kiddos are results of birth control failure, obviously in our favor!!! LOL), it is time to take care of *me*! I have 135 lbs.+ pounds to lose and really need help staying motivated. My weight has never held me back before, so I can only imagine how much fun and how much healthier I can be in the life ahead of me.

    I am counting calories/fat, *trying* to get my boo-tay to the gym, and being more aware of every little bite of food I take. Portion control is my biggest issue, as I rarely feel full no matter what I eat. Our 10 year wedding anniversary is in October and we are going to Hawaii....I would LOVE to be able to wear a bathing suit without feeling so gross. I know I won't lose all I want to by then, but I know that I will look better regardless.

    Nice "meeting" everyone! Thanks for letting me share!!!