November due dates



  • Im kathy. my EDD is nov. 22nd.!! I had a loss last month so hoping for a sticky bean this time!! I have 2 kids ages 3 and 1 and hoping this time to keep up with my fitness unlike with my other two
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Im kathy. my EDD is nov. 22nd.!! I had a loss last month so hoping for a sticky bean this time!! I have 2 kids ages 3 and 1 and hoping this time to keep up with my fitness unlike with my other two

    Welcome to the group. I think most of us have been talking in the first trimester discussion :)
  • mandalu292
    mandalu292 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm Amanda. :smile: My husband and I are pregnant with our first. We miscarried last November, but so far so good on this one! We are 7 weeks tomorrow. 6 more days until my next dr. appt. (he is seeing us every 2 weeks b/c of losing the last pregnancy) and he said to bring along my husband b/c we may hear/see a heartbeat... I cannot wait for that moment! Congrats to all of you, feel free to add me as a friend for support!
  • mandalu292
    mandalu292 Posts: 68 Member
    Oh yeah, and my due date is November 21st. I swear pregnancy brain is making me forget things already!
  • carlykay0430
    carlykay0430 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm Carly and I am due with my 4th and final (!) baby November 23rd. I started working out again in January when my baby girl was 9 mos old and I feel great. I am finding it hard to get in my daily calorie requirements though. Is anyone else having that problem? I am almost 7 wks now (I guess), and I have been feeling pretty good. No real nausea, but I am exhausted! I sleep like crap and I yawn throughout the day. Anyway, enough complaining! I am looking forward to staying on track with my fitness throughout this pregnancy so that I can get back to normal as soon as possible. Feel free to add me as support :-)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi, I'm Carly and I am due with my 4th and final (!) baby November 23rd. I started working out again in January when my baby girl was 9 mos old and I feel great. I am finding it hard to get in my daily calorie requirements though. Is anyone else having that problem? I am almost 7 wks now (I guess), and I have been feeling pretty good. No real nausea, but I am exhausted! I sleep like crap and I yawn throughout the day. Anyway, enough complaining! I am looking forward to staying on track with my fitness throughout this pregnancy so that I can get back to normal as soon as possible. Feel free to add me as support :-)

    Welcome! I am due November 17th and am 7 weeks. I have no problem getting my calorie requirements, as I am always super hungry. I have only had minor nausea, but am more tired. I really find exercising helps with both. As hard as it is to do some days, it really does make me feel better.
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi there!! I'm due November 4th but hoping I don't make it to november! My 2 y/o's bday is Oct 22 so I hope to deliver the last week in october! From about 6-8 weeks were absolutely awful for me! I'm just now getting to where I can function out of the bed or off the couch and do things with my toddler. The nausea was so bad those two weeks I ate EVERYTHING because munching temporarily made me feel better. Now that I'm feeling better and have begun to pick back up on the exercise. I can definitely feel a difference. I'm so glad to have found this group, Congrats to all and feel free to add me!
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi Amanda, Carly, and Kitty1009. Congratulations to you all. Kitty, you and I are due close together- I am due Nov 1. :)
    I feel like I have been so out of commission the last 2 weeks with unrelenting fatigue. I took all of last week off from the gym, running, wwalking, Everything. This week I am feeling a little better so I am hoping the fatigue of the 1st trimester is lifting. I want to go back to my exercise routine but it seems like it takes days for me to recover. So we'll see. Hope everyone is hanging in there!
  • tinyjourney
    tinyjourney Posts: 198 Member
    Hello everyone!! I had my first ultrasound yesterday to confirm our first baby. I'm about 8w5d with an estimate of November 15-16 for a due date. Being our first and not knowing for sure when we conceived, the u/s was a huge relief! So far I'm experiencing your normal 1st trimester symptoms, nausea, exhaustion, etc. I picked up a prescription for Zofran yesterday which has really helped out. I'm hoping with the end of the 1st trimester that I'll feel more up to working out again. That was the first thing to go with the exhaustion.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hello everyone!! I had my first ultrasound yesterday to confirm our first baby. I'm about 8w5d with an estimate of November 15-16 for a due date. Being our first and not knowing for sure when we conceived, the u/s was a huge relief! So far I'm experiencing your normal 1st trimester symptoms, nausea, exhaustion, etc. I picked up a prescription for Zofran yesterday which has really helped out. I'm hoping with the end of the 1st trimester that I'll feel more up to working out again. That was the first thing to go with the exhaustion.

    Congrats! :) This is our first child too and due on November 16th!
  • divasoofly
    divasoofly Posts: 50 Member
    Hey guys!!! I am right here with you deep in the throws of nausea and exhaustion, lol. I am 8 weeks and 3 days. Right now my edd is 11/17 but my first doc appt is Friday. We already have a busy 2 year old that will be 3 in Aug. We also miscarried in Dec so we feel blessed to get another opportunity. Add me if you like :flowerforyou:
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Hey all! I'm due Nov. 27 with my 3rd. I have 7 and 5 year old boys. So it's been a while. I didn't have any nausea with the others, but now am having intermittant bouts. Also, the exhaustion! Oh my glob!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    This will be my first and am due Nov 23.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    This will be my first and am due Nov 23.

    Welcome, I think the majority of us are talking in the first trimester thread :)
  • Hello! I'm preggers with my first, and I'm a little worried that I'm not as symptomatic as everyone else seems to be. I'm just bloated and gassy and can sleep now for 10 hours. I know I should be thankful, but it makes me think there's something wrong with the baby. I'm due Nov. 23.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Hello! I'm preggers with my first, and I'm a little worried that I'm not as symptomatic as everyone else seems to be. I'm just bloated and gassy and can sleep now for 10 hours. I know I should be thankful, but it makes me think there's something wrong with the baby. I'm due Nov. 23.
    I had no symptoms except tiredness with my first two kids. It isn't unusual. When is your next appt?
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hello! I'm preggers with my first, and I'm a little worried that I'm not as symptomatic as everyone else seems to be. I'm just bloated and gassy and can sleep now for 10 hours. I know I should be thankful, but it makes me think there's something wrong with the baby. I'm due Nov. 23.

    I haven't had a lot of symptoms either, just more tired which has gotten better. I also have to eat regulary but not too much nausea or anything. I understand how you feel, I'm hoping I will get to know if all is ok next week. I have known several people to have symptom free pregnancies and have healthy babies, some people just get lucky! Try not to worry too much.
  • Hello! I'm preggers with my first, and I'm a little worried that I'm not as symptomatic as everyone else seems to be. I'm just bloated and gassy and can sleep now for 10 hours. I know I should be thankful, but it makes me think there's something wrong with the baby. I'm due Nov. 23.
    I had no symptoms except tiredness with my first two kids. It isn't unusual. When is your next appt?

    Thanks for replying. My pals who've had kids think I'm much ado about nothing. Next week is my next appointment but it's just paperwork and scheduling classes. I have no idea when the next ultrasound is.
  • Hello! I'm preggers with my first, and I'm a little worried that I'm not as symptomatic as everyone else seems to be. I'm just bloated and gassy and can sleep now for 10 hours. I know I should be thankful, but it makes me think there's something wrong with the baby. I'm due Nov. 23.

    I haven't had a lot of symptoms either, just more tired which has gotten better. I also have to eat regulary but not too much nausea or anything. I understand how you feel, I'm hoping I will get to know if all is ok next week. I have known several people to have symptom free pregnancies and have healthy babies, some people just get lucky! Try not to worry too much.

    Thanks! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. Whew :)
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Hey gals! So I haven't put in my due date yet because I wasen't sure what it was lol! I went for an ultrasound on sunday and it's confirmed, at November 30th :)